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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

scarey wrote:
that was my first thought but will that do any harm

I imagine the extra unburnt fuel going into the cats, and the increased cat warm up time wouldnt be too good... 

Post #44548 4th Jan 2011 6:49pm
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i suppose the RR is set up for using a fbh and any messing with that will affect others parts of it... ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #44557 4th Jan 2011 7:33pm
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Update on Flat battery saga,

Dealer said that the battery was tested and OK as well as the alternator charging OK. They did say that the FBH has an auto/preset option which they reckon in this case was set to on via the dash screen. They said I would not necessariily have noticed it coming on Shocked - they reckoned that this is a common problem especially on cars where they are not used every day. while your not using it the car still turns on the FBH. Next time you come to start - flat battery.

The auto option is now definately off and we'll put the theory to test over the next days and see what happens to the battery.

They also said that the car has had a tech bulletin to reduce the heat time down to 20 mins max - from 30 mins?

Post #47050 22nd Jan 2011 11:19pm
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wheres the option on the screen then dexter?

Post #47060 23rd Jan 2011 9:19am
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
Location: Bude, Cornwall
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

Dexter wrote:
Dealer said that the battery was tested and OK as well as the alternator charging OK.

Do you know how the dealer tests the battery? It's in the workshop manual as:
Open bonnet.
Look at inspection light on battery.
If Green OK, if dark, replace.

This is not a failsafe way of testing a battery, but it is the LR way of "testing" a battery. Rolling Eyes

Dexter wrote:
They did say that the FBH has an auto/preset option which they reckon in this case was set to on via the dash screen.

The FBH does have a pre-set option, however, this clears the following day. You can set it to come on at 8AM for example, but after its run once it has to be manually set again.

Dexter wrote:
They also said that the car has had a tech bulletin to reduce the heat time down to 20 mins max - from 30 mins?

I'd love to see this - the car is quite un-ecconomical when driven at speed, perhaps there is a TB to limit the speed to 50mph?

I'd love to know how much you baid to be fed this load of bulls1t?

It's unfortunate that dealers seem to know so little about the pre-heater, hence why they were very rarely specc'ed, the dealers just didnt know what they were.

ALSO, every time you completely discharge your battery it looses about 10% of its capacity to hold a charge. So if you've had several flat batteries it will never be the same again. 

Last edited by dan_uk_1984 on 23rd Jan 2011 4:09pm. Edited 2 times in total

Post #47063 23rd Jan 2011 9:39am
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Hi Dexter,

I' totally agree with dan_uk on this one.

The Landrover recovery guy came out to me because of the same issue with flat battery. He first jump started it, left it running for about 10 mins to recharge it a bit, then he put some sort of ampmeter tester on the battery and let it run its test, which came back saying that the battery was fine. Then after turning off the car, waiting about 5 mins, then restarting, it worked perfectly. So Landrover wouldnt replace the battery.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I tried to use the FBH again about a week later and the car wouldnt start after that. I jump started it again, then proceeded directly to Landrover where I bought a replacement battery, and fitted it myself. Ever since that, the car has been perfectly behaved, and i use the FBH almost every morning.

SO, forget about what they tell you, trust me and dan, and go and get yourself a replacement battery, save yourself alot of problems. My old battery was only about 3.5 years old.


Post #47064 23rd Jan 2011 10:04am
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dan_uk_1984 wrote:

Dexter wrote:
They did say that the FBH has an auto/preset option which they reckon in this case was set to on via the dash screen.

The FBH does have a pre-set option, however, this clears the following day. You can set it to come on at 8AM for example, but after its run once it has to be manually set again.

First thing that came to my mind too. Immediately. Imagine the consequences if this were not the case: you stay at a small B&B where the car is parked outside so you set the pre-heat. The next day you park in your own mini 1-car, RR-sized garage with, in total, only around 10 cu.ft. more space than the volume of the RR. You forget to turn off the pre-heat and the next morning those 10 cu. ft. are solid CO. Your dog, who was accidentally locked in the garage overnight, is thoroughly dead. Crying or Very sad
dan_uk_1984 wrote:

Dexter wrote:
They also said that the car has had a tech bulletin to reduce the heat time down to 20 mins max - from 30 mins?

I'd love to see this - the car is quite ecconomical when driven at speed, perhaps there is a TB to limit the speed to 50mph?

The FBH uses quite a bit of power when it initially fires - above all due to the glowplug. Once it is burning, it draws very little: only the fuel pump, combustion blower, and the vehicles fan draw power - the latter being the biggest draw. The last 10 mins probably only make up 10-15% of the total power consumed by the battery. If LR does have a TSB on this, I'd assume that it is mainly because the fan is run too fast - and re-programming the FBH is easier than re-programming the HEVAC ECU to lower the fan speed. It seems to me to be a rather poor fix. I'll try to check the TSB's sometime.

dan_uk_1984 wrote:

It's unfortunate that dealers seem to know so little about the pre-heater, hence why they were very rarely specc'ed, the dealers just didnt know what they were.

ALSO, every time you completely discharge your battery it looses about 10% of its capacity to hold a charge. So if you've had several flat batteries it will never be the same again.

