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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
Location: Beside the Solway
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

When I was looking for a reverse camera I bought from suppliers who either described the cameras as NTSC or NTSC / PAL.
I got exactly the same symptoms as you describe on each camera, sent them all back. From my experience you need an NTSC only camera . I eventually found a supplier who was able to test the output of the various cameras and bought a dedicated NTSC camera. Worked straight off. Thumbs Up

Post #317835 13th Mar 2015 11:52am
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Posts: 67

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Can you remember who your supplier was as most of those cameras advertised show PAL/NTSC ?
Can you not alter the settings in the SatNav screen to a different format ?

Post #317847 13th Mar 2015 12:35pm
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Member Since: 11 Jun 2011
Location: Beside the Solway
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England 2004 Range Rover Vogue Td6 Giverny Green

These are the people I got my camera from, worth having a word with.

As far as I am aware the BMW based system will only take NTSC cameras, I couldn't find anything to change in the monitor settings.

Post #317851 13th Mar 2015 12:40pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Posts: 67

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks. I've contacted them and await their reply......a tad frustrating that their cameras are up to 4 times as much as ones on Fleabay but if they work first time it's money well spent....

Post #317894 13th Mar 2015 4:43pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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^^ Wot he said Thumbs Up
Sorry forgot to say NTSC only Embarassed Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
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Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #317969 13th Mar 2015 10:29pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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United Kingdom 

This is a reasonable camera, had it on my Shogun Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #317971 13th Mar 2015 10:51pm
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Member Since: 30 Aug 2014
Location: Bolton
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Rimini Red

I took the plunge and got a wireless kit and camera. I hooked it up to a power supply to test it and was pleasantly surprised so I hooked it up to the car. I fixed the camera to the tow bracket next to the 13 pin socket and angled it towards the tow hook. I shoved the wireless unit up bahind the bumper for now and ran the wires under the tailgate and rigged a temp supply of the 12v socket.

Now I know it works I'm going to seal the unit and secure it then get another 13 pin plug and wire that so I can just plug in for power without anything going inside the car. Once I'm towing I'll just swap plugs as I won't need it while the van is on the back.

This is the view taken on my iphone via the free app. I'm not sure about the mirrored image but it works great, you can just see my towball cover on the right edge of the shot.

Post #318144 15th Mar 2015 2:35pm
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Member Since: 30 Aug 2014
Location: Bolton
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Rimini Red

I've now wired this to a 13pin plug and it's plug in to the tow socket and runs on a switched live so it's always on when driving if I want it and everything is outside the car.

The free app for viewing also lets you take stills and video.

Post #319494 24th Mar 2015 9:01pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Posts: 67

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

The replacement camera arrived today and it works !!! So it's now installed in the same position as the incorrectly supplied PAL camera, in the bumper directly behind the towball.
The camera is very discrete and the image shows the top of my tow ball (with chrome cover fitted at present).

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

mod edit, pics sorted for you

And this is where I got it from.....supplier is "befdi" and when I ordered it I stated it needed to be NTSC. I was assured it was and this time is was.

All four cameras were described as NTSC but only 2 were actually NTSC, one bumper mounted as now installed and one to fit on the top tailgate beside a reversing light. I got full refunds for the ones that weren't.
If anyone wants the other NTSC camera (link below) please send me a PM, all I would want is the postage cost. It can be either wireless or wired as I have wiring for both.

Thanks to all the contributors to the forum that help all FFRR owners to get the best from their motors.


Post #319823 26th Mar 2015 3:36pm
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Member Since: 30 Aug 2014
Location: Bolton
Posts: 301

United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Rimini Red

That looks good, did you drill it into the trim on the bottom of the bumper? I looked at similar cameras but didn't want to have to cut into anything in case I messed it up.

Post #319835 26th Mar 2015 4:24pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Yes. It comes with a drill mounted hole cutter but the hole needed enlarging very slightly. That part of the trim is actually double skinned and so was a bit fiddly to drill through. If it had been unsuccessful, I was going to fill the hole with a rubber grommet.

