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 -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.

Post4th Oct 2017 8:05am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 4 · Views: 3173 · Subject: -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.
Still working like a charm Cool

The "post catalyst sensor" I ordered is the one after the catalyst but before the DPF. I should have ordered "post DPF" or whatever that one is c ...
 -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.

Post24th Sep 2017 5:53pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 4 · Views: 3173 · Subject: -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.
Problem solved. Impossible to remove the old temp.sensor, by using some force with a 14mm spanner the hex-part of the sensor snapped off.

I ordered a new sensor but I ordered the wrong one so the c ...
 -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.

Post18th Sep 2017 9:57am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 4 · Views: 3173 · Subject: -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.
The symptoms have increased so I had to do some more work...

Discnnectd the suspected right hand post-catalyst temp sensor and a few kilometers later I got another error message: "P-0101 Mass ...
 -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.

Post22nd Aug 2017 8:50am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 4 · Views: 3173 · Subject: -08 TDV8, Engine in emergency mode every now and then.
My local RR dealer changed my gearbox a few months ago and a few kilometes later I got engine failure (emergency mode). When I stop and restart the engine, it works like a charm for a few minutes or m ...
 -08 TDV8 occational slow to build oil pressure

Post17th May 2017 7:57pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 8 · Views: 5407 · Subject: -08 TDV8 occational slow to build oil pressure
It happens just every now and then. I assume the oil filter drains and takes time to refill... Noe big deal anymore.
 Backlash in drivline TDV8

Post12th Feb 2017 8:21am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 4 · Views: 2628 · Subject: Backlash in drivline TDV8
If the splines are worn, that would only be a part of the problem. There are about 50 splines (roughly counted from the picture) and about 1/16 of one revolution backlash. The propshaft would have to ...
 Backlash in drivline TDV8

Post11th Feb 2017 5:31pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 4 · Views: 2628 · Subject: Backlash in drivline TDV8
When maintaining my rear brakes a few days ago, I notice quite a lot of backlash in the driveline. With RR wheel off the ground the rear propeller shaft looks like this (gerbox in "P"):
htt ...
 3.6 tdv8 FBH shuts down prematurely

Post6th Jan 2017 7:37am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 5 · Views: 2849 · Subject: 3.6 tdv8 FBH shuts down prematurely
My FBH works well when the engine is running but shuts down within a few minutes when engine is off. I haven't done any more checks but I'm pretty sure the water pump in the FBH is seized. When the en ...
 Auto Code EGR emulators vs. EGR delete

Post30th Nov 2016 11:26am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 15 · Views: 13377 · Subject: Auto Code EGR emulators vs. EGR delete
I sent an email to the Aussie people asking if I could use the emulators on my TDV8 with DPF, they didn't answer...
 FBH issues

Post29th Nov 2016 1:10pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 13 · Views: 6569 · Subject: FBH issues
I believe this may be exactly the same problem I have. Connected my Lynx tool today, fired up the FBH, flame present, water temp increasing up to 90 degC, fuel pump shut off, water temp increasing to ...
 Timing TDV8 Engine

Post21st Nov 2016 7:13am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 2 · Views: 2333 · Subject: Timing TDV8 Engine
Cam is running with half the speed of the crank so after ONE revolution of the crank, the cams SHOULD be in a different position.

TWO crank revolutions give ONE cam rev. Always important to turn th ...
 Parking sensors.....

Post15th Nov 2016 6:46am
Forum: Maintenance & Mods (L322) · Replies: 3 · Views: 2268 · Subject: Parking sensors.....
A bit of searghing turned up the answer to my question...

To have the parking sensors active in "P" seems to me like plain stupid. I wonder what the engineer were thinking when designing ...
 TdV8 miss ? Update

Post7th Nov 2016 11:09am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 11 · Views: 6405 · Subject: TdV8 miss ? Update
Take a look at the injector balance using some kind of diagnostics tool. Value should be between 0.8 and 1.3 but ideally close to 1.0. If one injector is deviating much from the others that may need t ...
 2 stroke oil in a V8

Post31st Oct 2016 11:44am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 20 · Views: 8724 · Subject: 2 stroke oil in a V8
Have done a couple of tanks with 2SO and one injector that was real close to throwing a fault code (injector balance 1.30) have normalized close to 1.0.

I believe the addition of 2SO also was a par ...
 Windscreen wipers stopped

Post26th Oct 2016 4:58pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 8 · Views: 3769 · Subject: Windscreen wipers stopped
My wipers fail when they run more or less constantliy for half an hour or so. Shut down and restart the car don't help but after 2-3 minutes they start if I stop and start the wipers with the switch o ...
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