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Member Since: 18 Nov 2008
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England 2019 Range Rover SVAutobiography 5.0 SC V8 Indus Silver

Just had Team Valley LR on the phone and apparently LR are changing the timings for vehicles on the production line Shocked

Pre-heat timing is down from 30 mins to 17.5 mins and the sleep time is down from 27 mins to 10 mins. They are also introducing a new battery but none are available for post production vehicles with current problems - dont forget I said production models Rolling Eyes

LR have said they will get to us poor saps with a problem but just not yet Exclamation Exclamation "UNDERSTEER" ----is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.
"OVERSTEER" ------is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.
"HORSEPOWER" ----is how fast you hit the fence.
"TORQUE" -----------is how far you take the fence with you.

Post #57539 30th Mar 2011 11:14am
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the timings can be a software update , the battery , well the dealer could go to a battery dealer and get one there....simples. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #57541 30th Mar 2011 11:17am
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Tim in Scotland

Member Since: 25 Mar 2007
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2010 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Time to reject and demand a new replacement........................ gets you a new battery quicker! 2018 Mini Countryman Cooper S E All4 PHEV in Melting Silver - it’s whisper quiet in EV and polluter modes

Post #57542 30th Mar 2011 11:18am
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nick h

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2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Tonga Green

Japseroony wrote:
Just had Team Valley LR on the phone and apparently LR are changing the timings for vehicles on the production line Shocked

Pre-heat timing is down from 30 mins to 17.5 mins and the sleep time is down from 27 mins to 10 mins. They are also introducing a new battery but none are available for post production vehicles with current problems - dont forget I said production models Rolling Eyes

LR have said they will get to us poor saps with a problem but just not yet Exclamation Exclamation

absolutely fecking unbelievable attitude from LR

its a very expensive car not a £10K eurobox Mad

one advantage of buying an older vehicle - at least you know the problems?

Post #57543 30th Mar 2011 11:19am
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Tim in Scotland wrote:
Time to reject and demand a new replacement........................ gets you a new battery quicker!

i agree with tim , but its a lot of hassle for a £100 battery.. ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #57544 30th Mar 2011 11:24am
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Member Since: 16 Sep 2010
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Agree that a solution would have been a leisure battery planted in the boot or similar to power all the toys, park heat etc. Leaving main battery just to crank the engine, power lights, air con etc. But then I'm clever

I am concious of the drain on the battery and do avoid having screens, TV etc running when parked up without engine while I'm waiting (if it's for a sustained period). If I am waiting a while, e.g. wife shopping, and girls in the car then every so often will start the engine and run for a while.

Remember this car has a large stereo etc, etc, etc.

Please note I'm in no way defending LR and their design, I don't work and am not afiliated to them in any way.

I remember during the handover with the dealer (very nice guy at Chipperfield) he said about park heat and advised not to use it if only driving the car for a short journey as it has a big drain on battery. Also advised for this reason it's safer not to set up timed heat. It's clearly a known problem with the drain on the battery. I suppose LR thought on cold day 30 mins park heat would be ok if car then driven for an hour plus?

As for it being a £70k+ motor, I agree it should work right off. But then the same can be said for £100k+ motors etc, Ferraris, Lambos and the like. They all cause problems.

Personally, I'd say it's a great car that's so far for me caused no problems. It will go places many other can't and it drives beautifully, to me the main functions of the car. Electronic toys etc are not primary things for me personally. I think you could easily kill a lot of modern cars if you run all the electronics and don't charge the battery...?

IMO LR took a view that some common sense prevailed with owners of their cars and that if you drain power you must replace it.

Well good luck to all those having troubles, I sincerely hope they are resolved to your satisfaction. But somehow doubt it, so enjoy whatever vehicle you choose to replace it with. Sorry for your miserable LR ownership experience it's a shame as I've been hearing RRs have been improving on reliability front from the old problem days. Looks like they are back for some people.

Post #57549 30th Mar 2011 11:40am
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Member Since: 09 Feb 2011
Location: High Leicestershire
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Java Black

Does anyone have a recommendation for a suitable replacement battery if I was going to get one myself? MY2011 FFRR 4.4 TDV8 Vogue, Santorini Black and Ivory *Arrived*
MY08 Discovery 3, TDV6 HSE, Buckingham Blue and Ebony *Gone*
MY07 Defender 110, XS
MY05 Discovery 3, TDV6, SE, Java Black and Alpaca *GONE*
Audio A6 Allroad, *GONE*
Audi A4 Cabriolet 3.2, *GONE*
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Lotus Elise *GONE*

Post #57586 30th Mar 2011 1:55pm
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the type most td6 owners have been fitting is a 110amphr 920 crank bosch/varta [type 020] battery sourced from company's like europarts... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #57587 30th Mar 2011 2:02pm
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Member Since: 22 Jan 2011
Location: Hertfordshire
Posts: 202

2011 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Java Black

Would taking an 'executive' decesion and putting your own more 'fit
For purpose' battery in affect warranty?

What a laugh. Had to ask though.

