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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
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England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue
RAC Members Beware!

After my post asking for off road club advise I was offered to tag along on another trip to Salisbury Plain which I gladly accepted. We met up with Garry from the D3 forum and went off for a really good days byway driving as we did in early December. They wanted to visit a church which was situated next to an Army training village closed to the public 51 weeks of the year. So we left the plain at 12.30 and drove for 20 mins or so by road to the church where 100yds from the car park I lost all heat from my heaters! Strange I thought, so pulled over in the church car park and immediately checked coolant level! Oh dear! She was empty (checked all levels before leaving home that morning) luckily Garry had some water so put it in and it immediately ran out the bottom! "oh Censored "

So, I put some water in her and drove to the top of the hill to ring the RAC (been a member for yrs) they said at 1pm they would be with me in 75mins or less. So as not to ruin anyone else's day we (my wife and I) stayed to wait while the others carried on with their day, as we hoped to catch them up a little later.

At 3.30pm after getting very cold and very bored I filled the water system again with water donated by the Church caretaker and drove to the top of the hill to get phone signal and rang the RAC again. The operator had a rant " Censored RAC this is the 5th time this afternoon!) he assured me the computer now said another patrolman has been sent and would be there in 40mins and was most opologetic!

So, back I went and wait some more! At 6.00pm an RAC van finally turned up... An un opologetic numpty with a real chip on his shoulder got out and took one look at my truck and said "there's nothing I can do for you mate as its obvious you've been illegally off roading" so I explained where we had been that morning and that it was all on legal highways/byways (of which are policed as you can only use if road legal) and he somewhat changed his tune and said "open the bonnet than" he looked for 10secs and announced "ya must have smashed your radiator on a rock of something" so he put some water and glop in (to try and stem the flow) and instructed me to follow him 3miles up the road to the local barracks where there was a lit car park, so we did. He looked again and said "your f Censored d mate it's not stopping and I avent got the kit wiv me to take it apart! So I can arrange a tow home for you at a cost of �189"

Well, guess how happy I was at this point!!! Twisted Evil Some 6hrs after the original call went in! So I followed him another couple of miles to Warminster where he dumped me on a petrol station forecourt had another cursory glance under the front of the car and said 'wiv his attitude' "so, what ya gunna do? How do ya wanna pay for recovery"

I rang the RAC and spoke to a manager to explain, in their terms and conditions it states you are not covered for competition driving including off road competition use. So I asked them the question " did this cover road legal byways too" no was his answer only off roading events as we don't have the relevant kit to recover vehicles from off road courses. So I am covered then? Yes he said, I will just speak to the patrolman and come back to you. Low and behold the patrolman walked over to my window and said " the office will call you in a min" then jumped in his van and drove away. The manager rang me back to say the patrolman has told us "in his opinion we have been illegally off roading and due to the modifications to my car cannot strip the front to look for the leak, therefore I am not covered and will have to pay to be recovered" and nothing I said would change his mind! Even the fact that the front of my car is factory standard, without any mods! w Censored s!

Well needless to say I did not pay them to recover me and sorted recovery myself.

It landed up being a corroded rad had just let go. No damage from the day at all, just age related... So, now I am no longer a member of the RAC and have joined the AA...

The RAC sent me a txt message the following morning opologising for the delays the afternoon before, inviting me to call and speak to a dedicated CS manager... Well, couldn't dial the number quick enough! He has now started 'an internal cover up, sorry... Investigation' and will let me know in due course his findings...

Craig Thumbs Up

Post #100029 1st Jan 2012 2:16pm
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Member Since: 11 Aug 2011
Location: East Ayrshire
Posts: 380

United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Java Black

Complete bloody fools. This is what I hate the most; when you pay for something as a back up for the bad times and when you do need it; it's never there.

I feel your pain, I would be furious!! I would send a later of complant to the MD/CEO of RAC and explain exactly what happened.

I wouldn't recommend this course in normal circumstances however if no one deals with your issue escalate it. It pays off dividends, you'll be surprised how nice everyone becomes, even the original people who have been assholes.

I've done it before, it was a nice feeling when the MD of BMW UK started apologizing prefously for the issues i had
Thumbs Up

Post #100033 1st Jan 2012 2:33pm
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Member Since: 26 Jan 2009
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United Kingdom 2010 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

I have been a member of the RAC for about 25 years through my Land Rover Club and have called them out several times without problem from off road events, the only thing was that I had to get myself recovered to the off road site entrance as they would not recover me fromn the site itself. Once had a recovery from near the Isle of Skye back to Cambridge which more than covered the membership with the petrol saved. 2010 3.6TDV8 Stornoway Grey/ Black interior - gone
2005 4.4V8 (M62) Bonatti Grey/ Parchment interior - gone
1998 4.6HSE Blue/ Cream interior (can't remember exact colours) - gone
1977 White - gone (should have kept)

Post #100037 1st Jan 2012 3:14pm
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Member Since: 24 Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge
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United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue SE Supercharged Java Black

Audi assist AKA the RAC left me stranded for 6 hours in 2005. I complained and they offered to cover my next oil service, but as I sold the car before the service was due, they gave me �100 towards a nice meal out.

