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Member Since: 24 Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue SE Supercharged Java Black
Thinking of moving on...

Hi Chaps,

I had an unhappy time with my MOT earlier this week, unsurprisingly the MOT insurance covers everything apart from the bit that actual caused the MOT failure Sad

My cars all sorted now with a new set of rear disks and pads, but the grief of the MOT has resulted in a loss of love for my FFSC. Perhaps its time to get something a little more economical.

I no longer need such a big car, so I'm toying with the idea of an almost new BWM 335 touring.

What do you think?

Gone - Range Rover Supercharged 2006

Post #122245 16th May 2012 9:26pm
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Member Since: 11 Sep 2008
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When the love has gone its best to start a new romance with another , I would say go for the change because trying to rekindle something that has died is just not the same ..... Thumbs Up

Post #122248 16th May 2012 9:43pm
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Member Since: 16 Jul 2010
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Shame, but I agree with Mick. The 335 is a cracking car, but you may miss the space. Hope you find that new love... Current MY2020
Gone: 1 x L405 and 2 x L322's

Post #122249 16th May 2012 9:47pm
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Member Since: 14 Jun 2011
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Wales 2003 Range Rover SE Td6 Zambezi Silver

It's not really what others think, is what you think at the end of the day. If you want a change, sell your car and get something else.

Any car can cost a lot come mot time. It's just one of those things. Last week my 9 year old FF and 11 year old Megane sport both passed with flying colours. Any other year they could both have failed on something expensive. Car ownership can be an expensive chore or a pleasure. Only you can decide when it's time to move on. No longer FF owner but still interested. Present car Jaguar XE

Previous car Td6 SE

Previous LR- Disco 300TDi Auto

Post #122250 16th May 2012 9:52pm
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Member Since: 13 Jun 2011
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I had a similar thought earlier today as I was paying the DVLA for my road tax, the thought crossed my mind that I pay a lot for my car when (for the mileage I actually cover each year) I could be running around in a very nice (albeit older with higher miles) 7 series or merc CLS for a fraction of the costs with more cash in the bank.

Then I sat in the car and managed to convince/remind myself as to why I bought it in the first place - but still there is a niggling doubt, brought about by more of a sense of not wanting to waste money on something as trivial as a car, that it would be wiser to have something older/cheaper/more economical.

Still the heart is ruling the head (for now anyway) and the range rover is staying on the drive...

Post #122254 16th May 2012 10:40pm
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Member Since: 06 Dec 2010
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2013 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Causeway Grey

Well I just changed a few weeks ago from an SC to a BMW.

I have the 730d, and it's faster, much more economical, easier to park, more modern, and more reliable than the RR, but I miss the RR like hell. You can't love a BMW or a lesser car after a Range Rover, in my opinion. You're just going downmarket to save money or get convenience or reliability. So it may be a compromise worth making, IF you've really had enough of the Range Rover, or you may regret it! 2012 SDV8 Vogue SE

Post #122255 16th May 2012 10:53pm
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Member Since: 16 Oct 2010
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United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Java Black

me too, was thinking of getting a newer one but its such a PITA to park in london. Was thinking a fast BMW myself but think ill be bored of it after a month and it will be just another car so might as well go boring from the start, prob a derv focus or golf.

The range rover is on it last warning for a while anyway as it let me down a couple of months ago. 2004 black Vogue TD6

Post #122260 16th May 2012 11:48pm
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Member Since: 08 Jun 2011
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Causeway Grey

There must be some sort of virus going about..........are you all sick Confused 5.0 supercharged autobiography
Gone-4.4 Vogue Lpg now unmapped
4.6 HSET Turbo Lpg mapped
Gone-Defender 90 200tdi
Gone - 3.9 Sprintex supercharged LPG
Gone - 3.9 Vogue LPG

Post #122265 17th May 2012 2:45am
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Member Since: 11 Jan 2012
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Zermatt Silver

Rear discs and pads are wearable items and, though regrettable, was inevitable at some point.

If it was a broken part, such as the fabled steering motors, then OK. You accept they go, but it shouldn't happen.

I'd say give it a few weeks to get over what financial pain you're feeling before selling (at a loss, I assume?) and buying something else which could also (potentially) need work.

FF's are emotional purchases. Although I've never owned a BMW (driven many, but never found them terribly captivating), I would venture your heart would be pretty empty. Si. <This is my name.

I eat rat poison.

A man ain't truly been insulted until he stands buck naked in front of a woman and she didn't even notice. Or care.

