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Member Since: 11 Nov 2018
Location: Northants
Posts: 78

United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster 4.4 V8 Fuji White

Hi Tinman,
I do not hear anything from the bushes when travelling. (Noisiest thing is occasional squeal from dry ventilation fan bearings)
A small amount of wheel movement could be seen when jacked up and the wheel grasped/pry bar, like checking for slack wheel bearings.
Cheers, Forty years of progress. 1972-2012

Post #498955 17th Dec 2018 7:17pm
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Member Since: 22 Mar 2017
Location: kent
Posts: 1209

United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Silicon Silver

Hi, Mine went through the MOT in Oct with no advisories just a couple of weeks later noticed a noise? mine has done 119k but still all good, like you do things before they need doing, preventive maintenance can be more cost-effective in the long run?

Post #498959 17th Dec 2018 8:40pm
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2012
Location: derby
Posts: 8721

United Kingdom 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Santorini Black

Mine now has squeaky back brakes! Will give me something to do this weekend alongside the short hoses! There is nothing that can't be fixed with a hammeršŸ˜œšŸ˜œ
FFRR 4.4 SDV8 Autobiography Santorini Black.
KIA E-Niro 4+
2021 Discovery 5 D300 MHEV commercial

Post #498960 17th Dec 2018 8:46pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2015
Location: Petersfield, Hampshire
Posts: 4328

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Since purchase in Sept 2018. Around 83K on clock at purchase. I purchased the motor from a fellow forum member so, as always caveat emptor Whistle Thumbs Up

This list is updated constantly for the benefit of others and for prospective buyers as a "check list"

