Need some advice chaps…
Currently carless, have decided to look for a 4.4TDV8 on a 12/62plate (September).
Variant wise I want to stick with the Autobiography and would like to have deployable steps on it also. Black or Orkney Grey
If I was to buy an 11/12 plate now, (any spec) to keep me tidied over for the next few months or so would it lose a lot of its value when wanting to upgrade, if in say 3 months,
Even when upgrading budget wouldn’t allow me to stretch to the 405, (unless they came down considerably over the next few months) so would be a better spec L322
When upgrading I wouldn’t want to add more than say 7k cash, is this possible or am I dreaming, potential budget is 35kish so if I was to spend 29k now I could add 6/7 later.
With the prices hopefully dropping in sept does this seem realistic? I would only buy from LR so i cant the extended warranty or one whihch is still in warranty so that i can extend the warranty.
Thanks 2011 5.0SC Santorini Black
2009 5.0SC Santorti Black - Been stolen.
2.5 DHSE P38
Alfa Romeo