Post #122266 17th May 2012 5:21am
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Member Since: 26 May 2010
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United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

Justin, if you think anything half decent isn't going to cost a lot for brakes you should go get some quotes. Baby Brother just paid nearly 900 quid for discs and pads all round on the X5. The stupid thing is that 70% of that was labour and profit on the parts.

I did my own rear discs and pads about a month ago. The kit cost me 90 quid from a decent auto factors (Mintex) and took me about 30 minutes a side to fit. LR had quoted me over 400 quid to do the same job. So for the sake of getting my hands dirty I saved over 300 quid.

A lot of modern cars are designed to help the dealers make a handsome profit come service time, more obviously so since the EU ruling that you don't have to used franchised places to maintain the warranty, and also the ruling that dealer diagnostics have to be available for non franchised places to buy. Just look at LR spec on tranny oil, engine oil etc. You can ONLY get the exact stuff from one brand which allows them to charge like rhinos.

Shop around, use quality aftermarket parts and get a cheapish garage to do the work. You will save an absolute fortune. Use the main dealer for everything, even with a cheap hatchback, and you'll get raped every time. That's not the car, it's the dealer overheads and profit margins on everything. Won't be long before they charge for the air you breathe whilst on their premises.


Post #122277 17th May 2012 6:37am
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i think every one gets fed up like that now and again justin, i'm going through that stage at the moment, but is the grass greener on the other side....i put it down to the crap weather ....get some sunshine and we will all feel better...anyways please stay on and contribute to the forum if you do change ... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #122285 17th May 2012 7:22am
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Member Since: 22 Feb 2010
Location: Cambridgeshire
Posts: 185

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Java Black

The local main dealer do have a tendency to charge telephone numbers don't they! Although to be fair I do find their service very good and much better than the local Honda and Merc dealers whom have also had to deal with...

If your anything like me DIY is just out of the question - perhaps we need to find a local indi and ask for a group buy Wink I have already convinced my other half to let me use her Freelander as a test vehicle - she uses Murketts in Shelford who seem to be good and a half way between LR main dealer / fully indi.

Post #122295 17th May 2012 7:43am
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Member Since: 24 Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge
Posts: 889

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue SE Supercharged Java Black

I’m fine with the rear brakes needing replacement, although I’m not convinced they really needed doing, as I don’t see how the MOT station can accurately measure the pad thickness without taking the wheels off, (I didn’t have time to pop down and check). But I accept brakes are a wear and tear item. I’m most annoyed about the LR select warranty / MOT insurance that covers nothing. However the problems on Monday went beyond rear disks and pads. The dealer managed to break my drivers window (Karma for not investigating it fully when I asked them to take a look 2 weeks before for it sticking every now and then), and they also cocked up the MOT expiry date which has now come forwards by a month. Both have been solved, the dealer replaced the window at their cost (after some persuasion), and the cars booked in for another MOT next month to realign the date, again the dealer is picking up the bill here. But with the replacement rear camera the week before, and the fuel economy, and the fact that the wife continually tells me how much she hates the car, its made reconsider whether its worth it.

I’ve booked an appointment for this Saturday at my local BMW dealer to take the an ex demonstrator 335 touring for a spin. I’m half expecting to get in and hate it, as I can still remember how special the RR felt the first time I sat in one, and the 3series is not going to have the same wow factor. 
Gone - Range Rover Supercharged 2006

Post #122305 17th May 2012 7:55am
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Member Since: 16 Jul 2010
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Bozmandb9 makes a valid point as does everyone else. It's always painful to fork out at the time, but is forgotten.

The problem is....what do you buy instead. Having had BMW's 3,5,7 & X5, CLS, Aston Martin, etc...I can't think of anything better than a RR for everyday driving.

The day we buy with our heads and not our hearts, we lose our souls. Current MY2020
Gone: 1 x L405 and 2 x L322's

Post #122310 17th May 2012 7:59am
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Member Since: 25 Jun 2009
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2017 Range Rover SVAutobiography 5.0 SC V8 Indus Silver

Whoa whoa, come in off the ledge!


Seriously though whilst I agree that there are precious few options (if any) once you've had a FFRR I love BMWs particularly the fast yet frugal monster diesels like the 335.

If the spark is gone maybe try to test drive a couple of alternatives.

Mine has been on a 'last warning' but I confess that when I walk out to it it still feels pretty special. When it doesn't, if trying something else doesn't rekindle that feeling, it will be gone.

Good luck anyhow chap! Thumbs Up

EDIT: Must not start typing a response then leave it or my point will be old! Have you considered a new wife? (KIDDING!!)

Post #122314 17th May 2012 8:05am
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