Air Conditioning - Intermittent Fault | |
I was driving my SC yesterday and suddenly the windows all started steaming up due to the Air Con stopped working. Stopped the car and restarted it, I could hear the clutch kick in and it started working again fine, icy cold. Drove off and noticed that it started to heat up again within a few minutes. So stopped the engine and restarted it, clutch kicked in and ice cold again but when I drove off it stopped again.
Went for dinner (we are on holiday !) came back to RR, started her and drove back to our accomodation and it was fine, never missed a beat and was icy cold all the way.
The air con was recharged earlier this year and is nice and cold when its working so I'm at a loss as to why it started playing up and then went OK again.
Fingers crossed it was just an 'FFRR' glitch........
Anyone else experienced this ? and yes, I did SEARCH before posting this but couldn't find any other posts with a similar fault..... Stolen / Gone: 2006MY Supercharged LPG Autobiography - Zambezi Silver with Sand/Jet/Jet Oxford Leather.....