Agreed to 100% on both counts. 
RRC 2Dr, RRC 4Dr,
P38, and 2 L322s
(wife thinks I'm nuts - prob right, too)

Post #47100 23rd Jan 2011 1:27pm
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Member Since: 05 Sep 2010
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update on my FBH issue.

been into local dealer and after a lot of Censored ing about they have come up with that the issue is due to a software issue and that the fact that the FBH comes on when I open the car or close a door after the ignition has been turned off is due to the FBH ECU being voltage senesitive as the slight change of voltage is like an on/switch for the FBH!

They couldnt fix it and have told me to take it back to the supplying dealer, so trip from sunny south wales to lincoln next weekend!

Will let you know what they say and how they fix it.


Post #47153 23rd Jan 2011 5:44pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

I've read no info in the WSM that says when you open the door the FBH comes on. But I only have Rave, perhaps someone else can verify this?

The FBH ECU does not detect a change of voltage. It detects full 12v signal on one wire - when it recieves this signal it will turn on. That's like saying the headlights are voltage sensitive - they are, sensitive to 12v turning them on.

Have you had the battery replaced? As per the many suggestions to do so? 

Post #47157 23rd Jan 2011 5:55pm
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Member Since: 05 Sep 2010
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Just to clarify its when i unlock the car it automatically comes on so already on before i even touch the car, and once I have then stopped it and say have the boot open for getting shopping and I shut the boot it come on.

I thought that it was an odd reason, hence my Censored ing about comment. And also odd that they couldnt fix it!

Th battery is actually good and have had a few proper tests on it, not just the visual inspection.

Have got the full explanation in email (actually part of a response to my complaint for not resolving amongst other things) if you wanted to take a look to see if you can diagnose then I can send it to you, and any help would be appreciated because at present LR state they have no fix but that the supplying dealer should be able to fix it which I cant get my head around as surely any LR main dealer should be able to fix! Confused

Post #47158 23rd Jan 2011 6:07pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

Does it do it EVERY time you unlock the car? If so this should be pretty easy to replicate and rule certain elements out.

Can you verify that it is 100% the FBH by pulling the fuse for it? Then unlock the car etc and see if it runs.

Next you could try unplugging the remote receiver for it (if fitted) in the boot, right hand side (see my various posts on the FBH for location and plugs) maybe for some reason your key handset is triggering the FBH receiver.

Were LR able to connect to the unit via Testbook? Did they even try?

You could also go here: pay for an hours subscription (just a few quid) and download the relevant section covering your FBH system. Although the TD6 and FBH is covered in my manual and makes no reference to the FBH coming on when the door is opened.

The other thing you could do - get to the plug that connects into the FBH and put a multimeter on the "signal" line. If you detect erroneous 12v feeds popping onto that line then that backs up LR's story. I doubt 100% that they have gone anywhere near this length though.

By all means, PM me the info you have and I'll scan through it to see if I can come up with anything.

Thumbs Up 

Post #47167 23rd Jan 2011 7:10pm
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Member Since: 05 Sep 2010
Location: Wales
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Wales 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Java Black


Thanks the reply, yes it is defo the FBH as I now have to leave the fuse out put in before I start car then pull it back out!

Unsure if they plugged it into test book, but bare in mine I told them thought it was FBH so did LR assist report, they spent 3 days investigating why battery discharging, I reminded them of this on third day, then on 4th day the phone me to tell me that the battery was discharging because of issue with FBH! Twisted Evil

Anyway will send their response through shortly!

Thanks again!

Thumbs Up

Post #47170 23rd Jan 2011 7:25pm
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Member Since: 12 Nov 2008
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Supercharged 4.2 SC V8 Tonga Green

OK, next try unplugging the remote reciever I guess? The other thing I "think" you can do is reload/flash the firmware of the Webasto ECU. Although unsure of this one.

You could give Webasto a shout and see what they come up with, although they are probably going to re-direct you to LR. 

Post #47171 23rd Jan 2011 7:42pm
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Imagine the consequences if this were not the case: you stay at a small B&B where the car is parked outside so you set the pre-heat. The next day you park in your own mini 1-car, RR-sized garage with, in total, only around 10 cu.ft. more space than the volume of the RR. You forget to turn off the pre-heat and the next morning those 10 cu. ft. are solid CO. Your dog, who was accidentally locked in the garage overnight, is thoroughly dead. Crying or Very sad

Cheers guys, good job I've not got a dog or a suitable size garage.

I'll look into replacing the battery, cos it does make me feel very nervous now.. Car comimg up to the 3 year mark soon and needs some tyres, MOT and maybe a service as well in next couple of months Big Cry[list=][/list]

Post #47204 23rd Jan 2011 11:15pm
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I read about this somewhere before. The FBH and its ECU are one - so the only solution was to remove the FBH and replace it. I'd try to pick up a used unit, tho. Or have a word with Webasto. I'm quite sure they sell individual replacement parts whereas LR sell only the entire unit. 
RRC 2Dr, RRC 4Dr,
P38, and 2 L322s
(wife thinks I'm nuts - prob right, too)

Post #47228 24th Jan 2011 9:54am
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