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Member Since: 23 Feb 2009
Location: Shropshire
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United Kingdom 2009 Range Rover SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Larry wrote:

It makes for easy policing. Coppers used to have to have a "nose" for dodgy motors, now they could be a plastic pig (PCSO) with 2 weeks training and an ANPR. They just wait for the computer to make a noise when a dodgy car (according to the computer) drives past, they take their snout out of the Take Away and pull said car.

One more thing - PCSO's haven't got any powers to stop vehicles. 2010 MY Vogue SE TDV8 3.6 Stornoway Grey- fully loaded

Post #5503 11th May 2009 7:49pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2008
Location: East Midlands
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England 2006 Range Rover SE Td6 Java Black

noddy wrote:
One more thing - PCSO's haven't got any powers to stop vehicles.

I did write a long and intelligent response to this, but got distracted and it timed out losing it all. Evil or Very Mad

So to sum up what I had written (can't be arsed to re-write it):

    Yes. I know that. Was illustrating a point (ie. Someone with little or no training can identifiy dodgy cars).
    Powers can be changed anyway at anytime by those in authority.
    A lot of coppers are supsilious morons (although some are good) and alienate the general public.
    They apply the letter of the law, not the spirit in inapproriate situations.
    They should stop whinging about having extra bureaucracy and checks. It's all there because your colleagues in the past abused their powers (and of course the old 'Elf and Safety).
    It p|sses me off that more than 50% of the police levy on my council tax goes to pay police pensions and not front line policing

Imagine some flowery words around the above and that's essentially my rant for the week. What were we talking about again? Very Happy

Post #5505 12th May 2009 8:51am
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Full fat not diet

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I echo Larrys sentiments !!!!! Larry if you could start fiddling your expenses then you could be an MP - 2nd home anyone!!! Thumbs Up

Post #5507 12th May 2009 10:15am
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2008
Location: East Midlands
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England 2006 Range Rover SE Td6 Java Black

I truely hate corruption of any kind and hypocrisy, so I'd stand out like a sore thumb amongst MP's.

Maybe we should select MP's randomly from society, a bit like jury service.

Post #5509 12th May 2009 12:22pm
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Hear Hear !!!! Harumph Harumph Harumph !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lord Larry ? sounds alright ....... Bow down Bow down

Post #5512 12th May 2009 1:18pm
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Member Since: 23 Feb 2009
Location: Shropshire
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United Kingdom 2009 Range Rover SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Larry wrote:

It p|sses me off that more than 50% of the police levy on my council tax goes to pay police pensions and not front line policing

Larry, I don't know where you get your information from, but you are VERY misinformed. Your (my) council tax does not pay the Police Pensions - the pensions of retired officers come out of the 11% pension contribution I make. Mine will be paid by other officers when I retire and so on. There is a pie chart on my council tax bill showing a small percentage, but that is all it is- a miniscule amount in the grand scheme of things. You are also paying for the council workers' pensions too- doesn't that annoy you? 2010 MY Vogue SE TDV8 3.6 Stornoway Grey- fully loaded

Post #5603 16th May 2009 12:40pm
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Council Tax is Theft Censored Censored

Post #5604 16th May 2009 2:08pm
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2008
Location: East Midlands
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England 2006 Range Rover SE Td6 Java Black

The pie chart shows the percentages of money spent from the Police levy on council tax and the last time I looked it had a massive chunk labelled as pensions and a very narrow slice for equipment and a slightly bigger slice for civilian pay and pensions and a slice for the front line policing costs.

I don't begrudge paying coppers pensions, just the fact that not enough is spent on actual frontline policing. I think you've misinterpretted what I meant (or I wasn't clear).

I'm sure you have a different opinion from me, but I believe strongly that a good, honest, well motivated police service is what we need, coupled with sensible laws that reflect the views of society - ie. something I won't mind paying for! I think we're a long way from that. It's not that all coppers are bast@rds; just enough to give the public that impression. The courts (and the constraints and limits they and the Police have), plus the opinions of the Daily Mail and Sun don't help.

Just like the government, the Police would do well to remember the fundamental reason they exist, to help people live in a community and safe society. The mandate for policing does come from the public, as does government. When ordinary, law abiding* folk start mistrusting or hating the Police - We have a problem!

*Being Law abiding is almost impossible to achieve if you own a car!

Post #5613 17th May 2009 9:44am
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Member Since: 03 Dec 2008
Location: East Midlands
Posts: 262

England 2006 Range Rover SE Td6 Java Black

Okay, Okay, I've checked my facts and I was partially wrong (memory going in old age!)

West Midlands Police Authority budget 2006-2007:

Police officers pay and pensions �353m 69% of budget
Police staff pay and pensions �84m 16% of budget
Premises costs �14m 3% of budget
Transport costs �10m 2% of budget
Supplies and services �49m 9%
Capital financing �3m 1%
Total amount spent �513 100%

By the way , Yes your 11% contribution does go towards the pension of others, but so does the large contribution made by the Police Authority. Police pensions, in common with most other similar company pensions, are not self financing!

Anyway, I've had a stern word with myself and remembered that this is a RANGE ROVER forum and not an arguement down the pub. So I'm winding my neck in (although I stand by all my comments!).

Noddy, I reckon you and me could quite happily get through a case or two of pils while debating these points and end it with a sing song!

Post #5616 17th May 2009 11:06am
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2009
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United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Corris Grey

Hi Lads,
Just eventually seen this thread and I must say I have to back Noddy on the ANPR side. In my area, usually 3-4 times a year, the police sit en-mass at either end of Bury on the 2 main routes in/out with their ANPR kit and have multiple spotters/catchers on motorcycles and in cars dotted along the roads. Then further down the road ( where I am, they use a pub car park ) they have a small fleet of recovery trucks and police vehicles waiting to pull people with no tax, no insurance , unroadworthy vehicles etc etc, and, as Noddy says, they end up getting all the dodgers plus cowboy builders (in uninsured vans) and a regular occurence is people with outstanding warrants. I know some will say they're wasting time and could be fighting the 'real criminals', but I have to say I feel better knowing they've caught tax/insurance dodgers as I seem to pay thousands year in /year out to stay road legal and these others don't give a damn. I then enjoy reading in the local rag a week later about all the people they caught ( the recovery trucks seem to permanently be removing vehicles throughout the day).

I've said my bit Very Happy
Steve Steve

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Post #6390 8th Jul 2009 11:28pm
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