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Member Since: 09 Apr 2009
Location: Somerset
Posts: 1104

2016 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Loire Blue

The standard jack has come under much criticism on here and alternatives have been suggested.
I have only had to change wheels on the two 322s and the 405 at home using my own trolley jack.
Visiting my daughter last week end I purchased for her a set of winter wheels and tyres for her 1 series BMW. As her car has no jack but the jacking points are the same I used the jack out of the 405, I was working on level concrete lifting a car that was about a ton lighter but still found the jack unstable.
I can only conclude that the jack supplied with the car is not fit for purpose. It amazes me that JLR are willing to skimp on such a safety related item, particularly in view of the likely lawsuit following an incident with one of your target audience customers.
This is a copy of what I have posted in customer care.
I was astonished that the spare wheel (full size) has to be removed before the jack can be got out.
Don't think there is space to store a suitable alternative but would have to be really desperate before using the jack at all. letters not necessarily in the right order

Post #412497 7th Nov 2016 9:42am
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Member Since: 18 Apr 2009
Location: Bury
Posts: 597

United Kingdom 2013 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Corris Grey

Yep, issue of the jack has come up several times on the forum. I used mine earlier this year to change a wheel and the winder handle bent due to the amount of pressure I had to put on the jack just to lift the car wheel off the ground and the scissor jack seemed to twist slightly aswell. LR replaced the lot under warranty , but in line with what you say, I think they need to come up with a more robust jack with twin scissors or something. The L322 one was the same . Not sure about removing the wheel first before getting the jack out as the only real reason I would want to use the jack was to change a punctured tyre and so would need the spare out anyway, that said , the hard bit is even getting the jack out/replacing it when the wheel has been removed, I end up getting into the boot just to put it away again, a cubby hole in the floor on the left or right side of the boot would have been better. Steve

Main car : FFRR L405 Vogue SDV8
Other car : Vauxhall Lotus Carlton
Past cars : FFRR L322 Vogue TD6 SE (Sept 2006 MY07) ; LandCruiser SWB ; 4-Runner ; Supras; XJS V12 LeMans

Post #412792 9th Nov 2016 1:01pm
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