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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue
Where did that cloud of smoke come from?

So today I was driving quite happily along a major A road for about 35 minutes and turned off and entered a market town, whilst waiting at the roundabout for my turn I was suddenly enveloped in a plume of smoke. My thoughts were that the DPF had chosen this rather inappropriate moment to complete a regen. I have had no amber DPF warning pop up on the dash and the car is driving as normal with no issues. Needless to say that on the journey back, whenever I came to a stop I was looking in the mirrors to see if I was about to be hidden again by the smoke screen. Thankfully I didn't see it again.
Now I know the car is more than capable of performing a regen as required and that this normally takes place whilst being driven above a certain speed for a period of time, not stationary embarrassing the driver, especially when a new L405 is looking at you as they drive round the roundabout.

I had an issue with a leak on my intake some time ago that resulted in the red DPF message appearing but this has since been resolved after an expensive visit to my indy some months ago.

Anyone else had this?

Post #546927 12th Mar 2020 2:58pm
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Member Since: 26 Jun 2012
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Scotland 2013 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Luxor

Have you checked for oil in the V?

If your oil cooler is leaking, you could have a build up of oil which may have escaped onto the exhaust, causing the smoke .

Admittedly, it's not usually a lot of oil/smoke, but it's worth checking.


Post #546969 13th Mar 2020 7:27am
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Hi Mike, thanks for the response

Oil cooler and o rings were fixed late last year along with a clean out of the V and my DPF was removed and cleaned at the same time.
Update this morning was that I was greeted with the amber DPF full warning, it's a good 30 minutes to the motorway so I kept my fingers crossed it wouldn't throw a red before I got there. Managed to do a 30 minute run on the motorway at a steady 70 and the light finally went out after about 25 minutes. I was beginning to wonder if the request to do a regen wasn't being sent.
I normally drive slower than Miss Daisy but this morning used the right foot like never before. Massive plume when the 2nd turbo kicked in but once clear it didn't happen again however high I went in the rev range.
I don't use the car much but what surprised me most about yesterdays smoke screen was the fact it happened after a good run on the A69 at a steady 60. I would expect that any desire for a regen would have happened then, of course it may have done I just wouldn't know. The smoke screen was so bad that it was as though I had been hidden by David Copperfield. The poor car behind me kept a massive distance when we finally pulled away.

Post #546971 13th Mar 2020 8:10am
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Member Since: 28 Oct 2017
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Santorini Black

I am not sure why you should have a smokescreen at a standstill while idling but the on the move one when hammering the throttle sounds very much like the usual "turbo drain mod not done".

Mine hasn't had the mod done and I've found that when you wander along without using the right boot, even up to the speed limits it doesn't bring in the second turbo as the revs don't climb above about 2.5K. Then hoof it and to say the smoke is impressive is an understatement Razz . The oil drain mod adds an additional drain into the sump allowing the second turbo to drain at low speeds. If you've not had that done on your car then that's what happens. Some swear by the mod being essential, others feel the opposite, so it may be a personal choice..

There's phots on other threads to show where to looksee, but under the nearside front, looking over the lower suspension should enable you to see either one or two pipes for the drain.

Don't put any bits of yourself in there while looking unless you secure the car from lowering Thumbs Up Cheers

(there are no such things as an ordinary FullFat, an ordinary cat or too many tools)
2011 TDV8 Vogue Santorini Black

Post #547000 13th Mar 2020 2:01pm
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Baltic Blue

Member Since: 13 Aug 2015
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Baltic Blue

I got the mod done on mine whilst it was still under warranty, after I took the service manager out for a little run then booted it down a motorway slip road whilst he was looking back. Even he said, “ it’s pretty bad isn’t it “
But I have never spotted a trace of smoke in the last 3 years or so since it was done, and each year the MOT smoke test reads Zero.
Mike. G reg 2.5VM Vogue Portofino red 1991- 1999
V reg 2.5td P38 Rioja red 1999- 2006
53 reg td6 Vogue Oslo blue 2006- 2015
11 reg 4.4 TdV8 Vogue SE. Baltic blue 2015- date.

Post #547003 13th Mar 2020 2:10pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Drove home tonight on motorway sitting at 65mph no further DPF light which was a blessing. Got stuck behind a tractor for about 2 minutes when close to home which isn’t unusual and meant crawling along at 10mph. Finally got past tractor and stopped at the next junction only to have the smokescreen reappear. As no one was behind me I just thought I would watch and see how long it would take to clear if I didn’t touch the accelerator. Took about 20 seconds to clear in total and a tiny puff when I pulled away again.
Now I have spent £3k on this car in the past few months so am reluctant to just throw more money at it if it’s just going to be the same. I was planning a nice long run in it but have shelved that idea and will go in my Freelander 2 instead which is a bit disappointing.
I have thought about the turbo drain mod but so far no one has mentioned the symptoms I have prior to having it done

Post #547020 13th Mar 2020 5:08pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

I had this for a while. Main reason is I didn’t get the second turbo in enough, so oil built up, came out when I accelerated.....then cleared.

Have occasionally had smoke on idle....and smelled acid like. Put that down to turning it off during a regen and starting following morning.