1) Belt tensioner to cure squeak - see point 23 - didn't eliminate it completely
2) New Oil cooler and gaskets and O rings on feed pipe. Usual symptoms. Petersfield Garage Services.
3) Front lower arms. Worn so new ones fitted. Petersfield Garage Services.
4) Rear toe in rods replaced. Were seized so couldnā€™t do 4 wheel alignment. Hutfields Botley.
5) Bodsy did an 8 speed gearbox Megaflush as preventative maintenance
6) Binned locking wheel nuts and a couple of swollen ones
7) Windscreen chips repaired
8 ) Leather seat clean and repaint. Brett from MyLeatherTech.
9 ) New 13 pin electrics fitted to enable regular battery top-up charging via Ctek adaptor bought off forum shop. Works a treat! CTek MXS10 also has a 12V power feed mode which is handy for "clean" powering the car for CCF updates or when working on the car (e.g. cleaning, bulbs) Thumbs Up
10) Flat aero blades fitted - HQ ones off eBay. Ā£18 a pair and way better than originals
11) Plenty of diesel
12) New rear discs and pads- Mintex coated, Pagid pads. Petersfield Garage Services.
13) Replaced one lower tailgate strap (was rusted and seized). Filled with grease behind the new rubbers.
14) GAP IID BT diagnostic plug-in tool purchased - invaluable piece of kit. Secondhand off forum member
15) Air con service. Preventative maintenance only. Level was only down a fraction. in Alton.
16) Front and rear diff oils replaced. Preventative maintenance. Petersfield Garage Services.
17) Foam blocks under bonnet near windscreen removed. Soaking and split. Not replaced.
18 ) High level brake light replaced. Old one had blown a few bulbs and lens had split on top. Easy job to do.
19) Replaced rear windscreen wiper arm and blade. Old one lost its flex.
20) 2 separate engine undertray oil leaks traced to nearside secondary turbo leaking and oil pump leaks. New turbo fitted Big Cry and oil pump leaks cured. All done by Rovertune in Reading.
21) New top coolant hose fitted as a precaution - they go brittle and little pipe can snap off. Rovertune.
22) Nearside EGT sensor in manifold replaced to eliminate P040D error. Done whilst at Rovertune for turbo.
23) New idler and V belts done to eliminate cold start squeak (tensioner alone did not cure it). Rovertune.
24) Removed 2 x upper tailgate side trims - splitting at top. Not replaced. Looks better without.
25) Replaced trailing rear wheel arch edge protectors. Used Freelander 2 ones cut down. Cheaper. Added same under leading edge arch for added protection. See item 33 for more info. Update in June 2023: I would not recommend using these strips on the leading edge . See item 67 for details why (rust!)
26) Worked out its had the Turbocharge Inlet (Cross Over Valve) mod done (no nut on pivot) to stop it sticking
27) Front seat lower filters replaced. Who knew they were part of a service? Part number HAK500140, Ā£14 a pair off eBay. Didnā€™t do the second one on each seat as the seat back needs removing Rolling Eyes
28 ) Coated all door seals with Gumme Pledge to stop doors sticking in frost
29) Cleaned seats with Woolite diluted 1:5 with distilled water in a spray gun. Gently cleans the dirt off.
30) Mid service oil and filter changes with Draper 10L suction pump. Get one. Best preventative maintenance for engine longevity
31) Used Meguirs Scratch X 2.0 to remove light scratches. Way better than TCut Thumbs Up
32) New Upper tailgate gas struts fitted. Rises much smoother and quicker. Advanced Factors.
33) Sill covers removed and rear wheel arch lips inspected. Tiny bit of rust sorted. Sills waxed. All here:
34) LED door mirror puddle lights fitted from Powerful UK
35) Painted rear silencer with heat resistant paint
36) Fitted a set of interior and number plate LED bulbs from Amazon: Number plate LEDs failed so fitted the Powerful UK kit - see #44 below
37) MAP cleaned. The one on top of the intake doughnut near oil filter. Caked in soot. Brake cleaner sorted it. Also cleaned out the orifice Shocked it sits in with a small screwdriver and a rag
38 ) Replaced throttle body intake plastic pipe elbow and top intercooler hose as old one was a little sooty underneath. Part number LR022663. It has 2 parts - the plastic elbow with boost temp sensor and top intercooler hose
39) Reverse light LED upgrade:
40) Replaced coolant expansion tank for a nice new one. Old one was getting grubby inside. All new coolant. Part number LR022731. Petersfield Garage Services.
41) Fitted 20" fully refurbished alloys. Ones with "Range Rover" embossed one them (Style 11)
42) Front seat cover for when it goes into garage
43) CCF updated for fairly light DRLs and digital speedo window.
44) Fitted LED number plate bulbs and new lenses from Powerful UK CCF update not needed on my 2011 as no flashing seen. Probably due to it being a later model year compared to Powerful UK fitting video. Update: failed so reverted back to normal bulbs.
45) New Denso starter motor fitted. Usual slow starts and clicking. Part number DSN1207. Petersfield Garage Services.
46) Thrown 4 of these into sides of boot near electronics to keep any condensation at bay. Purely preventative.
47) Hard wired Garmin Mini dashcam into front fuse box with a hard wire kit and piggy back fuses. Best way is to take off the A pillar trim via Torx30 screw and dash side panel. Peel back door seal first then pull off side panel. Used F53 which is ignition live and a "spare"
48 ) Waxed the upper and lower tailgates with some Dynax S60 in a spray can
49) PAS flushed with new Febi Cold Climate Fluid from Advanced Factors. Glenrands did it as per workshop manual,
50) New A/C compressor fitted to cure the delayed and intermittent air con. Nissens one from Advanced Factors. Glenrands fitted.
51) Replaced front adaptive suspension looms as a preventative maintenance job. LR032839 from Duckworths. Glenrands fitted it.
52) New front discs, pads and fitting kit. All from Advanced Factors. Glenrands fitted.
53) Fitted 255 55 20 General Grabber AT3 tyres plus spare. Set at 20psi so it fits in boot well. Paddocks for tyres, Glenrands for fitting and alignment
54) New belts, idlers and tensioner fitted to get rid of squeaks! Glenrands.
55) New EGR cooler gaskets fitted to cure slow coolant leak. Glenrands.
56) Main, full beam LED upgrade with Bevinsee V45 kit. H7 replacements. Purchased from eBay. Ā£36. 5min DIY. Huge improvement over the Censored yellow original H7 halogens. Got the tip from Sams Motor and Machines on YouTube Bow down
57) Side (dipped) beam. Osram Cool Blue D3S bulbs fitted. 35W. Up to 6000K and 20% ones. Ebay Ā£136. Much improved light on dipped beam.
58 ) New TRW rear calipers fitted from Advanced Factors. Carriers re-used. Glenrands fitted.
59) Full underbody Lanoguard. Glenrands.
60) LED upgrade to side indicator front wing repeats fitted
61) Megaflush #2 done at 120K miles by Transfer and diffs done too.
62) New bonnet struts fitted. It now doesn't fall on my head Rolling with laughter
63) New FBH coolant pump fitted. Fired up but cut out. B12A6-25 (2F) fault code. Part number JJK000010; Genuine part used. Fixed. Glenrands fitted.
64) New fog lights and H11 LED bulbs fitted. eBay suppliers. Much brighter.
65) New Borg&Beck front pads and discs fitted as previous ones warped. Fixed wheel wobble on braking. Glenrands fitted.
66) Fitted LED number plate lights (whole units and not just LED bulbs) as per Sam's Motor and Machine recommendation. Aliexpress sourced. See note #44
67) Rear wheel arch liners removed, rust treated (NeutraRust 611) and waxoyled (Clear old skool Waxoyl). Update to items 25 and 33. I don't recommend adding FL2 trims to the leading edge of the rear wheel arches. Here's why:
68 ) New drivers seat foam pad, ducting and filler pad fitted. Feels like a new seat now! Glenrands.
70) New rear prop fitted. Old one had a delaminated centre bearing carrier. GKN from Advanced Factors and fitted at Glenrands.
71) Used Autosol to remove the worn anti glare layer on the central dash screen. Transforms the image and rear view camera image is like new.
72) New air con condenser radiator fitted. Old one was leaking on lower edge. Advanced Factors supplied. Glenrands fitted.
73) New front lower arms fitted. Full kit supplied by Advanced Factors. Glenrands fitted.
74) Both front diff-driveshaft oil seals fitted. Were weeping. Glenrands fitted.
75) Fitted Bevinsee D3S LED bulbs as an upgrade to the Osrams (Item 57). Amazing difference and a lot cheaper than Osrams! Complements the full beam LED upgrade done previously (Item 56). Another Samā€™s Motor and Machines recommendation!
76) New 019 AGM battery. LR Exide one. 90Ah 850A. GX73-10655-BD. Supplied and fitted by Glenrands
77) May 2024. Sold to forum member ā€œArcticMā€ Thumbs Up Gone to a good home: 2011 4.4 TDV8 Vogue SE Buckingham Blue with Ivory and clear glass = "Rory"
2025MY Defender D350 90 in Silicon Silver on coils
1974 Series 3 Lightweight = "Millie"
Many, many other Landies over the years
My preferred specialist:

Last edited by DrRob on 4th May 2024 2:35pm. Edited 170 times in total

Post #509233 19th Mar 2019 6:42pm
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Member Since: 27 Dec 2017
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 17

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Epsom Green
Fault history log

TDV8 Vogue 93 k when purchased.
I have quite a list unfortunately. Limp mode restricted performance while in Scotland had to be recovered. Rear brake caliphers seized Main dealer repair, also a sensor not sure which one. Then a week later oil filter housing failed, main dealer repair. Then three months later turbo failure NS, main dealer repair. Starter motor failed two weeks ago fixed it myself. Last week limp mode again p040d-00 exhaust gas temp recirculation temp sensor. Cleared fault but still recorded on IID tool.

current mileage 103k cost of repairs I dread to think and I'm not going to add it up!

However the Forum has been a great help. Just wish I could get a Work shop manual.

Defender 200 tdi 90
S3 88 2.5 petrol
VW Polo

Post #514754 9th May 2019 9:47am
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Member Since: 03 Jun 2018
Location: Oxfordshire
Posts: 1099

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Galway Green

Workshop manual available from here for a small donation Smile

Speak to Stan Current: 2011 FFRR Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8
Previous: -
2004 FFRR Vogue 4.4 V8 with LPG
1997 P38 4.0 SE with LPG
1997 P38 4.6 Vogue with LPG

Last edited by Bushy30 on 9th May 2019 1:58pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #514759 9th May 2019 11:10am
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Member Since: 27 Dec 2017
Location: North Yorkshire
Posts: 17

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Epsom Green

Thank you that would be very useful and a donation not a problem happy to oblige.

Very Happy

Post #514768 9th May 2019 12:23pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2011
Location: UK
Posts: 818

2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey
85k mostly trouble free miles

Boot on forward offside CV joint is split....

Post #520296 1st Jul 2019 9:30pm
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Member Since: 09 Nov 2018
Location: Havant
Posts: 62

England 2012 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Buckingham Blue

A small list for two years ownership of 2012 4.4 TDV8 70,000

Fixed by garage before I picked up

Fuel Gauge erratic, mod to sensor wiring
Front heated seat fixed
new rear disks

Fixed by me

New Starter motor (also fixed one i removed so now on shelf)
Tow bar fitted
New Tyres
New Battery

Preventative bits

All seats cleaned and fed
Gear box oiled changed and new filter
Full service of oil/fuel and and air filters
Wheel arch liners and sill covers removed, only minor surface rust so cleaned and Hammerited and wax oiled
Cleaned and Hammerited most of subframes (still odd bits to do)
Noticed part of Wheel arch liner filler piece missing on n/s front, will have to find source for new one
Rusted side steps removed and binned, think I like it without steps
cleaned and waxed paintwork

Still to do

Diff oil change
Mark in paint work on bonnet due to bird poo, need to work out how to fix as I don't fancy having it resprayed (any ideas?)
New wheel centres as looking scrappy (a few quid of Ebay)
May get park heat remote fob but first attempt failed as wrong unit.

car currently SORNed as not doing much mileage and using Freelander at moment.

