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Member Since: 29 Sep 2021
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Could you use a PCI-Express IDE adaptor card in a modern PC to do this?

I notice you can get IDE SSD's now. Would it be better to clone your existing disk onto one of these and then try to update it (after unlocking). Nothing mechanical to go wrong and potentially faster operation (although I suspect it doesn't need to be that fast)

Post #610324 25th Oct 2021 2:34pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2018
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2011 Range Rover Supercharged 5.0 SC V8 Bournville

Could you use a PCI-Express IDE adaptor card in a modern PC to do this?

Yes and no.
No, it cannot be used for the unlock. You will need to use a DOS tool (HDAT2) that sends direct IDE commands to the device. That tool will only work on a native IDE controller, preferably as old as possible. Think Intel PIIX4.
Yes. It will work when you after unlock need to manipulate the map data like copying over updated map files and editing content of the license file pair if you want to change region. Best done on a modern computer with a nice SATA/IDE adapter on an USB3 dongle, or direct on your SATA port.

Post #610326 25th Oct 2021 2:53pm
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Member Since: 18 May 2021
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Hi Cudman, et Al.,

Seems like you did go through same journey as I did.
The MUINFIEEE is the key - it tells the unit which SLOT to load and can be manipulated a bit...

Did you have 40GB HDD too?
The partitioning by default contains 3 regions maps uploaded by default, but only one region by default enabled.
Which slot did you have enabled by default?

I did a bit of RE on MUINFIEEE and by all the looks the info about which regions are enabled is stored within the unit, not on HDD. There is additional flash on the board (in fact I've disassembled the unit).

If you guys could provide info as shown on "HLDF Information Form" that would be amazing.
There is "Main CPU SW / Boot Version:" value and the latest firmware version I've seen so far was 0660. Feeling is that firmware might vary between markets too (character support).

For those who managed to open HDD and would be willing to share their MUINFIEEE from all slots, together with info which region/slot is by default enabled, that could help RE and to understand the content of MUINFIEEE.

The biggest problem for us in mainland Europe is that LR decided to put some close by countries in different regions and by default only one region is enabled.

Hint - there's also a way to load newer maps, but... where I got stuck is character encoding. Seems like the old ones were all in simple encoding and new ones use UTF8. This breaks search and display on the map for anything with local characters.

Another problem is that newer maps are much bigger and that what puts us to square one, as bigger map won't fit limits of the files (FAT32) and essentially needs to be split into regions and that drives the need to be able to enable more slots, as otherwise there is problem of which maps/countries to put on the HDD (for those traveling across Europe).

I had to put it on backburner for the moment but happy to discuss with someone who wants to invest their time too.


Post #610333 25th Oct 2021 4:28pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2018
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2011 Range Rover Supercharged 5.0 SC V8 Bournville

Seems like you did go through same journey as I did.

No, I told others what I learned. I did not keep it a secret. Land Rover is not going to come home to your car and update it so that it no longer can be unlocked. They don't care about these old cars, they only want to sell the new ones. If they cared they would offer support to update maps that they offered for purchase. So all of the people reading this thread basically has been without any support for all these years while some people knew how it worked, and kept if for themselves. That sucks.

Did you have 40GB HDD too?

Yes, all cars apparently have the same IDE 40GB drive. I've seen some Jaguar forum posts where somebody apparently had a SATA drive, so clearly the nav computers got updated along the way. Mine is a 2011 and it has the DNNS035 part no. Would be interesting to learn what part number was used there but seeing as some peopel don't share information well we might not know.

Which slot did you have enabled by default?

SLOT3 is WEU or Western Europe (corresponds to Volvo DVD A Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, San Marino, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican City State.
SLOT4 is EEU or Easter Europe (corresponds to Volvo DVD D Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, F. Yugoslav Repub. of Macedonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine
SLOT 5 is RUS or Russia, can also be Australia depending on market
SLOT14 is TUR or Turkey, can also be Argentina depending on market
The other slots I do not know what they are used for, but maybe you who have had the journey could enlighten us?

If you guys could provide info as shown on "HLDF Information Form" that would be amazing.

