The LED indicator signals various states and conditions for the heater as follows:
• Illuminates green when the ON button is pressed, then quickly flashes green to indicate that the heater operation has been requested.
• Illuminates green followed by red when the OFF button is pressed to indicate that the heater has been requested to shut down.
• Illuminates green, then quickly flashes red when either the ON or OFF button is pressed to indicate there is no communication with the receiver.
• Illuminates green, then slowly flashes red when either the ON or OFF button is pressed to indicate that there is an error.
• Flashes red when either the ON or OFF button is pressed to indicate the remote battery is empty.
The error code you are getting along with a flashing red LED suggests the FFBH heater fuse may have blown or a FFBH fault stopping communication between the FFBH and the ATCM. It could also be a wiring fault between the FFBH and the ATCM.
The FFBH fuse is in the smaller luggage compartment fuse box, position 16, 20A (yellow).