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Home > My Range Rover > 200k 04 Autobiography and 75k 65 VogueSE
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

So a quick update on this - the VSE has been running pretty well the last few weeks - seems to be ever such a slight misfire at cold on low revs for a very short period of time - possibly an injector on the way out and was going to book it back in when the Welsh firebreak is over but........

.....Landrover Finance have been investigating my original complaints and have been very backlogged due to the lockdowns etc but have now ruled - they have fully upheld my complaint on the car.

What that means is they say that as its clear most of the faults were present on the car when I bought it and that given its been back to the workshop so many times and for such a long period of time, that it was not acceptable for me to have had to deal with all that.

The outcome is they are going to take the car back and refund everything I have paid with a small deduction for mileage!

So that means I'm back car hunting when the next lot of lockdowns are over.

Just a reminder therefore on consumer rights and the legal liability a finance company has over a purchased car - its much simpler in the first 6 months of ownership - the rights are on you, but after that, if faults can be proven to have existed at time of purchase, then the finance company have a duty to support you. Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Last edited by nicksaab on 30th Dec 2020 5:56pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #571482 1st Nov 2020 1:23pm
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thats kinda good news then Thumbs Up ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #571483 1st Nov 2020 2:09pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

November 2020 - 200,497

I've been a bit busy with the AB LE - its had a new power steering hose fitted as the hose from the pump to the rack developed a drip on the union connecting joint behind the front bumper. The hose itself comes as one piece and was fitted in less than an hour- we thought it would be a pig of a job but the banjo joint came out of the rack easily so not a bad job.

What was an absolute horrid job was the fact the drivers door deadlocked itself with the door closed and no amount of cajoling the door, central locking buttons or remote would open it. Hence a horrible afternoon trying to get in through the door card from the top, remove the airbag and then poke about in the lock to trigger it. It required pushing a specific lever in the lock which needed the top plastic removed and activated. Eventually the door popped and a new lock installed. A horrible job - plenty of swearing and grazed knuckles but all done!

The VSE went off back the Finance Company this morning on a lowloader - don't know what the next steps are - I'm looking for a 2018/19 high specced VSE or AB but nothing about that I like at the moment. I've got a Mercedes C class being delivered from our Hertz corporate account for the next few weeks - hopefully something will come up soon.

In the last couple of weeks the misfire had come back, the vibration was back and there was a whining starting on the rear diff - I think because at the last service the diff oil was changed - looking at the service invoice they put in Active locking oil rather than the open oil - not sure if that would make any difference but was starting to get noisy. Also the front was starting to knock a bit - not sure if ARB's or if the well reported front suspension fault (mine was the right age) was rearing its head. Anyway not my problem anymore! I will miss it though - been the best and worst car I've owned! Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Last edited by nicksaab on 14th Jul 2021 9:07pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #573920 24th Nov 2020 2:25pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2017
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 107

United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Hope you’re keeping well nicksaab. How is your AB LE doing? 2004 L322 4.4 V8 Vogue Bonatti Grey
(205,500 miles and counting.......)

Post #582622 6th Feb 2021 8:26pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

Hey Tom - its going well at the moment although with lockdown 3, not getting much use at all really. Its up to 200,700 miles and has done a little trailer towing to get hay bales recently.

It does seem to have a slightly intermittant fault when at low speed the steering goes very heavy briefly and comes back. Seems suspicious seeing as the PAS pipes have just been changed - but will investigate when the weather gets a bit nicer. I reckon its probably the servotronic valve on the steering column which is easy enough to change.

The SDV8 replacement arrived yesterday - a supposed temporary stop gap itch scratcher, but have a feeling some more man maths will be needed once lockdown 3 is over and I need a Range Rover to do the M4 runs again, because I don't see me being able to give this one up in a hurry!

Click image to enlarge
 Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Last edited by nicksaab on 6th Feb 2021 11:37pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #582636 6th Feb 2021 11:10pm
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Member Since: 07 Dec 2009
Location: Bristol
Posts: 3208

United Kingdom 2016 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Baltic Blue

Nick, I got the same intermittent loss of power steering on my 2004. It was the BCU (under the Pax seat) gone wrong. It also then later stopped my rear pax door from unlocking. It can cause various things. Ay be worth checking before you go down the PAS pipes route?

(or it could be the servotronic valve) Mr. Green

Post #582640 6th Feb 2021 11:35pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

Sounds good mate - thanks. Will check that out. Easy enough to change with the Gap tool?

Always seems to happen in exactly the same place - just as I'm slowing down to turn into the farm! Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Post #582641 6th Feb 2021 11:36pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2017
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 107

United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Great to hear the AB LE has hit 200,000 miles nicksaab. Hats off to you and your mechanic for getting it there.

Your Mustang looks lovely - a great addition to any fleet. Enjoy scratching that itch.

On replacing the L405 with your next M4 mile muncher, could you repeat history by copying the success you had with the AB LE? By which I mean, how about buying a good condition L322 from the 2010-2012 years with the 4.4 diesel V8. You might get one around the 100,000 mile mark for c.£12k. Then maintain it well and put another 100,000 miles on it (just as you did with the AB LE). Just an idea? The lower purchase price of an L322 than L405 might help with the man maths of getting the next Range Rover in addition to the Mustang.

Could I ask a quick favour? I recently had the Range Rover bonnet lettering on my 2004 L322 replaced. The insecure and paranoid part of me is worried that the Bodyshop has put the two words closer together than they used to be. I’ve had a measure and the gap is 73mm:

Would you mind having a quick measure of the bonnet lettering on your AB LE to see what the gap is?

