Has anyone experienced ignition problems with L322 TDV8. For a few weeks I have been have intermittent problems. It started with remote not opening doors. Changed battery in fob and was fine for a few days. Same issue and change battery again in case first one was old. No joy so changed to spare key which had no internals (electronic board). Changed electronic board over and worked finr again for another week. Again same problem, this time The key with the electronics would open the door but would not turn in the ignition but the other key(newer key with no electronics would start the car). After two days I can get in the car but the ignition will not turn. After fiddling with the key I got it to turn to position 2 but it will not start the car. I took it out of drive before turning off as I wanted to be able to roll the car if i need to get it transported.
Also there is NO fault message coming up on the dash
Has anyone any ideas or solutions please???
Thanks in advance