The working camera that's now fitted was easier to fit than the first one as the wiring (on the working one) includes a very slim connector which was much easier to pass through the bumper and then the rectangular (with rounded corners) grommet that has the wiring for the towball socket.

Post #319837 26th Mar 2015 4:31pm
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2016
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thought I'd add my experience to this post. I wanted a camera that would help line up the tow bar, and would also be of use when reversing up to walls etc.

I bought this camera from eBay:

I looked at the number plate lamp replacement camera's and had one delivered, but it wasn't working and I really didn't like the blue light colour (which was significantly dimmer than the standard bulb), so it went back.

I decided to fit the more universal camera to the right of the number plate lamp/handle unit:

This is super discreet as the camera is entirely hidden from view. The downside is that it limits the view slightly. The camera is angled up as far as possible without picking up the lip of the tailgate, and you can see a lot of bumper in the shot. The bright silver metal clip doesn't actually fit through the hole made by the supplied cutter (!) so I used three dots of superglue with an activator to hold the camera in place. Hopefully this will last, if not I'll resort to more harcore adhesives, but I wanted something that was easy to remove initially if something wasn't right.

For reference I took a couple of pics of the view. I placed a 1m rule on the car centre line with the end at bumper line on the ground. The camera can see to within 20cm on the floor, and obviously the very back of the bumper itself. The second shot has the same meter rule sideways, centred and about 40cm back from the rear bumper. Unfortunately this position doesn't quite show the tow bar. Annoyingly, testing shows that this is by about 2cm! I'll probably put a bit of tape on the bumper when I'm towing for alignment purposes, or maybe a bit on top of the ball pointing out so I can see it, and whip it off before hitching. I'm concerned that the reverse lamp will overwhelm any picture when it's dark (it was already twilight when I took the photos below), so I may have to experiment with some tape on that corner of the lense. Anyway, pics of the view:

One point of note with this camera is adaptability. It came with guidelines on which I'm not a fan of (certainly for an offset mount like this). However there were two small cable loops:

I took a stab at these being for guidelines and as it turns out image mirroring. I think it was green for guidelines and white for mirroring. These links are not mentioned anywhere in the ebay listing or the instructions. They only have an effect when power is turned on, so cut it then reset the camera power to see what changed.

Finally for power. I had been planning on switching the camera earth along with the control signal to the A/V box, so originally took a permanent live in the tailgate, however the signal ground also functions as a power ground, so to prevent unwanted battery drain I ended up borrowing a switched 12V from the rear wash wipe (Purple/Red). This means the camera is on whenever the car is, which is not ideal, but not the end of the world. I think people have documented better places to take a power feed from (PDC control), but I used the reversing lights to drive a small PCB relay soldered with fly leads. As I've heard that the BCM uses PWM to account for voltage variations I didn't want to use this to drive the camera (though it's fine for the relay due to its coil).

Hope this helps people and provides another option.

Post #400562 15th Aug 2016 7:54am
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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I used the feed from the reversing lamps to power the camera, as I only wanted it on when going backwards Shocked plus you need a feed from the lamps to opperate the relay to switch the nav screen... I just sent the + light feed to the relay and the camera at the same time, I haven't had a problem with this arrangement in the 2 years that I have been running it Thumbs Up Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #400858 17th Aug 2016 2:21pm
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Member Since: 21 Mar 2017
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United States 2004 Range Rover HSE 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Is the power from reverse lamps enough to power the camera? I tested by connecting the camera power wire to the white yellow wire going into lower hatch and the earth to the brown wire but Eonon unit doesn't switch to camera when I select the reverse gear. The Eonon unit knows the reverse gear is selected because of the Canbus decoder and doesn't have to be triggered from the reverse lamps as far I know.

Post #433690 3rd Apr 2017 3:30pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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United Kingdom 

Whistle is there a back up / reverse lamp wire in the connector at the head unit?

And have you got the right wire? I seam to remember it was white with a yellow stripe..... did you test it with a multi meter or light bulb??

And there is more than enough power for the camera.. in fact enough to power an LCD screen too Thumbs Up Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #433748 3rd Apr 2017 7:46pm
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