fuel injection system fault light on | |
been having what i thought was a low rev misfire for a week,tryed injector cleaner no luck. tonite it got worse when in slow moving traffic and when i was coming of the power.
then it had what can only be discribed as a tappet rattle for a few seconds before cutting out and the Fuel injection system fault light came on.i gave it a minute and it started again with no faults, went for a mile and did the same again, costed to a halt with same error message at that point a nice police woman tapped on my window and said i think your car is on fire lol when i got out and had a look down the road there was quite a lot of smoke about,as i was in the middle of down town Beirut i wasnt going to leave it there,so limped it home..
so my question is anyone got any ideas?? and yes i have tryed to look in Wiki lol Current Stable:
Range Rover 2003 TD6 HSE Alveston Red, Sand Leather
Ford Focus C-Max silver 2003
V/W transporter Blue 1995
Yamaha XJR1300 Yellow 2002
Kawasaki ZX7R Green 1998
Honda CBR 600 Black 1998
Yamaha RD125LC Mk1 Red 1986
Yamaha RD125LC Mk1 Blue 1986