As a bit of an aside to this, whilst I've not moved any further towards LED indicators. some research on the net has shown that its best to fit amber LED bulbs behind the amber lens, not clear. This keeps the orange light colour rather than making it more yellow due to the increased intensity of LED's.
Makes sense, and is prob the way I'd go if LED's would have worked...... 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8
Previous cars :
2003 Range Rover Vogue TD6
1999 Discovery Td5 ES
1995 BMW M5 3.8 6 speed
1992 Range Rover 3.9 Efi Vogue
1992 BMW M5 3.8
1988 BMW 735i SE
1989 Ford Sierra XR4x4 2.9i
1981 Ford Fiesta Supersport