I started working on my 2015 AB lwb 4.4sdv8 today, around 200k kms.
I have a coolant leak where the coolant is dripping from the bellhousing on the skidplates underneath the vehicle.
For some weeks i was already topping up the coolant regularly as i had time constraints to start working on the engine.
By pressurising the coolant system and having removed the intake manifold, i quickly diagnosed the bottom thermostat housing to be yet the first culprit.
Now, can someone point me to other possible/very common leak points so i can change/repair them while I'm yet in this phase rather then having to open everything again next year...
Something i have noticed, very few times, was a slight oil/burned diesel smell in the cabin.
I will be replacing the coolant pump already (bought new already).
Thanks for your help! MY2008 Buckingham Blue Supercharged - gone
MY2016 Santorini Black 4.4 SDV8 LWB AB