Well, you're stuck to buying a new steering control CPU.
In the meantime, try this.
I had the same problem a while back and it was fixed under warranty. It involved a new control unit, but....even after that sometimes the wheel goes awol.
Usually this happens when the entrance procedure is not 100% correct. (WOW.... entrance procedures.... )
You have 2 keys, and each of them is assigned to a driver setting.
Put the steering in your position, but never all the way up or down, give it a bit of slack, maybe 1º. then memorize the setting. Get out, lock, unlock and get in, turn the key and it should work fine. Now, out again, 2nd key, program, out, in. It should be fine.
But here is the catch. With time, the wheel will vary a bit its position, use the binnacle as a reference. Mine (the memory setting) comes down maybe 2º per month. So once a month I put it back to my position and hit memory.
Then again, when moving between keys, sometimes the wheel will travel uncontrolled. Nver let it go to the end. The motor loses its 0 and can't get a refence position.
It can also go crazy when driver 1 uses memory 2 or vice versa, or when the position of the seats has been moved, maybe during servicing or washing.
So back to the procedure, let only 2 persons drive the car...
And when missus want to switch to driver side, lock the car and make her use her key to open it again. Meaning resetting all systems and memories.
Give it some tries.....