Charging system fault - deep joy | |
Hi all, hope your all keeping well.
Well after a mainly faultless year, my car has given me a new years challenge.
Last week when we had snow,I jumped in the car and turned on everything. Clearly the alternator didn't like that, and gave me the above fault followed by restricted performance.
I didn't have chance to look at it until this weekend.
Cleared all the fault codes, but still have the above. I can see via live data that the charge current is reporting zero, and battery drain is present. Battery voltage doesn't change with revs.
I've read the posts regarding changing the alternator, and having done the belt and tensioner previously know vaguely what's required.
My questions are:
- is it generally just the alternator needs changing ?
- does the car reset itself following the battery reconnection regarding charge rates etc ?
- I'm assuming it's the diode pack on the alternator has failed. Are these available and has anyone changed just this,or tested the alternator ?
- before I order an alternator, is there anything else to check , like a specific failure point on the loom ?
Cheers all,
John. Too many toys, not enough time
2011 4.4 TDV8 AB Black