My FFRR 4.4 nearly overheated today, rather ironically. I think it got a bit chilly overnight, and the radiator partially froze up. I was getting no heat from the vents either. I pulled over to let it cool down, then restarted it, and started to get some heat. It was still going up near the red zone before falling though, so I gently limped on to the Indy, where I was headed anyway due to the front door locks being frozen solid.
I've been getting coolant level warning bongs despite the level being fine, so I concluded that it would be a good idea to replace all of the coolant and get it replaced to factory spec, and hopefully it will be a lot more frost resistant, and also get rid of the false warnings.
I'm wondering if it was particularly cold here, I think it may have gone down to -15.
David Range Rover-less at the moment - Pining!