Having replaced my gearbox sump & oil at approx 124k and then flushed it with petrol to see what was inside the filter I found almost nothing.
I'll definitely replace the fluid again at maybe 150k ish (if the car stays with me another 10k - lol), but I won't be bothering with the sump again.
However, if yours hasn't been done yet at 140k, I think I would change it to be more confident in how clean things were.
PS if you've got steel sump on there now, its highly likely its already been done - as plastic was OE. Paul,
2001 Discovery 2 TD5, 211,000 miles & climbing
2006 FFRR TDV8 Vogue 151,000 miles & now sold
Member of Midland (Land) Rover Owners Club, www.mroc.co.uk