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Home > Maintenance & Mods (L322) > White Smoke Cloud L322 4.4. TV8
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Member Since: 10 Jan 2020
Location: Verbania
Posts: 12

White Smoke Cloud L322 4.4. TV8

My beloved 2011 L322 4.4 TDV8 Vogue with 140,000 km, today surprised me with a cloud of white smoke ...

with the engine warm and after a short journey, I restarted the car and heard the engine mumble irregularly for a few seconds, then stabilized; as soon as I started moving the LIMP light came on (again) and as usual I turned the engine off and on again, but as soon as I left I saw a big cloud of white smoke.

Can it be unburnt diesel fuel? or I have to worry about the turbo? Yawn

I must say that my FF in less than a year has already given me a lot of headaches:

After a few thousand km from the purchase, the car started to enter LIMP more and more frequently;
After a few more km the amber DPF light came on, I performed the regen procedure but a few days later the red DPF light came out. I then brought the car to the RR dealer, to find out at my own expense that the official RR workshop near my house is useless and has not been able to find the cause of the light on, they just updated the software to the latest version and removed the DPF light after a forced regen.
Less than 1000 km and a Friday night just to go home, Engine System Failure .... tow truck and 2 months of standstill, destroyed high pressure pump, injectors, submerged pumps and tank all contaminated by metallic particles of the pump.

After returning the car, I discovered that the 4 way hose had been broken and roughly repaired with silicone and leaking coolant; RR workshop cost estimate for the replacement 435 euros and no mention to who broken the hose during repair works. I repaired it with an aeronautical metal set and a few cents.

But the LIMP light continues to come out and in addition the battery drains quickly. A little later the red DPF light comes on again ... I take the car back to the dealer and they explain to me that the DPF is full and must be replaced, for this reason it goes to LIMP; cost estimate 3800 euros.

At this point I roll up my sleeves, I read all the articles in this beautiful forum; I recharge the battery, I recheck the 4 hoses of the donut (one was badly fixed), and magic ... no more LIMP!

Now I am waiting for a new battery, Exide AGM 95AH (because the original one no longer holds the charge and when the volt goes down the car returns to LIMP); I have just received the new Viton o-rings to solve the problem of oil leakage and tomorrow I will get to work, but this white smoke is an unpleasant and unexpected surprise.

Post #548583 28th Mar 2020 5:27pm
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Member Since: 07 Dec 2009
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United Kingdom 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Baltic Blue

if you are getting limp mode, a recurring DPF amber and red and full DPF, then I would suggest you have an air leak, possible any of the 4 pipes to the plenum on top of the engine, or a cracked inlet manifold (passenger or driver side).

1. If you can, get an Iid tool. or at least get the codes read (although your particular fat may not show up a code - mine didn't)
2. get a high pressure smoke test done for leaks.
3. Check the diesel fuel in oil reading (should read less than 7) - the fuel is pumped into the DPF to raise temperature to enable regeneration. change oil if so as that can retard a regeneration.
4. check if yours has had the (second turbo) oil leak mod done.

Others will be along soon and add to my list Whistle

Post #548585 28th Mar 2020 5:37pm
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Member Since: 10 Jan 2020
Location: Verbania
Posts: 12


Thank you Dolphinboy,

actually I solved the LIMP issues fixing the plenum hose and properly charging the battery. I found that if the battery is low, for some reason car goes in LIMP.

At the moment I don't have an Iid tool but considering to get one soonest. However from what I've been told by dealer no error code was shown.

The problem I am having right now is related to the white smoke I got today. I am not sure if got the second turbo oil mod but in about 13000 km since I have the car, this is the first time I see smoke from exhaust; is there any particular of the mod that can be visually recognized?

Post #548606 28th Mar 2020 7:57pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Does sound similar to another white smoke report here:;start=15

The turbo mod is possible to see but it will take a bit of familiarisation.
Have a good read:
and Cheers, Greg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Last edited by GGDR on 28th Mar 2020 8:34pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #548608 28th Mar 2020 8:21pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
Posts: 3551

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Also welcome!

You've had a bit of a tough time with your Range Rover but cars are just metal, we are all on high alert here in the UK but it's nothing like Italy and the news we see every day is just terrible.

All the best from us over here in the UK

. Cheers, Greg
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2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #548610 28th Mar 2020 8:28pm
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Member Since: 26 Nov 2016
Location: London
Posts: 3551

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Stornoway Grey

Just re-reading your issue, an air-system leak it could have caused the smoke, given you found one loose hose this could have been the case. Maybe. I would monitor it.

You could also do a smoke test on your intake air system, although you need a high pressure test to check it fully.

The air hose leaks definitely caused your DPF problems.

But if the white cloud doesn't return and your don't get any errors then you're probably ok.

. Cheers, Greg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2011 Vogue SE 4.4 with lots of toys in Stornaway

Post #548615 28th Mar 2020 8:44pm
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Member Since: 10 Jan 2020
Location: Verbania
Posts: 12


Thanks GGDR,

looks lke I don't have the turbo mod... in fact I use to have at least once per jurney heavy foot time, but in these days of lockdown I barely do few kms from home to work. I got smoke with full down trottle just after restart.

Well, I live very close to the most critical zone, also close to Swiss border where there is an even very serious situation; everyone is looking for better time. My older son lives in Scotland and told me things are much better there.

At least, I have a lot of time to be given to my range, also because 'is not currently possible to move to go to the dealer.

Post #548617 28th Mar 2020 8:57pm
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Member Since: 20 Oct 2018
Location: London
Posts: 962


The colour of the smoke indicates the type of fault you may have, white smoke is air in the fuel. Hopefully you have found the problem with the loose hose

Post #548621 28th Mar 2020 9:33pm
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