I try and get the revs up at least once every journey and I’ve not had the issues for over 12 months. Not had the drain mod done.

Drive it a bit may find the issues disappear.

Thumbs Up 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

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Post #547021 13th Mar 2020 5:49pm
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Baltic Blue

Member Since: 13 Aug 2015
Location: North Wales
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Baltic Blue

The symptoms you are describing do not suggest you need to do the turbo. drain mod.
They remind me more of my days running high mileage land rovers with excessive valve guide wear or faulty valve stem seals., where engine oil gradually builds up and gets burned off. and result in clouds of blue smoke.
Mike. G reg 2.5VM Vogue Portofino red 1991- 1999
V reg 2.5td P38 Rioja red 1999- 2006
53 reg td6 Vogue Oslo blue 2006- 2015
11 reg 4.4 TdV8 Vogue SE. Baltic blue 2015- date.

Post #547023 13th Mar 2020 5:54pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Hi Mike I know what your saying about the valve guides and wear but I have no smoke on start up and car has just turned 116,000. This smoking issue seems more like the car has decided to do a full regent once I’m stationary, all very odd.
As for driving it hard, I’ve been a bit more brutal with it today in the hope that it would help but seems the smoke issue is still there. If it did it all the time I could probably understand it more, however, it’s only sometimes whilst stationary rather than at every red light, roundabout or junction. I was wondering if it could be an induction issue/leak but again it’s not all the time and the car drives faultlessly, plenty of pull when the throttle is pressed. If the weather is good tomorrow I will take the engine cover off and check a few things and report back

Post #547035 13th Mar 2020 7:17pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Have you got an IIDTool?

It's really the only way of knowing if a regeneration is taking place.

Also good to check for any stored/returning error codes.

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #547042 13th Mar 2020 9:11pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Hi Greg, no IID tool I'm afraid, I do have a Hawkeye Total but not sure if that will give me soot readings or regen information but will take a look and let you know.

Post #547064 14th Mar 2020 7:51am
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

Just found this about different types of DPF regeneration

There are three different regeneration modes used to clear the soot stored in the DPF:

Passive Regeneration: This takes place while driving when engine load elevates exhaust temperatures enough to burn small amounts of soot, from 200°C (392°F) to 600°C (1112°F), and requires no action from the driver or engine control system.

Active Regeneration: This can occur while driving or when stationary and the engine is idling to burn large amounts of soot. It is initiated by the engine management control module software. Temperatures range from 400°C (752°F) to 600°C (1112°F) and this requires no action from the driver.

Manual Regeneration: This is the same as active regeneration but is initiated using a diagnostic scan tool. There are two modes of manual regeneration: static and dynamic. Static is when the vehicle is stationary (some manufacturers are now disabling static due to high temps around the DPF) and only providing dynamic (moving) regeneration, as driving the vehicle allows airflow under the vehicle to cool wiring and components close to the DPF.

Post #547073 14th Mar 2020 8:32am
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Plenty more info here:

Pop the kettle on....! Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #547074 14th Mar 2020 8:45am
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

OK so I have run some diagnostics but to me I would say that the information given on some of the screens in inaccurate.

The above reports too many events and cleared with no problem

The above apparently shows soot mass but at this stage I had no amber warning light

Not sure why this one was there but cleared and showed no problems.

The diagnostics claim they can carry out a regen of the DPF so long as certain conditions are met, these include less than 35g of soot, engine at normal operating temperature and driving above 40kmh. I decided to give this a try as the reported soot levels were high so went out for a drive. Engine up to temp I scrolled through the menus to find the right option and found the right stretch of road to carry this out. DPF regen selected, all conditions met, all I had to do now was press the button when I was at 40kmh (decided to wait until I was at 50mph). Message pops up to say that the regen had been started and about 3 seconds later the message came back that it had completed. Not a chance in that time. Pulled over and checked soot levels, they read exactly the same. Tried the process three more times but each time the outcome was the same. Now I have the red warning (2nd time I've had this) so I limped home and read the soot levels, surprise surprise, they read exactly the bloody same. So although this diagnostics machine is OK at certain things, it seems that some of the options it claims to be able to do are stretching it's capabilities. Time to order the IID Tool then I think.

I will have to get the car back to my Indy this week, last time I had this they cut the exhaust and carried out a full clean as well as fixing a couple of induction leaks which seemed to be the cause. Since then I have covered 1,000 miles in 5 months but as I don't use the car much that doesn't surprise me. What does though is the fact that I am back at the red DPF situation after such short mileage, when I do use the car it is generally for longer runs rather than town driving so realistically I shouldn't see the amber warning yet alone the red. Only yesterday I had to carry out an unscheduled motorway trip to clear the amber. Somehow I feel that the smoke issue and the DPF filling up are related, just need to find the cause now.

Post #547096 14th Mar 2020 11:00am
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Yes they are definitely related in my view

It’s odd you didn’t get a yellow warning first but something dumped oil causing the smokescreen and a sudden increase of soot

Also FYI at 27g or anything over 18-20 it should have initiated its own regeneration without the Hawkeye.

Sounds like you had the underlying issue 1000+ miles ago so get it back to the Indy and do Keep us up
to date Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #547106 14th Mar 2020 11:41am
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