Mine has 0650 / 6A05. Why not share the 660 to the forum or on a link if not possible to attach? Was it the same in SLOT0 as in the map partitions?

to understand the content of MUINFIEE.BIN

You can not take the MUINFIEE.BIN from one slot to another. It has to be the one in the enabled folder to open up the maps. Then the nav system actually doesn't care what map data is in the folder. I know because I updated the maps by replacing the old maps in the one enabled folder. Just keep the MUINFIEE.BIN and UPDATE.INF intact as they both share the same info. However, if you want to move from one region to another you will need to copy the maps from another region into the enabled region folder, then patch the first four bytes in that pair of files effectively changing the date of the maps. In my experience the original maps must stilll be kept in one other SLOTx folder in order to be recognized as having been "updated".

there's also a way to load newer maps

Yes, apparently there is. See above.

Another problem is that newer maps are much bigger and that what puts us to square one, as bigger map won't fit limits of the files (FAT32)

No, it doesn't matter. You resize the partition, the SLOTx of the active map to fit larger maps. The FAT32 system allows files up to 4GB in size. Even the newer 2012-2016 Discovery 4/LR4 nav system uses the same FAT32 file system and single files are not exeeding 4GB, about 2-3GB yes but not larger. The *entire* map folder can be bigger, like 28-30GB but that is not exceeding the single file limit of 4GB.
If you need to put custom countries into a map folder you can do that. Have you used Kiwi File Explorer? There are people driving around with custom maps in their cars, they just don't share how they do that using the KFE and its associated tools for exporting and importing map data because nobody knows that it can be done and thus ask.

Post #610341 25th Oct 2021 5:36pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

while some people knew how it worked, and kept if for themselves.

so there's a secret group of map hackers not sharing?

Thank you Cudman.
. Cheers, Greg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #610348 25th Oct 2021 7:01pm
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Member Since: 18 May 2021
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Do we have someone more versed on legal side to make sure we're not running into trouble with LR?
Human viewpoint is... LR doesn't give a s$#$ about owning older cars, especially these from 2010-2012 - these are completely unsupported ones for years, official last release from LR was what - 2014?
Can we therefore tinker with it and share? It doesn't impact LR revenue at all... though am unsure if someone wouldn't try to make an issue out of it.

All below is just for educational purposes.

On technical side - looking at other forums, getting MMM2 2017 maps wasn't something which I've seen as a victory, so not much to share... was focused on getting both slot unlock identified, as well as getting the newer maps properly working.
None of that has been achieved and on other forums every time some questions were asked, (i.e. Disco4), conversation was shut down - no one was interested in... So whilst watching others - difficult to write everywhere - hey help needed...

Back to key element - yes, KFE was tried but that is where the fonts problem and encoding lies - seems like at least 0660 doesn't have UTF8 support.
Fonts are within Loading.kwi in unkown format, well - some format which is more close to automotive than anything on IT side of the world (not a Type1 or TTF). There are also some bitmap fonts embedded in Loading.kwi.
It was beyond my knowledge and time I could spend on to learn and then share.

Plan B was and in fact is... to translate all names on maps into Latin fonts and then all should work, but... that includes translating indexes as well and that gets tricky, as Kiwi documentation (non-proprietary portion) can be found online, the indexes format - means a bit of work - again beyond what I could spend time on so far... awaiting autumn months and long evenings to come back to it.

To add to slots:
- Slot6 is Middle-East - interesting selection of countries
- Slot7 is South Africa
These maps were loaded on the drive, just hidden in the panel.
I've seen somewhere also list of what the rest of slots covered or was supposed to over - that was APAC and they had weird splits into regions there. Nothing we would be concerned with.

In my case WEU was only enabled though the EEU and RUS slots were visible, requiring key to be provided.

The key to unlock the slot is somehow linked to region and year of map and MUINFIEEE has at least date as starting bytes embedded.

I was able to manipulate MUINFIEEE from SLOT3 in a way that head loaded on the start map from SLOT3, but then going into map selection and selecting already enabled slot WEU it loaded content of the other SLOT, i.e. SLOT4 or SLOT5. It was down to manipulating one of the first bytes. Unfortunately forgot to write it down - it was so obvious at the time and now I don't remember as it was a good half a year ago. It was though 0x05 or around - I'd need to try again.

MUINFIEEE and Update are different only in a way that MUINFIEEE has additional 0 padding.
Additionally looking at its content, as you've found too - it starts with the date (0x00-0x03), then there is 00 and 0x05 is SLOT#-3 (WEU is 00, EEU is 03, etc.). Same as 0x2c (again SLOT#-3)

Visible slots have at 0x2e, value of "04", whilst hidden "08".
Section of 0x0a - 0x0f and 0x24-0x29 seems to be the same

The last byte seems to be 04 for hidden slots and some values for visible ones - not sure if follows any logic.

