Hi Paul,
Yes I'm really hoping this is it now, I.e the problem.
I need to do the rear toe links aswell, going to have a dig in the garage as I'm sure I've got a pair I bought for a previous RR but never got round to fitting.
I don't believe they would have had it in tight tolerance no, I can put it into that mode when the alignment is done however.
I'm not sure why the alignment changed when nothing was adjusted, all I can think of is the chap might have tried to start the adjustments only to find the track rods seized that or the suspension adjusted because it wasn't it tight tolerance mode.
I know kwik fit aren't the best for this kind of thing but luckily this chap seems to be as interested in the issue as me (after telling him everything that's been tried and tested)
He's quite willing to help on the alignment front so I feel quite confident at the moment .