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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
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England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue
How to... Fit Android Head Unit to 2002-2005...

Update Nov 8th 2020

I found a few of the original pictures, not much but anything helps... uploaded below...

Discussion thread here...

Just fitted another one of these and it seems there are folk who want to have a go themselves so took some pics to do a "how to" and seeing as I'm sat here recovering from my first new hip thought I'd write it up...

EDIT... This unit is no longer available, search ebay for a "BMW X5 E53 E39 7" Quad Core Android" unit, there are now many available, all seem to be pretty much the same in fitment... if I was doing it now I'd get one that allowed a DAB radio plugin....

If you haven't done something like this before then allow a whole weekend.


This is what you receive from Erisin plus an aerial lead, a Fakra convertor was included in the last one I bought but not the previous ones, also a lead with those funny gold plugs on the end (I'm not really into ICE, definitely haven't got HD ears, they all sound the same to me...... but I do know how to fit them!!!!)

Click image to enlarge

The first thing I do is get the unit running in the boot then it is easy to trace any faults.

The first one I got from them had a badly soldered suppressor in the long power cable, it was creating an intermittent fault and took a while to track...

First job is to disconnect the battery, there is a wiki about this, then don't shut the boot or you have to climb over the back seats to get it open again!!!

So open the rear left boot panel and take out the DVD GPS disc as you can sell the units and disc afterwards and make some money back

Click image to enlarge

You have to remove the rearmost carpet trim this has two tiedown clips, they turn 90deg and pull out, then unscrew the tiedown hook onto the floor and ease the trim out

Click image to enlarge

Then remove the plastic panel that holds the floor in place, it has three 10mm plastic nuts holding it, you need an extension socket to get to the rear ones. Then work it out from under the front side trim (this FF has LPG and the big alloy thing is the tank box)

Both removed

You then have good access to the ICE, this is the analogue TV box at the back with two aerial leads and the BM54 radio unit at the front

This is the DSP amp at the very rear and the GPS unit above it.

This car had a handsfree kit fitted at sometime as well as a tracker and there were several additional wires that needed sorting, you unplug all the units and remove them from the car, they are all held in with 8mm nuts or bolts that need either a socket or spanner to get onto them, just undo all you can see, look at edges and behind for more and remove them all... When all removed it should look like this....

I then put the plastic trim back in and the boot floor as this gives you somewhere to work...

These are the three plugs and wires that are used, all others can be taped out the way to give room...

Click image to enlarge

I wired in the power leads first

12v from battery to yellow wire from unit, connect to the Rad/Green wire from pin 15 in the radio plug
12v from ignition to red wire from unit, connect to the Purple/white wire in pin 16 in the radio plug
Earth to the black wire from unit, connect to the brown wire in pin 12 in the radio plug

Then the aerial amp and the canbus

Aerial Amp to the blue lead from unit, connect to the white wire in pin 13 in the radio plug
Canbus to the green wire from unit, connect to the white/slate(grey)/yellow wire in pin 9 in the radio plug

I cut the wires one at a time, solder them together and seal with glue lined headshrink to protect against the infamous boot water leak...!!! use a bit of cardboard to protect the boot carpet from any stray solder...

Click image to enlarge

Then wire up the speakers, it's easier to do this one at a time as well as there are a lot that are a similar colour...

This is the diagram to follow

Should look something like this when done

Click image to enlarge

Check there are no bare wires anywhere and plug the other end of the long lead into the new head unit, connect the aerial lead, and the GPS aerial. then reconnect the battery and turn the ignition to position 1

Press and hold the SRC button for a few seconds and the unit should jump into life... tune to a station to check the speaker connections and hit the GPS button to check that works... (if you have the optional TV unit I suppose now would be a good time to check that as well, not fitted one and I can't see why anyone would want TV in a car anyway but I am a grumpy old git)

When you have played with it for a bit and are happy that everything is working, turn the ignition off and disconnect the battery again and then the fun starts....

We have to get all that wiring from the front to the back, the pain is the "B" pillar as there is no way to run the wires around it properly and keep them protected from abrasion without removing the passenger seat and a lot of trim.

