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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Dolphinboy - I have had the rather crazy demanded regens appear to a point it was going up by the 100's every few seconds or so, perhaps we both have a similar issue. I don't get any error codes currently but when somewhat annoyed I did boot the accelerator to get the revs right up and got a restricted performance error, when checked it related to the DPF which I have read on here is a false error and that the fault is with the top intercooler to throttle body hose. I know that these can leak and suspect that my seal may be past it's best but not being able to buy the seal separately you need to buy the whole pipe. I've got a quote from Duckworths at 131.68.

GGDR - Always keep the car well above the 1/4 of a tank now just for peace of mind, I have looked at the DPF dongle but not committed to it just yet as it's another 180.00 for yet another tool which in reality I shouldn't need, however, it's on my list of items that might have to become a glove box accessory. 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #570019 16th Oct 2020 2:40pm
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Dennij - we definitely have the same prob. I never had any fault codes either - not even LR could find one. This is the first time a fault code has appeared.

greg, I hear what you are saying but the car does regen of its own accord but then stops mid-way and carries on attempting and doesn't complete. It has to be a sensor or electrical fault not allowing it to regen as normal. I would rather get it fixed than have to keep regenning manually with your kit. in extremis I may have to go down that route eventually bit would rather find the cause. doing a "new" DPF reset is also an option.

Let's see what my indie says as he is very knowledgable on this topic having dealt with DPF probs on other LR vehicles. Car in on Monday 26 Oct.

Post #570028 16th Oct 2020 3:26pm
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Keep us posted dolphinboy it’ll be interesting if your Indy can find the problem. Never easy when there are no fault codes to work off.
Ironically it was the passenger side inlet manifold that had to be replaced on mine too so perhaps that’s another weak link that may pop up for others, although I hope not for their sake. 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #570046 16th Oct 2020 4:38pm
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Popped out for a drive today to try and get some information about what my car is at least trying to do. I plugged the IID Tool in and decided I would try and record some data to share here. I left home at 12.9g of soot and after a good motorway run was at 17.4g of soot, I was hoping that at this level it would try and do a regen but nothing was happening (apart from the soot level slowly going up). I eventually turned round and finally the exhaust temps began to rise, indicating a regen had been requested, great, I can now watch in amazement as the soot level drops. Except it didn't, in fact it continued to rise albeit slowly despite the temps being at super high values, some 620c at some points. When I was able I pressed the record option and have collated what I found. This is just a small snapshot of a very long journey as it's hard to do everything on your own with phones balanced etc. Anyway, from what I can tell, the soot level appears to have been decreasing but in very small amounts. At the start of this recording it shows at 19.459g and ends one and half minutes later at 19.449g a decrease of just 0.01 grams of soot. Nowhere near what I would expect, my journey home was via an A road which was nice and quiet so I sat at 50MPH and the car carried on trying to regen, although the final soot figure when at home showed 18.4g of soot. At this rate I would need to be doing a Lands End to John O'Groats trip just to get a nice low soot level Rolling with laughter

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 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #570223 18th Oct 2020 3:14pm
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so some kinda progress. but at least you have now seen it is regenerating (or trying to) Thumbs Up

So why isn't your soot lowering?

You'll notice on my DPF setting I monitor the pressure differential.

Normal is 0.7-0.8 When it's regenerating, or filling with soot it'll read 1.0 or higher.

So with yours at 18-odd grams you should expect 0.7-0.8v at idle / cold engine.

If it's higher then It could be ash which can build up (soot burns off but ash doesn't).

If so, you might want to think about having your DPF removed and cleaned.

There are all sorts of cleaning methods but only go for the one where they remove the DPF, usually with a pretty big section of pipe and put the whole piece in the machine.

Often called a 'flash' machine or similar. Cheers, Greg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Last edited by GGDR on 18th Oct 2020 6:07pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #570225 18th Oct 2020 3:50pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Cheers Greg I was thinking of getting the DPF professionally cleaned just to get some peace of mind that I can rule that out. What you say about ash could well be an issue at it will no doubt block up and create a constant pressure that triggers the regeneration to take place. I got the idea of getting the live data from an earlier post of yours and was surprised once I analysed it that the regen request was actually doing something. Intercooler pipe to throttle body on the way so will fit that and get DPF cleaned and see what happens after that. As ever I will update here as it may help should anyone else have similar issues 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #570237 18th Oct 2020 5:24pm
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update - DPf over regen


Well we may have found the problem.

The Thermostat housing was damaged (possibly when another dealer fitted a new inlet manifold in Feb) and reading high which meant that the engine was running cold and therefore not able to sustain the high temps to keep a regen going. The thermostat was giving a false reading of 105 degrees (should be 98 ) and keeping open and initiating the Fans (I had noticed the fans came on very quickly and often but was told by another LR indie "oh they all do that" Evil or Very Mad). The engine Temp sensor was also kaput and reading higher than the real temp. This meant the the ECU was trying to initiate regens and not able to due to low temps.