With many thanks

Tom 2004 L322 4.4 V8 Vogue Bonatti Grey
(205,500 miles and counting.......)

Post #582674 7th Feb 2021 11:56am
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

Hey Tom - been there done that, had a 2012 Westminster before the 405 which was the intention to do the same, but then the L405 came along a bit earlier than expected. I may go back to a 322 but it will more than likely be another 405. Fortunately the man maths don't need too much encouragement.

Right there you go - looks to be about 83mm to me

 Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Post #582726 7th Feb 2021 6:37pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2017
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 107

United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Huge thanks nicksaab. I’ll put a post in the forum to get a couple more measurements from a couple more early L322s, so I definitely get it right next time. 2004 L322 4.4 V8 Vogue Bonatti Grey
(205,500 miles and counting.......)

Post #583546 13th Feb 2021 11:58am
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

April 2021 - 201,722

So essential work in London has meant a couple of weeks on the M4 - not ideal in the current circumstances but the work was deemed essential enough to warrant it and I reluctantly agreed to do it.

That means the AB has been pressed into M4 service again for a while - still looking for a 405 replacement, missed out on 2 lovely ones which were sold the same day they came in, but to be honest, the prices are a little mad at the moment. Currently several dealers have 65 plate 4.4VSE with 60k on the clock for £43k which is more than I paid for a 65plate 4.4VSE with 60k on the clock in August 2019! So not in any major hurry, and waiting a little longer means I can push the budget up a bit for a replacement.

The Mustang Bullitt is too special to plod up the M4 at the moment and besides I wouldn't relax knowing it was parked in London.

Anyway the three amigos turned up on the dash the other day -been a long time since I've seen then, but the GapIID tool says its front wheel speed sensor - so just popped it into a small LR specialist I was recommended near the flat in Wimbledon this morning.

Haven't done the servotronic valve for the steering but I have it on the shelf at home - so I'm back in London in a couple of weeks so I'll get them to book it back in and have it done as my usual mechanic is laid up having come off his mountain bike at high speed and has a few bits of plaster on him right now. Old enough to know better too...... Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Last edited by nicksaab on 14th Jul 2021 9:06pm. Edited 1 time in total

Post #591401 16th Apr 2021 10:07am
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

July 2021 - 203,644

Annual MOT and Service time - my usual mechanic has been off for a while having broken his leg mountain biking so off it went to the guy who did the chassis on my Defender

Usual list of things to look at for the MOT especially after a couple of advisories last year

Oil and Filter service, fuel filter, brake fluid change, transfer box and diff oil changes
Front lower suspension arms
Front Brake pipes and hoses
Servotronic valve replacement - which has made such a difference to the steering!

Got a couple of advisories on rear suspension bushes for next year but don't expect it to be doing much mileage although it will be doing a couple of London runs in the next few weeks

The search for a replacement VSE continues - prices seem to be softening at the moment so hopefully one will come up soon. Currently running a brand new Mercedes E class at the moment on my company rental car account, and whilst its a nice drive, quick, comfortable and seems to run on a thimble of diesel it just has no soul. Landrover have been trying to woo me back - they lent me a brand new Defender for a couple of days recently - absolutely fabulous car to drive and whilst I don't want to get into the 'it doesn't look like a Defender' argument, I can't get on with the Skoda Yeti plastic looking front end. And for the money I can get a new Discovery or a used RR so don't think its for me - much to my lads serious disappointment. However the Bullitt was sat at the dealership for 48 hours - I understand every salesman and most customers were found at some point giving it a good look over! Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Post #600688 14th Jul 2021 9:06pm
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Member Since: 04 Mar 2014
Location: East Yorkshire
Posts: 8451

England 2014 Range Rover Autobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Excellent news on the MOT and not too bad considering the mileage... Thumbs Up Pete
2014 L405 Autobiography SDV8 4.4 Loire Blue Ebony interior
2012 L322 Autobiography 5.0 Supercharged Ipanema Sand Sold
2011 L322 Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8 Baltic Blue. Sold
2002 L322 Vogue 4.4 V8 Epson Green (Fatty Offroader) Sold
-Click for Project Fatty off roader-

Post #600690 14th Jul 2021 9:22pm
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Member Since: 25 Sep 2017
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 107

United Kingdom 2004 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Bonatti Grey

Great update on the LE nicksaab! Great to hear that you’ve had it back on frontline M4 service. But it has meant my plan to overtake you on the miles has floundered- my 2004 is lagging around 202,500. Note to self, must try harder!
All the best
Tom 2004 L322 4.4 V8 Vogue Bonatti Grey
(205,500 miles and counting.......)

Post #600803 15th Jul 2021 8:46pm
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Member Since: 28 May 2013
Location: Wimbledon and West Wales
Posts: 560

2016 Range Rover Vogue SE SDV8 Corris Grey

July 2021 203,737

Fitted a new O/S front height sensor Current Fleet:-
2018 Discovery 5 3.0 HSE
2021 Ford Ranger Wildtrack
2019 Ford Mustang Bullitt 5.0 V8
1993 Defender 90 200TDI Pickup

Gone - not forgotten
2016 L405 4.4 SDV8 Vogue SE
2012 L322 4.4 Westminster
2004 L322 4.4 V8 Autobiography LE
2000 P38 RR 4.0 HSE (ex Clarkson test car)

Post #601604 23rd Jul 2021 3:03pm
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