Seems like the electrical diagram PDF linked in the wiki (and many other places around the intarwebs) simply doesn't include the connector info.
So I got a one-day subscription for only my specific vehicle on TOPIX for a whole $16 and downloaded everything I thought I could ever need using a combination of CurlWget (wget mode only as curl doesn't recurse) and a little editing of the default wget syntax output to add these options:
-r --level=10 --page-requisites -k --content-disposition -c --adjust-extension -p --convert-links
P.S. small hint, don't use the default starting page for any of the downloads or you'll get lots of extra junk. If you're not into reading HTML you should use FireFox to break the left-hand iframe out into a separate window and then use that page as the "source" for the CurlWget syntax generator.
P.P.S. expect several hours even with a fast connection. I only got the main stuff, (workshop manual, electrics and few other bits and bobs), and it was still >425MB total! 2008 SC L322
2001 P38, Epsom Green, fully restored SOLD