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Member Since: 08 Feb 2024
Location: Sammamish, WA
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United States 2010 Range Rover HSE 5.0 V8 Rimini Red

Just to confirm, there isn't any coding necessary to do the swap from Logic 7 to HD, correct? I'm planning on getting a wrecked S/C at some point as a donor so getting all of the mounts, wires, etc won't be a problem. I need a few other things off of it anyway Smile

Post #685138 8th Feb 2024 10:23pm
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Member Since: 24 Sep 2022
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United States 

I'm looking to swap out my HD amplifier for and aftermarket 8 channel MOST amp from Mobridge and have a few of questions:

1. Can someone please post an image of the stock amp in the stock location? I have a 2012 L322.

2. I do not see the power and ground wires listed in the wiring diagrams posted in this thread, are they obvious to find? Any pictures?

3. Given that the new amp only has 8 channels, if I leave the stock HK HD amp installed with only the rear mids and surrounds attached, will it still work without issue?

Post #686325 24th Feb 2024 1:32am
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Member Since: 31 Mar 2025
Location: San Diego
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United States 2010 Range Rover HSE 5.0 V8 Barolo Black

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I read the post regarding the upgrade from the 720w system to the 1200 watt which is the one I have. However, I can't find if anyone has hooked up a custom amp to the existing 1200w premium stereo by tapping into the speaker wire and then adding the amp and custom subwoofer. Has anyone tried this and does it work? I recently did this like I have done all these previous years with all my other whips but when I did this one, it worked but the bass is 10 percent of what it could be. Not sure if the amp I am using just isn't pushing out the rated power and that being the source of my problems or is the logic 7 somehow interfering with my additional attempt to Add more bass and limiting somehow the amp output. It sounds impossible for the latter to be but you never know. Just wanted to get anyone's input on this issue before I go buy a better amp.

Post #715234 31st Mar 2025 12:51am
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2018
Location: Barcelona
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Spain 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

th3chainrule wrote:
I'm looking to swap out my HD amplifier for and aftermarket 8 channel MOST amp from Mobridge and have a few of questions:

2. I do not see the power and ground wires listed in the wiring diagrams posted in this thread, are they obvious to find? Any pictures?

They should be fairly obvious as they'll be pretty hefty. The input to the amp is digital/toslink/optical, so should be obvious which is which!

th3chainrule wrote:

3. Given that the new amp only has 8 channels, if I leave the stock HK HD amp installed with only the rear mids and surrounds attached, will it still work without issue?

Not sure it will, as you'll only have one optical input which will go to either the Mobridge or the HK DSP/Amp, you won't be able to get audio into both.

Your better bet would be to just use the Mobridge with passive crossovers (as per the standard HK, IIRC) then drive a separate bass-amp from speaker-level outputs to the rear channel.

I would really not want to run an 8-channel amp in this vehicle tbh, I'd want at least 10. You're not going to have time alignment ability for the various speakers with just 8 and it may end up sounding a bit rubbish.

There's at least 4 pairs of speakers I'd want timed differently, due to their position in the car;
Rear pillars
back seats
front seats / dash area.

Ideally, I'd want to time align the tweeters on the sail panels differently than the ones in the bottom of the door.

Ideally, I'd also want to be using a separate channel for the centre dash and subwoofer, so I'd be at around 10 channels minimum.

Your other option is potentially to just bin off the mobridge and take some speaker level outputs from the existing amp, run that into a DSP and new amp and just go from there. You could then use a 8 or 10 channel amp+dsp combo which would be cheaper than the mobridge, at the expense of it being much less clean an install.

Post #715254 31st Mar 2025 10:25am
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2018
Location: Barcelona
Posts: 349

Spain 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Krwkrw47 wrote:
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I read the post regarding the upgrade from the 720w system to the 1200 watt which is the one I have. However, I can't find if anyone has hooked up a custom amp to the existing 1200w premium stereo by tapping into the speaker wire and then adding the amp and custom subwoofer. Has anyone tried this and does it work? I recently did this like I have done all these previous years with all my other whips but when I did this one, it worked but the bass is 10 percent of what it could be. Not sure if the amp I am using just isn't pushing out the rated power and that being the source of my problems or is the logic 7 somehow interfering with my additional attempt to Add more bass and limiting somehow the amp output. It sounds impossible for the latter to be but you never know. Just wanted to get anyone's input on this issue before I go buy a better amp.

Which speakers wire did you tap into?

The HK amp's are an amp+dsp combination, so there is active crossover done in the DSP for certain channels.

If, for example, you've tapped into anything but the sub's speaker wire, then you won't be getting the full range of bass frequencies to be able to drive a subwoofer off it. You will need to tap into the sub's feed to do that and even then, it could be there's a high-pass filter set at 40hz and a low-pass at 80 or so (guess), so you still may not be able to drive the full range of your aftermarket sub.

I've no idea and I've never seen anyone publish the frequencies the HK DSP is doing crossover at, but it would logically be to the range of the speakers used, which may not be that great.

I have posted a REW graph somewhere which shows the frequency response of the default HK system, which may be helpful if you search my posts.[/img]

Post #715256 31st Mar 2025 10:32am
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