After fiddling around trying to work out why it seemed too sensitive, I've found that after Adaption, the sensor no longer works. Sweeps are 10 seconds apart no matter what the settings on the stalk are. Not only that, the wipers still sweep at 10 second intervals if the sensor is connected or disconnected.
Originally I thought it was because the hole in the windscreen mask did not align with the light sensor in the rain sensor but that doesn't appear to be the case.
Faultmate reports a hardware failure of RLS (whatever that is - it must be the term for the sensor).
What I don't understand is why it worked before adaption. Ron B. VK2OTC
2003 L322 V8 Auto
2007 Yamaha XJR1300
Previous: 1983, 1986 RRC; 1995, 1996 P38A; 1995 Disco1; 1984 V8 County 110; Series IIA