These sensors have been changed along with the oil cooler (was leaking into coolant) and it now appears to be working ok. The LR indie initially went for a drive for over an hour and a half to get the temps high enough (high revs and big load going uphill) and got it to regen correctly, monitoring the temps on a laptop as he drove. that's how he identified the poss cause.

Hopefully that is it now but have only had 2 regens so far and now reading 15g of soot so I'll keep an eye on it and measure the readings along the way.

Post #571878 4th Nov 2020 7:21pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Thanks for the update, it's greatly appreciated. I take it that the temperature gauge on the dash read normal despite the faulty sensor? At least I should be able to check the reading as a value with the GAP tool so that would give me the option of finding out if my sensor is also faulty. I had planned to get my DPF professionally cleaned but lockdown has put an end to that for the time being. If anyone knows of a company that has a DPF cleaning machine in Cumbria could they let me know. Nearest I can find is Morecombe and I have to take the DPF off myself. Ideally I'd prefer to just drop the car off and have them remove, clean and re-fit. 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #571900 5th Nov 2020 7:33am
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yup the temp gauge was bang in the middle. no faults came up or any other sign.
BTW to see if your DPF is really full or not get a pressure check. Mine was showing full but only had 2PSI (should be 15 or more when full apparently) so wasnt full despite the readings.

Post #571906 5th Nov 2020 9:33am
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

It’s been a while since I have been able to get the car out and check to see how my never ending DPF issue was evolving. I recently replaced the intercooler to throttle body pipe as there was clearly some leakage due to the green seal being worn. This seems to have solved the issue of the car asking for continuous regenerations to be requested every time I go out for a drive. Now I see one or perhaps two requests during a drive of approximately 2 hours on both motorway and A roads. However the regeneration never completes and I see a drop of anything from 1 to 3 grams of soot which keeps me around the 18 - 21 grams. Studying the WM on the DPF fault finding guide it seems that sensor wise everything is where it should be from a voltage point of view but one thing has flagged up. It states that once up to regeneration temperature (around 600c) it should stay this hot for up to 20 minutes to complete the regeneration. I’m lucky if I can keep this temperature going for more than 5 minutes, I regularly see the temperature drop back down to 500 or less than back up to 600+ and this cycle continues for most of the journey. I still have no error codes showing and my oil dilution is now normal in that after 8 attempted regenerations and approx 500 miles it shows a dilution below 2 ( before it was diluting so fast it would have needed an oil change every 200 miles). So it’s safe to say progress has been made and now I need to fathom out how to get the regeneration temperature to stay at 600+ for longer. Currently I’m at 21.7g which is up from the 18.9g I had at the start of my previous journey, I can see that the amber warning light will be on soon at this rate which is a real pain as currently all I’m doing is filling the car with fuel just to drive round to get a regeneration completed. 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #577388 27th Dec 2020 4:31pm
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Santorini Black

I'm sorry you are having problems with your dpf. I've done over 4000 miles in mine now and I don't even know what the regen warning looks like. Can you tell when it's trying to do it or do you see it with an IId tool?

Post #577400 27th Dec 2020 6:14pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Hi Kevin it sounds as though you have got yourself a good example of the FFRR. Not seeing any warning light to tell you the DPF is full and needs a regen is exactly how the vehicle should perform. I am currently monitoring my soot levels with my IID tool using live values due the issues mentioned earlier in this post. I hope to get to the level where you are now where I can truly enjoy driving my car without any doubts or concerns. 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #577410 27th Dec 2020 6:57pm
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Had a run out today of just over 100 miles, 80 of which was on the motorway (40 miles each way) sat at 65MPH with cruise. Started the journey at 22.6g of soot, ended the journey at 25.7 (no lights on dash) Managed to see the temp reach 605 - 620c where it stayed for around 15 minutes. However, I now have the following error which won't clear

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 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #578090 2nd Jan 2021 12:42pm
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Santorini Black

Bloody hell mate, sounds like you're having bad luck. It would do my head in. Electronics baffle me, I'm more of a spanner man. Could a bad wiring connection be interfering with it, giving random readings from the sensors and baffling the ECU?

Post #578091 2nd Jan 2021 12:53pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Hi Kevin, it's like a never ending saga, and to add to my list, the drivers side wiper came detached from the mechanism this morning so now I have to try and find the clips that have fallen off so I can sort that, otherwise it means buying a whole new assembly. I'm currently tempted to park it up and leave it to rot in peace 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #578093 2nd Jan 2021 12:57pm
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