2006 SC Thermostat change and overheating issue | |
Hi all,
After some help if anyone is listening.
At the weekend the car took a while to heat up I thought, probably thermostat. I will swap it when I get 5 minutes.
Yesterday the car started overheating, so I let it cool and babied it home (temp gauge was at 1-2 o'clock, never outside the centre zone.)
I swapped the thermostat- it was knackered. All seemed to be going well.
Freezing air from the vents, so I opened the expansion tank and let out the screw, set all temp on hot and centre vents, fan on full. Some puffs of air came out and seemed to subside. Air still freezing.
At this point the IID tool showed the coolant temp as 105-108 and the oil temp rising from 78... I shut the car off when the oil temp got near 100 as it didn't seem to be making any difference. With the bleed screw out there was a constant steam escaping/hissing.
Please help I've no idea where to go with it now
Steve Formerly happymadison1978