LTB00906v6 - Twin Speed Transfer Case Judder
Some owners might experience the below symptoms that are specified in a UK LTB.
The symptoms can occur before or after a transfer box oil change.
The LTB is:
" LTB00906v6 - Twin Speed Transfer Case Judder "
" A customer may express a concern that a judder is felt from underneath the vehicle when using steering input at low speeds, for example turning left or right at a junction. This technical bulletin has been updated due to a change to the warranty section, parts section, condition summary and service instruction. "
If you present your car to a LR Main Dealer with judder symptoms, they might suggest a transfer box double flush, road test and software update. Our car displayed these symptoms (3.0 TDv6). The procedure was recommended and resolved the issue. The LR Main Dealer applied no charge for the procedure.
The symptoms can be the subject of an LR warranty claim.
If LR AU Warranty declines the warranty claim, the MD can raise a case for LR to cover the cost via LR CRC. 2019 L405 SV Autobiography