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Member Since: 19 Nov 2020
Location: Herts
Posts: 59

United Kingdom 2009 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Zambezi Silver
2009 SE TDV9 3.6

We have been driving electric cars for 5 years now, and in the spring lockdown I decided a good way to spend the money we had saved by not going on hoiday was on cars. So I splashed out on a nice Boxster. Then got bored with having issues getting in and out as it is lowered, and started at looking at FFRR's.

I made a cheeky offer on a 3.6 140k with a receipt for £3.6k for turbos, and plenty of receipts for other stuff. New set of Scorpions. Paid £7.4k which must make it one of the cheapest facelifts on the market having watch the ebay auctiions not get any bids and the price come down. The nearest 4.4 was about £11k so I "think" this was fair value for the lesser engine/gearbox, although the leather (perforated) is not in as good condition as I thought drivers armrest and bum are not great but should clean and restore. The wheels were silver orginally, not a fan of black. Got a brand new screen, and as I left I asked about wheel nuts and they have all been done. Oh it only has 3 months MOT on it, was cheap to insure though.

Drives very well, so smooth and was fairly economical at 60. Adaptive cruise! The double glazing is great and did I mention adaptive cruise? I bet someone will be along shortly and tell me the shortcomings. The tints worked really well today in the low sunlight. Bodywork is quite good, the vendor had claybared and it looks shiny from a short distance.

I didn't spot that the vendors kids had filled every nook and cranny with sweets and crisps in the back. There is corrosion in the boot, it has not broken the paint - yet. Steering wheel was horrid, cleaining it loads with a leather cleaner and it is getting better, might magic sponge it but very carefully.

What is not working

It threw an lh EGR fault after 30 miles, I am going to blank them and get them mapped out if the error continues. It didn't affect performance on the way home, but when I restarted it said restricted performance. The vendor did warn me about this and said his garage had said to blank them off. I will probably buy an IID tool and buy a remap from BAS. The code cleared with my el cheapo bluetooth reader. I won't use it much until I get this sorted in case an EGR is ingested into the engine.

The drivers seat worked fine when I picked it up, but I got home started cleaning and moved it back. It moved forwards half way, but now won't move back or forwards. It does move with the memory buttons. I am thinking the switch is fubar. This is an MOT fail, need to get it sorted by Feb.

Mirrors don't fold. PDC does not work at the rear I was told need to test the front.

Rust was my major concern, the rear door arches look good but one has a 1cm rust stain. One rear sill is good, one lost the top layer of paint/metal when I had a poke but what is underneath is solid so I need to look into how to protect these. And the rear boot issues with corrosion, it also has a little rust on the edges of the top tailgate.

I am very pleased with the car so far, I have had S3, a few 110s and 90s and a P38 about 15 years ago and it is good to be back with a LR product.

 2009 TDV8 3.6

Post #574808 1st Dec 2020 9:25pm
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Ricardo Villa

Member Since: 01 Nov 2020
Location: Worcester
Posts: 186

United Kingdom 2009 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Bournville

Seems a good buy for the money, like you just got mine (saw your reply to my post on side steps). Hoping to take delivery early next week. They are lovely cars and have always wanted one, just selling my TVR so thought it was a good time, now or never! Mine is a late 2009 so has the digital dash which I do like. Looking forward to getting it, more posts will no doubt follow.

Post #574958 3rd Dec 2020 2:41pm
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Member Since: 19 Feb 2019
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Posts: 634

A Trap 

Welcome (again) to the ff fold.

The rust would put me off, having dealt with tin worm in the past on classics etc it’s pretty much impossible to stop it coming back within 18 months without cutting out the corroded section and welding in new metal then properly sealing and painting the repaired section. It’s a constant battle.

Post #574961 3rd Dec 2020 2:51pm
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Member Since: 19 Nov 2020
Location: Herts
Posts: 59

United Kingdom 2009 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Zambezi Silver

If I manage to get a few years out of the car I will be happy at the price I paid. Going to treat, hammerite and waxoil. Will slow the rot down even if it doesn't stop it. When it stops raining I will post a few photos of it. It is Tata steel that is the issue in these later ones. 2009 TDV8 3.6

Post #574967 3rd Dec 2020 3:05pm
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