If I'd have enough examples of the content of these MUINFIEEE files for slots with description, I could approach to understand how it is built. Unfortunately with just one example I came up with number of conclusions, but could go past that point as the rest is a blind try& fail.

On HW side, the CPU is TX49 (Toshiba MIPS) - disassemble with couple of tools went south. Instruction set seems to be different and couldn't make anything out of it - again beyond my knowledge though if there's someone here who played with RE - maybe can help. It should be around SH4/SH2 but nothing conclusive was produced - again this is where my experience is short.

Would you be willing to share your MUINFIEEE?
I'll find a way to share the loading.kwi.
Please check if your loading.kwi in SLOT0 and other slots, especially SLOT3 is different or the same - the best is if you could get checksum of it.

Post #610350 25th Oct 2021 7:34pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2018
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2011 Range Rover Supercharged 5.0 SC V8 Bournville

Re newer map versions. Well, let's refrain from sharing links here as there are copyrights on the map data.
I have concluded that other manufacturer and cars that are compatible with the MMM2 map format are:

    Jaguar 2009-2011 XF and XK, XKR
    Volvo V70 2008-2011, XC60 2009-2010, XC70 2008-2011, S80 2007-2011
    Subary Legacy/Outback 2007-, Impreza 2008-, Forester 2007-
    Mazda 3 2005-2009, 5 2005-2010, 6 2005-2012, GGI 2005-2009, CX5 7 9 2005-2011, RX-8 2005-2011

Some of these cars have 2020/2021 files available, however my source claimed they are faked as Volvo has not released newer maps since 2018. Well I do not know as I haven't bought any newer maps yet. Would love to get an ISO of any of these map files and compare the hashes to find out if that claim is correct. Now there is a risk that even though the map format matches the meaning of POIs are different so the only maps I have without a doubt confirmed work are the Volvo ones.

Re manipulate the loading of another region. As I wrote I found out that in order to "move" to another region you load the desired maps into the already active map folder (SLOTx), then manipulate the date of the two license files to be of a newer date. You then need the original regions map and license file to be discoverable in another SLOTy folder. This way you don't need to select another map. The nav computer just loads what it believes is newer version of the same unlocked region.

Re the MUINFIEE.BIN hex values. Interesting, yes, I confirm that 0x05 indeed is the slot no# minus 3, also confirm that 0x2e is 04 for the visible region, and 08 for hidden ones. I shared you all my files in a PM. Maybe these additional files, and others coming as other readers of this thread unlocks their HDDs will be collected and thus increase our collective knowledge.


Post #610408 26th Oct 2021 12:20pm
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Member Since: 29 Sep 2021
Location: Rugby
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Following along with interest.

A thought that occurs to me, while removing the HD and updating the maps sounds like it works, I understand its a lot of work to extract the head units on these cars.

We clearly have some clever people on here who have RE how the data is stored in the HD, would it not be possible to do something similar to the factory map update tool, and work out what format and data files need to be stored on that HD, and it it is a firewire interface have an adaptor to connect and update the device that way. Although it might work out more expensive way of updating as you need to have a HD and interfece etc, once you have it it could be used to update maps regularly, however you get hold of the map data?

@Cudman, could you PM me the details you mention in your previous post please.


Post #610412 26th Oct 2021 12:36pm
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Member Since: 18 May 2021
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To those who would unlock the HDD, would be great if you could provide your MUINFIEE files to run some additional analysis - more examples better as there needs to be a patter - just need to discover it. There needs to be a relatively simple logic around it.

The problem with newer maps is that the moment screen is scrolled towards countries were characters missing in firmware (no support for UTF8) like i.e. Poland and other Slavic countries, their local characters as are used in names destroys the display of the map (no town/street names are visible anymore and as almost every town or surrounding has a town/village name with a character it blanks out majority of the map).

German/French/Nordic/Spanish/Italian characters were there as do not essentially require UTF8 encoding and did exist in previous versions.

No one so far as per my understanding managed to get European maps running properly (talking about beyond what MMM2/2017 maps are) and about what originally was WEU/EEU region countries.

In regards to slots, my aim was to enable 2 slots and be able to switch between them easily. Reason? Full Europe won't fit into even compressed alldata.kwi due to FAT32 filesize limits. And as such, Europe has to be split. I didn't try to force load alldata.kwi split into parts as it seems like this part of code is missing in LR/Volvo Navis. Hence the need to be able to switch between slots - depending where one is moving.

