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Member Since: 16 Jul 2010
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RRS L494 - similar issues to L405

I was lurking on the RRS site and was amazed by the number of serious issues new owners where having with their L494's. Some issues similar to L405...poor leather seat quality, slopping sound from fuel tank etc.

Most issues have been dealt with under warranty, but come on.....these are major issues which are not being addressed by JLR at source. This can only reduce brand loyalty.

This is really putting me off buying a another RR at the moment, and that is a shame. Current MY2020
Gone: 1 x L405 and 2 x L322's

Post #330040 30th May 2015 10:59am
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2015
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Cairns Blue

Not sure i'd call a slopping sound from the fuel tank a 'major issue'. Very Happy

A minor annoyance perhaps.

I mean a faulty gearbox or a rattly engine, they're major issues.

Post #330041 30th May 2015 11:07am
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Member Since: 16 Jul 2010
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Agree, slopping fuel noise may not be major, but some owners have had to have new brake discs after a few thousand miles as they were warped.

I'm just a little surprised at the level of recalls and warranty items...maybe because it's a new model.... Current MY2020
Gone: 1 x L405 and 2 x L322's

Post #330060 30th May 2015 3:23pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2015
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Cairns Blue

That's more like it. Smile

Yeah it might well be because it's new, to be fair though the german stuff has it's problems too, they just seem to be better at hushing it up. Or i get the impression many owners of German cars don't like to admit their car has had a problem to their mates, it's like a kudos thing. Yet they came top of a recent survey of unreliable cars.

Post #330066 30th May 2015 4:34pm
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Nick Ground

Member Since: 27 Dec 2011
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United Kingdom 2015 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Indus Silver

ZirconBlue, very true. The German manufacturers have plenty of issues but are very slick at keeping the customers happy in such a way that they are grateful. Mercedes had a disastrous time with injectors a few years back with customer cars off the road for months. Barely a mention in the media. Why? amongst other things they supplied the hire companies with cars to keep the customers on the road in a Merc (not a 208 to be seen).

JLR have improved immeasurably of late. However, they are cautious about knee-jerk reactions to issues which sometimes means that items such as fuel tanks without the baffles to stop sloshing are still fitted on the production line while the solution is tested. The infamous knocking on the L405 had several 'sticking plaster' repairs which extended the delay on a 'proper' fix. (Though I'm not certain it is completely sorted yet). There is still much to do but they are learning. Several years ago, my then local, dealer principal booked a meeting with me to ask where they needed to improve. Happy to say they have.

Brake discs that warp early are almost certainly a supplier failure. A big warranty claim on them and no business in future but that is no compensation for the owner.

Final note, people join forums for two reasons. For information and help and to moan. Ask any specialist what is the most unreliable car and it's the franchise they work on. The unbroken ones are the ones they never see.

I obviously have too much spare time this Saturday afternoon.

Nick 2019 D5 HSE Lux SDV6 Indus
55 D3 SE
98 MX5 1.8 RS
gone 17 older variants of FFRR

Post #330069 30th May 2015 5:01pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2015
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Cairns Blue

In a nut shell that's probably about it, the germans are very good at PR, they give journalists freebies and don't care if they destroy a test car so long as they get a favourable review and they're very good at hushing up problems but dishing out premium courtesy cars. I mean if you put your A-class in for a recall and they give you an AMG SLK you're not going to complain much and will brag about it in the office rather than moan about how your car has broken again.

They've brain washed (if you like) a generation into buying Audi's at a premium price when effectively it's just the same as a Golf or a Passat with some different bumpers and trim. Yet when i had an X-Type i got nothing but Mondeo jokes - even though it shares less with a Mondeo than the A6 does with the Passat or Skoda Superb for that matter.

I think all cars have their issues, but it's how expensive they are to rectify and how well the manufacturer deals with the concern. Everyone tells you French cars are rubbish and they'd never have anything French, then they go and buy a Ford or a BMW mini powered by a French engine. Very Happy

(that's two of us with too much time on our hands.)

Post #330074 30th May 2015 5:47pm
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Member Since: 14 Jun 2011
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Wales 2003 Range Rover SE Td6 Zambezi Silver

I just read the last 2 posts in their entirety, so thats 3 of us with too much time on our hands LOL No longer FF owner but still interested. Present car Jaguar XE

Previous car Td6 SE

Previous LR- Disco 300TDi Auto

Post #330076 30th May 2015 6:04pm
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To be fair to JLR, when my L322 had a serious electrical problem and was off the road for several weeks, they lent me a Sport AB and even had a towbar fitted as I needed to do some towing. I thought their customer care could not have been better.

And I have no connection with JLR except that I have bought a few of their cars over the years.

Post #330078 30th May 2015 6:19pm
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Member Since: 16 Apr 2015
Location: Kent
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United Kingdom 2005 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Cairns Blue

I think it probably varies more between dealers. I would expect the German brand support their dealers more in terms of paying for courtesy cars. But then JLR dealers probably sell less cars so make less money to pay for all the customer care?

Post #330105 30th May 2015 8:47pm
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Nick Ground

Member Since: 27 Dec 2011
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United Kingdom 2015 Range Rover Autobiography 5.0 SC V8 Indus Silver

One thing to note is that if LR Assist cannot fix your car then they determine that you need a replacement and that is done via a hire company regardless of which dealer it goes to. JLR supply the cars to the hire company for that purpose. A dealer would have to have a vehicle available which given that they seem to be able to sell most of the FFRR/SSRR that they have would make it more difficult to offer a directly comparable vehicle.

Nick 2019 D5 HSE Lux SDV6 Indus
55 D3 SE
98 MX5 1.8 RS
gone 17 older variants of FFRR

Post #330108 30th May 2015 9:06pm
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