Roger L322 4,4 TDV8
Freelander 2 sold
Honda Transalp
Sunbeam S7 deluxe (in bits)
Sunbeam S8 (restoring)

Post #555349 26th May 2020 12:30pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2019
Location: Up North
Posts: 450

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 V8 Buckingham Blue

The bird poo mark can normally be removed by a detailer who deso paint correction. 2011 TDV8 Vogue SE

Post #555351 26th May 2020 12:48pm
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2019
Location: bournemouth
Posts: 56

United Kingdom 2010 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Baltic Blue

i repaired my cooler water leak a while ago o rings ordered on ebay for pence (vitalon) and as a result i needed to top up the coolant regularly this did cause the coolant to be week and not as concentrated as it needed to be . thus causing the float to report the coolant is low level as the sender didn't float. i wasn't aware that the sender also checks the consistency of the coolant . had me on the run round for some time as i hadn't heard of this before. i topped up with concentrated coolant and all well now .

Zeppfish wrote:
Sorry only just got round to seeing this post and reading it through. I have some more details for you
2012 Westminster
Purchased Feb 2016 with 48000 on clock 1 previous owner full range rover service history, no other reported faults!

oil cooler leak int the V at time of purchase, fixed under warranty straight away (replaced oil cooler) 48000 miles

Heated / cooling drivers seat faulty peltier cell replaced at 52000 miles

new front disks at 59000miles

Just had a fault with the coolant header tank (showing low coolant level when actually it is fine) Magnetic float inside of tank that actuates the reed switch in the sensor stuck! 68000 miles

Hope this helps

Post #557733 15th Jun 2020 2:54am
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Member Since: 28 Sep 2019
Location: Telford
Posts: 1287

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Santorini Black

Here's a new one for you Mike.
Steering rack replaced on my 102,000 mile 4.4 tdv8 due to a leak. Ā£3,400. Cheers Kev.

Post #561686 16th Jul 2020 10:14am
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Member Since: 06 Oct 2019
Location: Oxon
Posts: 79

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Baltic Blue

Following todays little issue, currently a bit of superglue will have to do until the silicaon pipe turns up and time permits.

2011 tdv8 4.4 AB.

Purchased at 66K miles, Oct 19.
All serviced and up to date.

Current mileage 79500 . Used to do 500 miles a week until cv19.

Issues so far:

Lower tailgate stopped working. Corroded wires on the connector in spare wheel well. Fixed.
Adaptive damping error, Height sensor was snafu, replaced under LR warranty @ 79500 miles.
Had a brief 5 minute issue with the fuel guage not working, waiting for that to fail completely to get fixed under warranty on the TSB loom fix.
Today had a water in fuel sensor error, when looking found the plug did nto seem to be pushed home correctly.
BUT while checking that found oil by near side rear intake hose connector , pointed in right direction by BB and Dr Rob.



Post #563718 5th Aug 2020 5:37pm
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Member Since: 10 Jun 2016
Location: Coventry
Posts: 299

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography 4.4 V8 Santorini Black

Just had the dreaded p0486-17 code come up on my TDV8 cleared the code with a IID tool and I hasnā€™t come back YET šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø

Click image to enlarge

Post #595879 30th May 2021 5:32pm
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Member Since: 12 May 2021
Location: Scotland
Posts: 12

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Carrying on the updated list of maintenance on this beast for the benefit of any future owners:

This list is updated constantly for the benefit of others and for prospective buyers as a "check list"

