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 Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6

Post26th Jul 2017 11:03am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 10 · Views: 4636 · Subject: Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6
Now i'm going to ask, is it better to have jacked the car up to do this or have it on the floor?
 Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6

Post26th Jul 2017 10:53am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 10 · Views: 4636 · Subject: Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6
there my lack of mechanic knowledge causing trouble. The bits that are warn are the rubbers on the end of the drop links. I've just googled and it seems the come connected to the bar for less than £25 ...
 Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6

Post26th Jul 2017 8:06am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 10 · Views: 4636 · Subject: Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6
Ok the the ARB drop links are a little loose where they connect to the ARB. How tight do these need to be? Is it a case of just tightening them up or worth replacing the whole bar and bushes? Any idea ...
 Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6

Post25th Jul 2017 8:42am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 10 · Views: 4636 · Subject: Font knocking/clunking over bumps. L322 TD6
Hi guys,

When driving over bumps i notice a heavy clunk coming from what i believe is the front left.

Any idea what it could be? It seems to be when the suspension extends, e.g. dropping down of ...
 L322 running 255/55r20 - do i need to get tracking fixed?

Post18th Jul 2017 6:02am
Forum: Wheels & Tyres · Replies: 2 · Views: 2088 · Subject: L322 running 255/55r20 - do i need to get tracking fixed?
Hi guys,

Just changed tyres and went to the General Grabber AT3s in 255/55r20. Pretty pleased with them and the look of the vehicle, can't hear them on the road, half expected them to be noisy.

 L322 stuck tow bar.

Post20th Jun 2017 5:16pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 16 · Views: 7826 · Subject: L322 stuck tow bar.
You need the oil to be mixed with a release agent, more a penetrating action.

Corrosion X

Any of those, applied liberally, left for 24 hours etc will help. But you will likely ...
 L322 stuck tow bar.

Post19th Jun 2017 8:15am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 16 · Views: 7826 · Subject: L322 stuck tow bar.
Apologies but my knowledge of this i guess is a bit thin on the ground.... I thought WD40 was penetrating oil? I have GT85 as well? Or a lots of firearm gun oil like this stuff ...
 L322 stuck tow bar.

Post19th Jun 2017 7:36am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 16 · Views: 7826 · Subject: L322 stuck tow bar.
Just applied lots of WD40 in the hope this loosens it up.... here's to hoping.
 L322 stuck tow bar.

Post18th Jun 2017 4:12pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 16 · Views: 7826 · Subject: L322 stuck tow bar.
Hi guys,

Not sure how long the tow bar as been left in but it feels like it's rusted in now. Any tips on how i could remove it besides tying to a tree and flooring it?

Thanks in advance
 L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?

Post14th Jun 2017 2:29pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 8 · Views: 4229 · Subject: L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?
Ok. Sounds like the motor has gone. Is this motor an easy one to get to? Any idea where it is?

I've replaced one of these before that's in the right hand side footwell against the centre console. T ...
 L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?

Post14th Jun 2017 9:59am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 8 · Views: 4229 · Subject: L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?
Man that sucks. The other day the kids were in the back cold so i had to have the hot blowers on them. Which meant i was sweating in the front....
 L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?

Post14th Jun 2017 8:18am
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 8 · Views: 4229 · Subject: L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?
Yeah except this heat control for the rear vent hardly adjusts the temp. It does do something, albeit very minor adjustments.

Which is why I'm now thinking that something is broken?
 L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?

Post13th Jun 2017 5:30pm
Forum: Technical (L322) · Replies: 8 · Views: 4229 · Subject: L322 TD6 2003 Blower Temps Front/Back difference?
So then guys. Can someone explain for the life of me how i can blow warmish air in the back for the kids and cool air in the front for me.

For the life of me i cannot get the rears to blow any but ...
 Looks snazzy but will it fit?

Post2nd Jun 2017 10:58am
Forum: In Car Electronics (L322) · Replies: 35 · Views: 13768 · Subject: Looks snazzy but will it fit?
following this with interest as well. Although how would be adjust the clock time?
 Cooper Zeon LTZ - 274/45r20 - Anyone running them? (see pic)

Post1st Jun 2017 8:36am
Forum: Wheels & Tyres · Replies: 8 · Views: 5401 · Subject: Cooper Zeon LTZ - 274/45r20 - Anyone running them? (see pic)
So are you running the 275/45r20 size?

What's the noise like?
How many miles have you done and what's the wear like?
What are they like for picking up stones?(and consequently throwing them)
Wha ...
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