I might settle with just cut down version of Europe as am not traveling that much across... so it was just what I was aiming for when originally thought it won't be that complicated.

I didn't manage to go over the hurdle of getting myself together into trying to write some lines of code to transcribe names and indexes. Indexes might be the more tricky option.

Other ways I've tried was to disassemble loading.kwi but neither IDA nor Ghindra recognize this platform.

In terms of HDD layout and external connection. By all looks most of the crowd believes it is Firewire interface. The layout of the hard drive can be create by Map tools which come together with SDD.

The latest firmware can be potentially obtained with SDD (VBF file), but seems like is downloaded only when SDD is connected to the car. This I didn't have a chance to test. Weirdly other VBF including newer navi files are by default downloaded by SDD. Only these old ones seem to be missing.

Format of the files to be put on HDD, even if one would manage to connect is unknown as probably no one had access to dealer version of disks.
Maps itself these days are not that expensive, well 50 quid I'd spare as called by other brands. Volvo gives it away. It's only LR which plays funky.

If there's anyone who would be willing to share some SDD knowledge - potentially we could manage to get latest firmware.
Potentially, there might be some late 2014 version of firmware which would support UTF8, as newer (IAM2.1) head supports UTF8 already and majority of the code smells to be similar if not same hence there is slight chance that there exist proper firmware with UTF8 support and that would resolve problem with maps transcoding.

Post #610480 26th Oct 2021 8:11pm
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Member Since: 20 Oct 2010
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Scotland 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Santorini Black

This all seems right up my street so I'm following with interest from a technical side.. And the fact my maps are as old as Moses. 2011 4.4 TDV8 Vogue SE - 'Black Betty'
2000 4.0 P38 HSE - 'Green Goblin' - Gone.

Post #611243 31st Oct 2021 10:40pm
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Member Since: 29 Sep 2021
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Buckingham Blue

So I have not got my FFRR and its got a 2011 map in it.
I really would like to update, but dont fancy taking the dash apart to get the display unit out to remove the HDD and update that way.

I have a copy of SDD, and it has the map update software on it. I have run this with a USB drive connected and it builds a number of partitions and directory structure.

Now I'm think that the dealer update tool is just an external hard drive that has both USB and firewire connectivity on it. Its still possible to get such devices, so with that and a made up lead maybe its possible to update using the factory method.

But what I need to get to the next stage is a copy of the dealer update disk for the hard drive satnav.
Hopefully should then be able to build a newer set of maps from another car. But without a copy of the dealer update there is no point in getting the usb/firewire drive

So what is required now is a copy of the dealer update disk. If anyone has access or a copy they could share?

PM me if you wish to remain anonymous in providing if it will cause you issue.

And maybe we can then come up with a way of updating the sat nav that usual by many.

James 2011 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Buckingham Blue

Post #616172 13th Dec 2021 5:22pm
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Member Since: 19 Sep 2013
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Orkney Grey

Hi, has there been any progress on this? I'm happy to help if others are interested in finding a way to maintain an up to date sat nav map on these cars? Mine is a 2012 with single view and maps from 2011. Only 11 years out of date! I'm a developer so could help debug the map data and quite willing to try things on my car. Cheers James
2012 RR L322 Vogue in Orkney Grey
Previous 2003 RR Vogue

Post #628968 18th Apr 2022 11:16am
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No progress made, as would need some more souls interested and actively participating to move forward - I've potentially reached limits of knowledge/time effort spent on it. Majority of important findings is already above - if one is happy to engage in development of maps transcoding - happy to work on it together.

Post #631573 13th May 2022 11:16pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

So what is required now is a copy of the dealer update disk. If anyone has access or a copy they could share?

I'm not sure how many JLR techs are on this forum, certainly through other issues raised and extensively discussed it seems we don't get any insider info, not ever dealer tech types. So I suspect none or if they are here they don't give it up.

. Cheers, Greg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #631582 14th May 2022 7:19am
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Member Since: 18 May 2021
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The best would be to have that disk to see how files are laid out.
The biggy is from where/how to download latest firmware, as if this would have UTF8 support then no firmware modification would be needed and any new maps could be used. Biggest worry is that even the latest one might not have that UTF8 support and then we're in square one.

Otherwise, the way to go would need to be towards maps transcoding to use Latin only characters - any volunteer to write transcoder? Am happy to share knowledge about format, etc. with someone who has skills to write that piece of software.
The content is split into two - names, directly and index, which needs to be updated (index is the more difficult portion, though documented).

Post #631603 14th May 2022 11:44am
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