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Member Since: 27 Sep 2022
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Canada 2012 Range Rover Westminster 5.0 SC V8 Santorini Black

Bristol RR wrote:
I've fitted mine to 2012 Westminster.

First impressions are that sound isn't great and screen was dim even turned up to highest on navtool and on RR screen. Had to fit the AUX blank to get audio working.

I found the following made _all_ the difference for the sound on my 2012 Westminster

- lower treble all the way on original head unit
- raise Bass +1 on original head unit
- raise sub +1 (or +2) on original head unit
- ensure NAVTOOL EQ setting is Flat
- lower master volume output on Navtool by about a third. 2012 Supercharged L322

Post #670015 28th Jul 2023 7:02pm
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Bristol RR

Member Since: 20 May 2023
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster 4.4 V8 Ipanema Sand

I’ve fitted the Nav tool to my 2012 Westminster but encountered an issue where it was preventing the car from going to sleep. Working with them to fix and will give my opinion once I have a working system or not!

Post #673731 18th Sep 2023 6:45pm
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Member Since: 15 Sep 2023
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Autobiography TDV8 Sumatra Black

Bristol RR, did you get an answer to the sleep problem? I’ve got the same issue on my 2011 Autobiography?

Post #678310 19th Nov 2023 10:01pm
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Bristol RR

Member Since: 20 May 2023
Location: Bath
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United Kingdom 2012 Range Rover Westminster 4.4 V8 Ipanema Sand

Jamesrad - they are saying it needs a live feed to connect to the wake up wire. Must admit I’ve had other issues to sort like the suspension so this was on back foot.
I should be looking at this in a week or so.
I can easily piggy back a fuse to wake it up and shut it down but I’m not sure which wire to connect to yet as haven’t looked.

Post #678313 19th Nov 2023 10:52pm
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Member Since: 13 Sep 2014
Location: Graz
Posts: 183

Austria 2006 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zermatt Silver

Has anyone recently installed a navtool in a 05 or 06 and can tell me the software version of the unit? I have SW 1.1, i have another unit to try and check in my car that is not running. i have SW 1.1 and the other unit is 7.5.


Post #679379 3rd Dec 2023 8:58pm
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Member Since: 27 Sep 2022
Location: Toronto
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Canada 2012 Range Rover Westminster 5.0 SC V8 Santorini Black

I bought in January'23 and installed myself on MY2012. I understand this is not an exact match, but for reference here's the software & HW version of it

 2012 Supercharged L322

Post #679728 7th Dec 2023 6:42pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2023
Location: Uk
Posts: 7

For others following along on this one I thought I’d add my own update.

I installed navtool on a 2006 supercharged a few months ago.

I have solar fitted, so my starter battery was always topped up.

Now that we are in winter that isn’t happening, and I was finding my starter battery was being drained.

I tracked all the usual power drain issues and threads until a few weeks back I spotted that the navtool was never turning off. It’s always lit up like a Christmas tree.

I messaged navtool about it a few times and they just said it’s normal and wouldn’t drain a battery. I tried to explain further. But no reply.

I then asked if I could get a pin diagram. No reply.

So yesterday I finally decided to sort this myself.

I cut the red power cable that goes into the navtool, then ran that to one of the lighter socket fuses in the rear. I used a piggy back fuse to tap into the power.

Now the unit only powers on if I fully start the car. And when I turn the car off. Power is cut.

Before I did this I could watch the battery power voltage of the starter go from 12.4v to 11.5 overnight! I assume it might also have been stopping the car sleeping in some way, even though the orange transmission light went out as expected after 16 minutes. Whatever the case, I was monitoring nearly 3amps of power drain.

To test first, I simply unplugged the navtool and waited to see if my voltage dropped overnight. It didn’t.

Now Since making this change, my starter voltage stays at 12.4v no problem.

I’m going to replace my starter battery anyway as I think it’s been discharged too much a few times, but the fact that I was able to stop the drain for £5 (piggy back fuse and some cable) I’m now very happy.

It’s a shame their units appear to be introducing the issue, and many people may not know. But there we are. That’s why I’m posting this - for those that go exploring. Smile

They may have a signal wire or another setting or something that would ‘fix’ this. But as their support was a black hole, I had no other choice.

Hope that info maybe helps someone else.

Post #681073 24th Dec 2023 2:19am
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2023
Location: Uk
Posts: 7

Also. A bonus for anyone using CarPlay (there may be an android equivalent).

To get clearer mic / voice from your side (so others can hear you better) when on calls, make a call on your phone, swipe down from the top right of your phone, and choose the “voice isolation” mode.

Google “iOS voice isolation mode” for more details if needed.

I think it used to revert back, but on the latest iOS it appears to stay on once set for all future calls. Though you do have to change the setting for different use cases (eg WhatsApp call. Regular call. Etc) but once turned on for each type, it persists for future calls of that type.

This means that all the background car noise is removed. And, in the case of navtool if using the stock / car mic, it now means it’s not a garbage mess for the person on the other end of the line.