Whilst �100 doesn't compensate for 6 hours waiting beside the road in the arse end if Dorset, it was a nice gesture and the wife and I had a lovely meal out. 
Gone - Range Rover Supercharged 2006

Post #100040 1st Jan 2012 3:28pm
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
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England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

We finally had a response from the RAC yesterday to tell me they had investigated the events of that day fully. They have said they found everything to be satisfactory and no blame can be attributed to either their patrolman, their call centre or their management team!

Watchdog next? Any thoughts guys?

Craig Thumbs Up

Post #102202 18th Jan 2012 9:12am
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Member Since: 05 Oct 2010
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Cam-Tech-Craig wrote:

Watchdog next? Any thoughts guys?

Is it really worth the hassle?

Post #102203 18th Jan 2012 9:17am
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
Posts: 16332

England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Well, i have broad shoulders. Its not necessarily me im thinking of! Think of the next poor Censored thats treated this way! My father for instance who suffers with dementia or maybe you have older relatives that you would hate to see treated this way!

This is not a monetary issue. Its a f Censored g disgrace that a multinational company can treat anyone the way i was treated...

Craig Twisted Evil

Post #102245 18th Jan 2012 12:54pm
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Member Since: 05 Jul 2011
Location: Oliveira do Hospital
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Portugal 2002 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Java Black

Craig, why don't you call the guy who presents one of my favourite BBC programs, called "Rip off Britain" . Negative publicity works wonders. The next time, it may be one of your wives, girlfriends stuck in the nowhere, and it may not end so well. 2002 Vogue TD6
2001 Defender 90 TD5
Range Rover Classic 1994
Mercedes Benz 220 S Sedan 1959.

Post #102252 18th Jan 2012 1:12pm
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Member Since: 31 Jan 2008
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United Kingdom 

Craig, I know it grates but I personally wouldn't bother - it might make you feel better, but all the RAC will do is constantly refer to the fact that your vehicle was heavily modified and that it had / was been used off road.

Its the same with many insurance companies, they will look for a get out and use it.

Post #102273 18th Jan 2012 2:31pm
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Member Since: 14 Apr 2011
Location: Tyrendarra, Victoria, Australia
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Australia 2017 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Santorini Black

Over here we have" Current Affair " type progams. They do a great job in situations like this . I'm sure you will have simular progams in the UK. Use them Works wonders


Post #102275 18th Jan 2012 2:35pm
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Member Since: 11 Aug 2011
Location: East Ayrshire
Posts: 380

United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Java Black

I wouldnt take this if I was you. Its because of that type of attitude that these companies have acustomed to giving rubbish customer service.

I had a similar issue with BMW messing me around and I contacted the MD of BMW UK and I issue was resolved within 24 hours flat: which before was 2 months outstanding.

Contact the RAC MD ( they are part of the aviva group; Andrew is the CEO. Explain to him your issue, everything that happened, why you are unhappy and what you are willing to do if it is not dealt with to a satisfactory level (e.g. contact media etc)

Don't get me wrong, I dont agree with this complaining culture either however from your situation which I have been keeping track of, I would be P!SSED !!! its unacceptable, they have no way to prove you were off road etc etc etc and to leave you abandoned etc is disgusting.

I would push it further. In such a competitive market no CEO will take the risk of bad publicity.

Hope this helps.

Post #102292 18th Jan 2012 4:06pm
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Member Since: 25 Jun 2009
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2017 Range Rover SVAutobiography 5.0 SC V8 Indus Silver

Ah, useful info- They're part of Aviva: goes some way to explaining why they're Censored

I personally would push it if nothing just for bedevilment especially after their 'investigation' found no blame.

Maybe the field troll could get himself a new job in a LR dealership as head mechanic! Rolling with laughter

Post #102298 18th Jan 2012 4:39pm
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Member Since: 24 Oct 2010
Location: Cambridge
Posts: 889

United Kingdom 2006 Range Rover Vogue SE Supercharged Java Black

I would ask for a copy of the investigation report, so you can confirm whether they have even looked into your complaint.

After reading their report, if you still feel that they were in the wrong, you can then prepare a counter report detailing why their investigation was floored, with a view of taking them to the small claims court.

Please note, I'm not talking from experience, but my suggestion seems like a good place to start to me. 
Gone - Range Rover Supercharged 2006

Post #102323 18th Jan 2012 7:32pm
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
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England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Thanks for all your comments... I have tonight set the wheels in motion so i will keep youall informed as to the outcome... Keep your eye on watchdog! You never know...

Again, thanks for all your comments... And the e-mail details RR8701...

Craig Thumbs Up

Post #102352 18th Jan 2012 11:41pm
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Member Since: 29 Feb 2012
Location: Ayrshire Scotland
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Scotland 2005 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Oslo Blue

I've never been a fan of the RAC & the main reason is simple, the openly state that they do not carry "Land Rover spares" not my words, theirs! Oh & living north of the border I couldn't tell you when I last saw one of these mystical RAC vans, wonder why? Could it be that they dont have any? Just like green flag, they just rely on privateers who will spin any old garbage to get out of the job they've been paid to do.
My last break down involved the AA, 7 minutes from breakdown (the car not me) & I was mobile & yes you read that correctly, 7 mins. Even towing my caravan when my radiator hose let go ( was a brand new one too) I was mobile in under an hour.
Rant over...Robert. The reason women's minds are cleaner than a mans mind is that women change their minds more often!
When women say fine a mans in deep doodoo as fine has so many meanings.

Post #112050 9th Mar 2012 3:54pm
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