Post #57632 30th Mar 2011 4:47pm
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Member Since: 20 Feb 2009
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England 2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Waitomo Grey
LR set to recall all 2011MY FFRR's for new AGM battery

Just to reinforce Jasperoony's post a few days ago, I've also heard from a senior LR insider that all 2011MY FFRR's will be recalled for the software timing mods and a new AGM battery.
The issues over supply though are real - all new vehicles in production are now being fitted with the AGM battery (AGM = absorbent glass mat, not strictly a gel battery). This means the supply to dealerships for replacement in those existing vehicles with ordinary lead acid batteries is poor at present so they're waiting until stocks are higher before going public.

On a separate note my 2009 TDV8 Vogue has been sent off to the dealership now for serious diagnostics into battery drain.

21 months of ownership, 39 incidents of completely flat batteries, 9 LR/breakdown assistance starts and 2 batteries. I ended up carrying a 700aH starting pack in the boot, which I used regularly. Became a joke really, and as a result the car has not really been used the last 6 months. That's meant the car now looks in a sorry state with rusted wheel hubs, and corroded disks as well as the paintwork needing a decent polish.

This morning LR Assistance got the AA to recover the vehicle to the dealer. It had again failed to start (battery at 2.6v) after just over 4 days standing parked at home.

Europcar (completely unannounced) also delivered a 14,000mile D4 as a 'loaner'. Unfortunately it's filthy, has dog hair and cigarette butts in the ashtray, and two of the tyres are nearly bald. I'll ask them to take it back on Monday and I won't put a single mile on it.

The dealer has been good, but they do appear to be struggling to fix this and get the car sorted.
They now have an ultimatum - fix it, prove it's fixed (by parking it up for 14 days and then starting) and return it to showroom condition and I'll take it back. If they can't fix it to my satisfaction, or if they do and at any time in the remaining year of warranty the vehicle fails to start, they can keep the vehicle and I'll be taking action to recover the value of the vehicle plus loss of use.

After many, many years of Land Rovers - I am afraid this experience and the failure of Customer Service at Jaguar Land Rover to sort this out effectively has damaged my faith in the brand. I can't see me returning to Land Rover in the future. Such a shame. Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 - L405 (now sadly sold)
BMW i3 (fantastic little runabout)
Kioti NX6010 Tractor
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Post #58262 2nd Apr 2011 12:04pm
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Member Since: 18 Nov 2008
Location: North East
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England 2019 Range Rover SVAutobiography 5.0 SC V8 Indus Silver

Just a quick up-date.

My dealer has ordered me one of the new batteries but from what I have read on the other post it wont help.

Will wait and see though as LR have to have time to fix the problem prior to any returns etc and I dont really want to go down that route Thumbs Up "UNDERSTEER" ----is when you hit the fence with the front of the car.
"OVERSTEER" ------is when you hit the fence with the rear of the car.
"HORSEPOWER" ----is how fast you hit the fence.
"TORQUE" -----------is how far you take the fence with you.

Post #58718 4th Apr 2011 4:09pm
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Member Since: 01 Dec 2013
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Java Black
Flat battery, locked out!!

Hi all
My brothers 07 car battery went completely flat after being stood for a month, and he couldn't get in, as it was deadlocked. With no power what so ever turning the key in the door lock wouldn't unlock it due to the deadlocks.
He found getting under the car, removing the engine under tray that he could get a 12v feed to the positive cable on the starter from a slave battery, and the negative earthed, that the central locking then worked, and he got in. What a pain, his now run a + and - lead from the battery, and hid it in the front bumper, so he can easily connect 12v slave to unlock the car if it happens again.
I'm going to do the same to mine, to save all that hassle if the battery goes completely flat. Anyone else had this problem, or got a better solution? I guess if you have a towbar you could send 12v from the trailer socket, if you know which pin to connect to. SC 4.2, 2012 face lifted, 25K miles, 1 previous owner
Triumph TR6 1973
Triumph Bonneville 1970
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Post #329865 28th May 2015 8:18pm
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Member Since: 28 Oct 2007
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Australia 2008 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Rimini Red

Fix your door locks first , so many people only discover their doors won't unlock from the key after they get a flat battery.
The driver side deadlock should pop up with the key .
You can always pop a side indicator off and get to a +ve there , can't remember the colour though Embarassed but i think it's yellow/red . 2008 MY Supercharged
Rimini Red / Jet
four zone climate
remote park heater
and no ugly kid windows.
magnus satis quod turpis satis

Post #329884 29th May 2015 1:19am
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Member Since: 24 Mar 2011
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New Zealand 2010 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Galway Green

I agree with Axle on the lock. As for the trailer socket, there is a charger lead for sale that allows you to charge through the trailer socket 😊. Look in the forum shop! MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!

Post #329888 29th May 2015 3:43am
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Member Since: 10 Feb 2015
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United Kingdom 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Corris Grey

I've had my 2009 MY for 3 months now and had it flatten the battery twice. Once after having it cleaned - key was left in the ignition for say 30 mins. Second time was after an epic drive up north. Next day 3 or 4 <1 mile journeys and lots of having doors and boot open (key not it) whilst unloading and it went flat. Have replaced the battery as I suspect it was the original.

Those AGM batteries are the consumer type in our MB SL. They can take a whack of charging and recovery quickly too. 17 MY Corris Grey 4.4 VAB
Silver MB R231 SL350

Post #330314 31st May 2015 8:08pm
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