1) Belt tensioner to cure squeak - see point 23 - didn't eliminate it completely
2) New Oil cooler and gaskets and O rings on feed pipe. Usual symptoms. Petersfield Garage Services.
3) Front lower arms. Worn so new ones fitted. Petersfield Garage Services.
4) Rear toe in rods replaced. Were seized so couldnā€™t do 4 wheel alignment. Hutfields Botley.
5) Bodsy did an 8 speed gearbox Megaflush as preventative maintenance
6) Binned locking wheel nuts and a couple of swollen ones
7) Windscreen chips repaired
8 ) Leather seat clean and repaint. Brett from MyLeatherTech.
9 ) New 13 pin electrics fitted to enable regular battery top-up charging via Ctek adaptor bought off forum shop. Works a treat! CTek MXS10 also has a 12V power feed mode which is handy for "clean" powering the car for CCF updates or when working on the car (e.g. cleaning, bulbs) Thumbs Up
10) Flat aero blades fitted - HQ ones off eBay. Ā£18 a pair and way better than originals
11) Plenty of diesel
12) New rear discs and pads- Mintex coated, Pagid pads. Petersfield Garage Services.
13) Replaced one lower tailgate strap (was rusted and seized). Filled with grease behind the new rubbers.
14) GAP IID BT diagnostic plug-in tool purchased - invaluable piece of kit. Secondhand off forum member
15) Air con service. Preventative maintenance only. Level was only down a fraction. in Alton.
16) Front and rear diff oils replaced. Preventative maintenance. Petersfield Garage Services.
17) Foam blocks under bonnet near windscreen removed. Soaking and split. Not replaced.
18 ) High level brake light replaced. Old one had blown a few bulbs and lens had split on top. Easy job to do.
19) Replaced rear windscreen wiper arm and blade. Old one lost its flex.
20) 2 separate engine undertray oil leaks traced to nearside secondary turbo leaking and oil pump leaks. New turbo fitted Big Cry and oil pump leaks cured. All done by Rovertune in Reading.
21) New top coolant hose fitted as a precaution - they go brittle and little pipe can snap off. Rovertune.
22) Nearside EGT sensor in manifold replaced to eliminate P040D error. Done whilst at Rovertune for turbo.
23) New idler and V belts done to eliminate cold start squeak (tensioner alone did not cure it). Rovertune.
24) Removed 2 x upper tailgate side trims - splitting at top. Not replaced. Looks better without.
25) Replaced trailing rear wheel arch edge protectors. Used Freelander 2 ones cut down. Cheaper. Added same under leading edge arch for added protection. See item 33 for more info. Update in June 2023: I would not recommend using these strips on the leading edge . See item 67 for details why (rust!)
26) Worked out its had the Turbocharge Inlet (Cross Over Valve) mod done (no nut on pivot) to stop it sticking
27) Front seat lower filters replaced. Who knew they were part of a service? Part number HAK500140, Ā£14 a pair off eBay. Didnā€™t do the second one on each seat as the seat back needs removing Rolling Eyes
28 ) Coated all door seals with Gumme Pledge to stop doors sticking in frost
29) Cleaned seats with Woolite diluted 1:5 with distilled water in a spray gun. Gently cleans the dirt off.
30) Mid service oil and filter changes with Draper 10L suction pump. Get one. Best preventative maintenance for engine longevity
31) Used Meguirs Scratch X 2.0 to remove light scratches. Way better than TCut Thumbs Up
32) New Upper tailgate gas struts fitted. Rises much smoother and quicker. Advanced Factors.
33) Sill covers removed and rear wheel arch lips inspected. Tiny bit of rust sorted. Sills waxed. All here:
34) LED door mirror puddle lights fitted from Powerful UK
35) Painted rear silencer with heat resistant paint
36) Fitted a set of interior and number plate LED bulbs from Amazon: Number plate LEDs failed so fitted the Powerful UK kit - see #44 below
37) MAP cleaned. The one on top of the intake doughnut near oil filter. Caked in soot. Brake cleaner sorted it. Also cleaned out the orifice Shocked it sits in with a small screwdriver and a rag
38 ) Replaced throttle body intake plastic pipe elbow and top intercooler hose as old one was a little sooty underneath. Part number LR022663. It has 2 parts - the plastic elbow with boost temp sensor and top intercooler hose
39) Reverse light LED upgrade:
40) Replaced coolant expansion tank for a nice new one. Old one was getting grubby inside. All new coolant. Part number LR022731. Petersfield Garage Services.
41) Fitted 20" fully refurbished alloys. Ones with "Range Rover" embossed one them (Style 11)