I start at the front and work backwards but I don't suppose it matters too much...

First job is to remove the dashtop which means the side vents and pods have to come off, there are several youtube vids on doing it but they make it look easy, it isn't, the vents are a total pain to get out without breaking anything... I have found that a medium length srewdriver and an ISO radio removal tool makes it much easier, I also use various plastic trim removal tools

First thing to remove is the dash end panel, use the plastic trim tool and prise it off where it meets other plastic trim, the wood trim is very brittle and if you force against it, it will snap the edge off or damage it.

You can see that this FF has had a leaking windscreen at some time, all the metal under the dash was rusty like this but it was all dry now and it had a new screen fitted, you can also see the canister for the curtain airbags, next is to remove the cupholder, follow it through the dash and at the very back of it is an 8mm bolt holding it in (this FF didn't have one) once the bolt is removed you can push it from behind (don't try to dig it out from the front) and remove it...

Now comes the fiddly bit, use the radio tool to push the two prongs on the right side of the vent, the tool fits into a small hole at the end of the prongs and then put some pressure against them to pull them towards the center of the vent..

This is where the fun starts as with your other hand (yes I know you haven't got a spare one as the first bit is using both hands but you'll just have to deal with it!!!) stick a screwdriver in here, right across to the inside of the vent and put some forward pressure on it. The vent will pop out a few mm if you have it right....

Now, keeping the pressure on with the screwdriver, move the radio tool to the other side of the vent and attack the two prongs over there.... hopefully you will get it right and the vent will look like this

It's not that bad really and you shouldn't damage anything if you do it like this....

There are three screws holding the sidepanel in place, remove these and pull the panel off, but not to far as the light at the bottom needs sorting

This is just a twist and turn bulb holder

Do the same for the drivers side and remove the light switch, as soon as you unplug it the sidelights come on, so you will have to remove it from the facia and plug it back in to switch them off, or if you still have the battery disconnected, don't bother...

And you did all that just to get to this bolt and the one on the other side......

remove them and the other bolts across the top of the dash, there are two under the vent, you have to prise it off and they get distorted and look like this, so take a few moments straightening it out before you refit it...

Use a trim tool so you don't mark the leather

when all the bolts are out, grab the dash with both hands and pull it towards you, it will move about an inch, them lift the front up and disconnect the middle speaker, there is a multiplug beside it...

Top of dash removed

There are three screws each side to remove the head unit, two are easy, two are hard to see, use a magnetic screwdriver as if you drop these into the dash they will rattle for evermore.....

When you have these six out, pick up the head unit and turn it around and remove the plugs.

Then I defy you to not try out the new one to see what it looks like.............

Stripping the head unit... remove the wood trims, just one screw for each bit and pull it off (put somewhere safe)

now remove the front trim, three tabs at the top, two at the bottom and one each side... bit fiddly as you have to chase them around...

This is where they are

Four very small screws at the bottom and two at the top and the head unit will come away from the carrier

Then you have to cut it up to look like this, I used a hacksaw and a dremmel but pick your favorite way....

Because the unit is built for a BMW it is not an exact fit but will just sit in place very well and is held in by the dash top, you are aiming for this look before the dashtop goes back, the bottom sits inside the recess on the dash, don't sit it on the top or you won't get a DVD in it!!

Next is to make the track from front to back, removing the glovebox and CD Changer on the way..

Removing the passenger seat gives better room to remove the rest and you have to anyway

First connect the battery again and put the seat all the way back, find these nut covers

Remove the trim and then the two 16mm nuts

Then put the seat all the way forward, and up and straighten the backrest and lower the headrest, remove the seatbelt bolt and the two rear 16mm bolts.

Tip the seat backwards and locate the multiplug... NOW DISCONNECT THE BATTERY AGAIN AND WAIT 10MINS

Put a screwdriver in here and open the plug

till it looks like this, then pull the plug out

Remove the seat through the front door opening, it is pretty heavy so "phone a friend" if you need to.... you need the door fully open and be careful with the runners as they can mash your door card.

