Hi, our 08 3.6 has died. it spluttered to a halt and now won.t start. AA said it was a miss fuel as he said it was pinking....total rubbish.
The garage at first thought is was a broken chain, nope. Tried starting it on brake cleaner to see if it was a fuel fault, but no won't do that either.
Seem to have fuel pressure at the cooler. oddly, dip stick is too short, though no sign of leak/burnt.
we have said no rush as we don't know what to do yet.
I'm up on P38's and that age of Land Rovers but learning about these.
Is there a common problem? not sure where to start, thinking of dropping a secondhand engine in. 2008 TDv8 Vogue in Java black x2
2006 4.4 Vogue se
2000 P38 They aren't all bad!
1996 D1 3.9 es
1996 Volvo 850 GLT