Post #681074 24th Dec 2023 2:31am
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2023
Location: Uk
Posts: 7

clemenz wrote:
Has anyone recently installed a navtool in a 05 or 06 and can tell me the software version of the unit? I have SW 1.1, i have another unit to try and check in my car that is not running. i have SW 1.1 and the other unit is 7.5.


Soooo good news / bad news. (bad news mostly for me Smile )

The good news is, it's not just you that has the problem and it appears to be software related.

Bad news is, that I only know this because my unit was on 1.1 this morning, and I decided to see if there were any updates. I foolishly found and installed the 7.5 update and now my unit won't show anything on the display.

It still boots and CarPlay connects etc, but never anything sent to the screen and no response from the navigation button.

I have sent a ticket in to navtool but wouldn't expect a reply over christmas.

So I have just managed to break my installation due to this software update.

On the plus side, I hope that means that a further update can also fix it, or at the very least they may be able to provide the previous 1.1 version in the update tool so I can revert to the one that was working before.

I would recommend also sending in a support ticket to them if you didn't already, explaining one unit with 1.1 is working and another with 7.5 is not.

Then perhaps we can both report back here if/when we get anywhere.

Post #681114 24th Dec 2023 2:58pm
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Member Since: 13 Sep 2014
Location: Graz
Posts: 183

Austria 2006 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zermatt Silver

That is very interesting!!🤔

Can you check if the blue light blinks or is steady? Thanks!

Post #681343 28th Dec 2023 5:35pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2023
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So far lots of terribly short and vague emails. But it seems that

- it can’t be downgraded
- upgrading to 7.5 means a cable has to be changed
- they have not yet said what cable
- I chased again today

It seems odd that it would work for months and then a software upgrade would need a hardware modification. But maybe they had their reasons.

At the moment my unit remains out of action and I’m waiting on instructions from them.

Don’t have the unit plugged in at the moment so can’t report on the light side of things at present.

Post #681354 28th Dec 2023 7:36pm
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Member Since: 13 Sep 2014
Location: Graz
Posts: 183

Austria 2006 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Zermatt Silver

Ok, thanks for the info! Sounds like
you are an the right track. Please give a update when you get more information!

Post #681370 28th Dec 2023 9:21pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2023
Location: Uk
Posts: 7

They are now saying I have to send the unit back to them in America.

Post #681821 3rd Jan 2024 9:35pm
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Member Since: 24 Dec 2023
Location: Uk
Posts: 7

ok so I decided to chance it again on the navtool live chat and got someone who took the time to help me understand what needed changing.

I am pleased to report all is working again.

Here is what had to be done but first

WARNING / DISCLAIMER: You should contact navtool and check that these instructions are applicable to you. Anything you do to your unit or cables is at your own risk and could break things as they may not be the same as mine. It could invalidate your warranty or cause other unexpected issues. This is just what I did based on my own install and the instructions I was given.

This is with a NavTool 6 (NBT), purchased in 2023 running software version 7.5 for ranger rover L322 2006. It had previously been working fine on software 1.1. So if yours is currently working, don't update the software or you may find it breaks like mine did. After making this cable change, mine now works again using software 7.5.

With that said, here is what I specifically had to do to mine to get this up and running again.

1. There is a large grey connector plug with lots of green cables coming out.
2. On that plug, the top left pin should have a green cable that comes out and ends up at a shrink wrapped section that has a red cable attached.
3. Ignore that first green wire. That was just to make sure you have the plug the right way up. You can also double check this using my image, you'll notice the cut out of the big grey plug is offset to the left.
4. To the RIGHT of that first green cable, is the next second green cable along.
5. That second green cable needs to be spliced / connected to the white cable with the label "manual activation".

So what I did was cut the white cable, cut the green cable, strip the ends, and then link them all together.

After doing that, everything works as expected.

To be clear, the cables still connect from plug to plug as they did before. I have just ALSO bridged them/connected them to each other. You should not remove the pins etc from the plugs or stop the connections going from one end to the other. You're just trying to add an additional bridge/connection in the middle so those two cables can connect with each other as well.

I have included a photo of me holding the 2 wires that needed bridging/connecting in my instance.

REPEATED WARNING / DISCLAIMER: You should contact navtool and check that these instructions are applicable to you. Anything you do to your unit or cables is at your own risk and could break things as they may not be the same as mine. It could invalidate your warranty or cause other unexpected issues. This is just what I did based on my own install and the instructions I was given.

Click image to enlarge

Post #681827 3rd Jan 2024 10:47pm
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Member Since: 09 Dec 2021
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Netherlands 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Buckingham Blue

Your topic seems still to be relevant. Did you had the same problem as I have now? So, no 12V at the Navtool after installing it with the harness and starting car? In my case I Received NAVSGF4.0 and sw-update 7.5. I've contacted support last week, but no reply from theme thus far. Much appreciate your reply. Thanks.

Post #689486 31st Mar 2024 9:32am
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