42) Front seat cover for when it goes into garage
43) CCF updated for fairly light DRLs and digital speedo window.
44) Fitted LED number plate bulbs and new lenses from Powerful UK CCF update not needed on my 2011 as no flashing seen. Probably due to it being a later model year compared to Powerful UK fitting video. Update: failed so reverted back to normal bulbs.
45) New Denso starter motor fitted. Usual slow starts and clicking. Part number DSN1207. Petersfield Garage Services.
46) Thrown 4 of these into sides of boot near electronics to keep any condensation at bay. Purely preventative.
47) Hard wired Garmin Mini dashcam into front fuse box with a hard wire kit and piggy back fuses. Best way is to take off the A pillar trim via Torx30 screw and dash side panel. Peel back door seal first then pull off side panel. Used F53 which is ignition live and a "spare"
48 ) Waxed the upper and lower tailgates with some Dynax S60 in a spray can
49) PAS flushed with new Febi Cold Climate Fluid from Advanced Factors. Glenrands did it as per workshop manual,
50) New A/C compressor fitted to cure the delayed and intermittent air con. Nissens one from Advanced Factors. Glenrands fitted.
51) Replaced front adaptive suspension looms as a preventative maintenance job. LR032839 from Duckworths. Glenrands fitted it.
52) New front discs, pads and fitting kit. All from Advanced Factors. Glenrands fitted.
53) Fitted 255 55 20 General Grabber AT3 tyres plus spare. Set at 20psi so it fits in boot well. Paddocks for tyres, Glenrands for fitting and alignment
54) New belts, idlers and tensioner fitted to get rid of squeaks! Glenrands.
55) New EGR cooler gaskets fitted to cure slow coolant leak. Glenrands.
56) Main, full beam LED upgrade with Bevinsee V45 kit. H7 replacements. Purchased from eBay. Ā£36. 5min DIY. Huge improvement over the Censored yellow original H7 halogens. Got the tip from Sams Motor and Machines on YouTube Bow down
57) Side (dipped) beam. Osram Cool Blue D3S bulbs fitted. 35W. Up to 6000K and 20% ones. Ebay Ā£136. Much improved light on dipped beam.
58 ) New TRW rear calipers fitted from Advanced Factors. Carriers re-used. Glenrands fitted.
59) Full underbody Lanoguard. Glenrands.
60) LED upgrade to side indicator front wing repeats fitted
61) Megaflush #2 done at 120K miles by Transfer and diffs done too.
62) New bonnet struts fitted. It now doesn't fall on my head Rolling with laughter
63) New FBH coolant pump fitted. Fired up but cut out. B12A6-25 (2F) fault code. Part number JJK000010; Genuine part used. Fixed. Glenrands fitted.
64) New fog lights and H11 LED bulbs fitted. eBay suppliers. Much brighter.
65) New Borg&Beck front pads and discs fitted as previous ones warped. Fixed wheel wobble on braking. Glenrands fitted.
66) Fitted LED number plate lights (whole units and not just LED bulbs) as per Sam's Motor and Machine recommendation. Aliexpress sourced. See note #44
67) Rear wheel arch liners removed, rust treated (NeutraRust 611) and waxoyled (Clear old skool Waxoyl). Update to items 25 and 33. I don't recommend adding FL2 trims to the leading edge of the rear wheel arches. Here's why:
68 ) New drivers seat foam pad, ducting and filler pad fitted. Feels like a new seat now! Glenrands.
70) New rear prop fitted. Old one had a delaminated centre bearing carrier. GKN from Advanced Factors and fitted at Glenrands.
71) Used Autosol to remove the worn anti glare layer on the central dash screen. Transforms the image and rear view camera image is like new.
72) New air con condenser radiator fitted. Old one was leaking on lower edge. Advanced Factors supplied. Glenrands fitted.
73) New front lower arms fitted. Full kit supplied by Advanced Factors. Glenrands fitted.
74) Both front diff-driveshaft oil seals fitted. Were weeping. Glenrands fitted.
75) Fitted Bevinsee D3S LED bulbs as an upgrade to the Osrams (Item 57). Amazing difference and a lot cheaper than Osrams! Complements the full beam LED upgrade done previously (Item 56). Another Samā€™s Motor and Machines recommendation!
76) New 019 AGM battery. LR Exide one. 90Ah 850A. GX73-10655-BD. Supplied and fitted by Glenrands

77) May 2024. Sold to forum member ā€œArcticMā€

78 ) May 2024: Brake calipers professionally painted black all round.
79) 134,893 RR Glasgow: MOT & Inspection 1 Service. Front to rear brake pipes & rear flexi pipes. 2011 4.4TDV8 Vogue SE: Ex DrRob. You know the car..

Post #697152 30th Jul 2024 4:12pm
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