If you are lucky you will find loads of money.... not this time though, must be a Yorkshiremans car...!!!!

remove the doorcill trim, you may need a screwdriver under the trim tool as they are pretty tight

They have two types of clips, one integrated and the other designed to fall off as soon as you turn it over, be careful you don't lose them and you will have to line them up on refitting....

Then remove the front and rear inner door rubbers from the "B" pillar and pull off the pillar trim, start at the bottom and try to pull it straight off, then work your way up it, when all the clips are out it will drop downwards and you can remove it totally... Remove the black piece of trim at the bottom the the "B" pillar, it has two clips behind the pillar trim and one through the floor so remove the two clips and pull it up, don't be too rough with it, it's quite thin...

Put the rear seat forward and remove the wheelarch cover, everyone I've seen has broken clips but it doesn't seem to matter much, pull it towards the middle of the car

Then remove this trim, should have a clip in the square hole but it's missing, it pulls straight up towards the roof

Now to remove the cover for the factory wiring loom, same for front and back, remove these trim clips, pull the pin out then remove the body

Then slide the pieces of white plastic out from under the carpet, in the rear there is an extra piece to come out, it's held in with a clip and a 10mm nut

You can now pull back the rear section of carpet from its join where the BECM sits under the seat, pull it backwards until you can see this plate

The plate covers the wiring loom, remove the six bolts...

Now to remove the glovebox

Look inside the odment tray and you will see a cover over this screw, remove the cover and the screw and the other two screws in the outside edge of the tray.

Stick your head in the foot well and remove all the screws and clips you can see, remove the panel with the foot lights and then remove two screws one either side of the glove box, open the glovebox and remove all the screws along it's upper edge above the bit where the light is, pull the light from it's holder and remove the plug or leave it in untill you get the glovebox down, pull the glovebox down and remove the light (it's much easier to refit with the light out, then fit it afterwards) then lift up the cable going to the catch, it turns 90deg clockwise and will come out.

Pull the glovebox out, if it won't come you have missed a screw, top or bottom, there are none on the sides.. Once it is out you can remove the CD changer, unscrew the two screws that hold it to the side of the glovebox, It's the bigger one here

This is what you will find behind it, lots of extra wiring here as well

You now have a path from front to back, tape all the wires together every 6" or so and start to feed them through, there is plenty of room in the sub cover in the boot to get them to the backseat area, then down the "C" pillar, under the carpet and forwards to that plate you unbolted, then back towards the cill and under the carpet and up behind the fusebox, from there there is a hole from the top right side upto the top middle dash arear, pull all the wires through being careful not to catch them or interfere with any heater workings.

Plug in the new head unit and fit it loosely in the dash and test it out IF YOU HAVE A TOOL TO TURN THE AIRBAG LIGHT OFF if you don't then you could pop the seat back in and plug it in and try it, it doesn't have to be bolted in...

The GPS aerial sits here nicely , I used a bit of double sided tape to hold it there...

Once you are happy with it all make sure the excess wire does not interfere with the glovebox, it goes all the way back to the two tier metal boxes at the back so all this arear needs to be clear.

Refitting, as they say is a reversal, it's not too bad, make sure the inner "B" pilar trim is fitted aroung the upper seatbelt mount OK and be careful with it's pathetic clips, they bend very easily. It's a good chance to give the carpet and the sides of the seat a good clean as well.

This is all you should have left when you have finished, the two screws that held the CD changer in.....!!!!! ( I actually had a minus number as I replaced all the missing ones I found..

Tidy up the wiring in the boot, there are holes to use cable ties through...

And in...

And that's it.... all done, if you've read this far then well done, I hope I have inspired you to have a go, if I've put you off then sorry, if you want me to do it then PM me....

Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated Mr. Green  Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Last edited by Haylands on 9th Jun 2022 1:59pm. Edited 4 times in total

Post #300444 22nd Dec 2014 5:51pm
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wiki'fied.. Thumbs Up ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #300448 22nd Dec 2014 6:06pm
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Member Since: 13 Jun 2013
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England 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Adriatic Blue

awesome pete
great write up

now to run that cable Big Cry 1994 softail full stars n stripes custom harley davidson

Post #300456 22nd Dec 2014 6:55pm
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An inspiration for all of us, hope the hips and knee recover

Post #300458 22nd Dec 2014 7:08pm
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Post #300528 23rd Dec 2014 2:37am
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Member Since: 13 Jun 2013
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England 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Adriatic Blue

Ok mine done today the only issue I had was the glove box opener cable but I did sort it in the end
My TV box has to go back to crystal as it don't work I have had no problems with her emailing me back
My only thing is that I don't want to pay for the shipping back to China have to she what she says after Christmas
I'm going to do the sub wiring and also change the logo
Just before I put the dash back on I'm doing the pixel thing tomorrow .wish me luck on that one
Thanks to hex for the logo and Dave for the wire diagram
And pete for starting this all off in my head Bow down 1994 softail full stars n stripes custom harley davidson

Post #301010 26th Dec 2014 8:27pm
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Member Since: 30 Apr 2015
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England 2002 Range Rover HSE 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Aww man I've not even bought a car yet and already I'm planning to do this. Thanks Mr.

Post #325412 1st May 2015 6:28pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
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England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

And if the one you buy has a working system you can sell it on eBay for more than the Android unit Thumbs Up Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
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Post #325420 1st May 2015 6:50pm
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England 2002 Range Rover HSE 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Jolly good, when I get one we'll have to meet up so I can see this unit in the flesh.

Post #325432 1st May 2015 7:47pm
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Member Since: 06 Jun 2015
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United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

Inspired by your excellent write up i've just completed the install myself.
Not to bad really all considered, the unit arrived after 4 days!!
The only problem i have is the TV Box i ordered with the unit doesn't seem to work, all i get is a yellow triangle on the display
Might be because i haven't connected all the reverse wires etc

Post #331400 7th Jun 2015 3:36pm
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England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

There is a setting to bypass the handbrake on function that stops you watching it.... someone else had a non working TV unit and got a refund... maybe they are all useless.... didn't fit TV in mine....

Glad you got the rest sorted... pretty straightforward just a fare bit of work.... Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
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Post #331752 9th Jun 2015 9:18pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2015
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United Kingdom 2002 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Adriatic Blue

Ive said this on the related, larger thread on android unit - but worth saying again. Pete, your a legend!

Followed the steps to the letter and no issue. Couple additional points from me:

Tv - i installed tv box too. Found a little gap on left side of middle console, kinda level with clock area but toward glvebox bottom, to sit tv box so accessible more easily later if needed. Fitted standard aerial it came with under dash where gps aerial sat. But signal not great here so ive ordered an amplified aerial to improve things hopefully. Will update when added.

Rear camera - small one off ebay fitted in centre immediately under license plate. Powered off reverse light (there are two white and yellow wires heading into tailgate loom you can use). Camera cable came with embedded switch wire - wired front to reverse wire out of head unit, other end to same yellow/white wire as power. Grounded to body bolt. When i drilled hole with supplied drill it only went through outer skin. I then just managed to feed cable through lower tailgate panel (removed trim by removing top trim screws then carpeted trim pops off)

Aetial - i chose to ditch factory aerial for radio. Bought an amplifed fm window aerial, works pretty well whereas my factory aerial was naff. I therefore wired the cable to my aerial instead of loom aerial wire. I got a 5m lead to run aerial to front.

One area i made a booboo was removng glovebox. Be careful flicking out release cable from latch. Hold the plastic bits tight before popping the wire out. I pulled the whole plastic latch out, resulting in 2 hours trying to get it back together!

If anyone thinking of doing this, do it now! Its soooooo much better! Im in hamilton near glasgow if anyone local needs a hand/ wants a mosey.

Post #332650 15th Jun 2015 7:12pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
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England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Another happy customer.... Thumbs Up Thumbs Up Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #332753 16th Jun 2015 3:45pm
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Member Since: 24 Jun 2015
Location: West Sussex
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Java Black
erisin radio

How has the unit been? There are alot of negative reviews of anything erisin. However I contacted Crystal and the price for all the gear is great. I just don't want to be buying another one in 6 months!

Post #334503 26th Jun 2015 9:37am
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