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Member Since: 06 Jan 2014
Location: Stevenage
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England 2006 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

I have been looking at a Wifi Camera for my other car as I dont want an afternarket screen on the dash. There seem to be a reasonable number for Android phone but nothing in the UK for the iPhone.

In the FF I have the venture cam which is fine but you have go set it up each time so would be interested if there was an aftermarket camera that could be wired up permanently and linked as an additional camera (wirelessly) to the OEM head unit, like another venture cam. There is a difference between knowing your sh!t and knowing you're sh!t

2005 Registered 2006 MY 4.4 AJV8 Range Rover Vogue

Post #316526 6th Mar 2015 10:22am
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this is an iphone one, any good Rej ?, ... - .- -.

Y. O. L. O.

Post #316528 6th Mar 2015 10:40am
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Member Since: 06 Jan 2014
Location: Stevenage
Posts: 496

England 2006 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks Stan, looks good, i will order and have a play on the other car.

Would still be interested if there are smaller aftermarket cameras that can easily be added to the Venture Cam screen. There is a difference between knowing your sh!t and knowing you're sh!t

2005 Registered 2006 MY 4.4 AJV8 Range Rover Vogue

Post #316534 6th Mar 2015 11:15am
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Member Since: 30 Aug 2014
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Rimini Red

Thanks Stan,

I have a wireless type camera bookmarked I just haven't decided to take the plunge yet. I may get on and have a play off the car first.

I thought about the venture cam but you have to set it up each time you want to use it.

Post #316570 6th Mar 2015 2:51pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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Fish, wireless powered by trailer socket, sneeky, I like Thumbs Up You could wire the camera receiver into the Aux for the TV and access it through channel 0, would save you having to hold the phone. But you'd need to put a switch on pin 17 blue plug TV tuner!

Zambezi, that plug will not work as it's for normal video and will not switch the TV screen over. The pin 17 Blue and pins 13 and 14 white are very easy to get at, but you will need the pins to go into the plug, as it only has pins for the connections that are used for the standard setup (spare pins in plug are not there). They are easy to get hold of, I got mine for RS Components, on line and they posted, plus RS have relaxed their trading rules and will now sell to anyone with money, rather than trade account only from bygone days.
I think that Joe 90 posted a link for the same pins via another source, and I think that I've seen them prewired on Ebay, I look tomorrow. Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
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Post #316665 7th Mar 2015 12:19am
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Member Since: 30 Aug 2014
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United Kingdom 2007 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Rimini Red

Thanks miggit that's sounds good. When you say switch on pin 17 what do you mean exactly?

Post #316675 7th Mar 2015 6:47am
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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The 2002 - 2005 non touch screen FFRR's, use an earth signal to pin 17 blue plug on the TV tuner to switch the dash monitor to the reversing camera, so that when you select reverse the screen displays the camera. Now if you want to go backwards and not see the rear view camera but the TV screen then you'd need to break this feed. I realise that your FF is a 2007 and that the wiring maybe different, but the principle will be the same, and I'm sure that someone will know the correct pin outs for the later setup. I would find it hard to believe that the wiring has changed, unless they use a completely different system, but it is a FFRR, and will be fitted out with a Ford bias and not a BMW!
From what I can understand about the early / later cars, they have the same functions for most of the systems and they perform in a similar way, only the computers speak in a different way....... one talks German, and the other speaks American! But there will be no getting away from the fact that when you select reverse, a signal will be sent to the monitor to switch to the reverse camera, and that is what will need a switch to enable the use of the Aux on the TV for the other camera.
Or there is the other option of just moving the existing camera to the lower tailgate above the number plate, you'll still be able to see whats behind you, but you'll also be able to see the hitch, if your lucky or the bumper which would then require a mark of some sorts to show where the hitch is.
I find it very hard to understand why Land Rover placed the camera at the top of the tailgate, so that you have no reference point as to where the rear of the car is, especially as one of the primary uses of a Range Rover is a Horse Taxi, and the PDC is sooooooooooooooo reliable Rolling with laughter At least when I select reverse and I get the long bleep from the PDC, to say Sod off your on your own, I can not only see behind the car, I can tell how close to Big Cry the nearest obstacle is Mr. Green Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
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Post #316693 7th Mar 2015 9:26am
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks Miggit
I've bought this lead which comes with a "spare" lead with the correct pin on the end with a label attached saying "for camera switching (ground)".

Just to clarify, can you confirm that this new "spare" lead goes into pin 17 of the original blue male lead that was disconnected from the TV box and was then plugged into the new female socket on the newly purchased lead set-up ? If so, how does the original blue connector come apart to allow the new pin 17 to be fitted, and are the slots numbered so I know which one is 17 ?

As regards the positioning of the camera, I think the standard positioning of the top of the tailgate is fine as long as the image picks up a rear edge of the bumper and so will give you a perspective of the distance from the car. Not sure where to fit mine, I have bought 2 different cameras, both can be positioned under the tailgate spoiler using a simple bracket but one could be mounted centrally within the bumper in the black plastic part just below the line of the PDC sensors. I decided against replacing the numberplate light due to the cutting that you found was involved. Any feedback welcome.

Post #317503 11th Mar 2015 3:46pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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Hi David, from what I can see, your patch lead will plug into the blue socket on the tv tuner and the factory plug will go into the new socket on the lead. The wire that you have, that is marked camera switching ground, will need to be switched via a relay.

You will need to take a + 12 volt feed from the reversing lights to pin 86 (on a standard automotive relay), an earth feed from the body ( lots around, or I used one from the DVD Nav mounting bolt) to pins 85 and 30. Then the wire marked camera switching ground to pin 87. The type of relay that you will need is a standard 30 amp, normally open 12 volt relay, should be less that a fiver even from Halfrauds! �2.28 Euro Car Parts!

As for the position of your camera, there is no way that you will be able to see the rear bumper if you mount the camera under the rear spoiler, and you will end up with a bind spot behind the car. Trust me I tested several land Rover setups when I was buying my car, and they are next to useless, for any thing within 2 feet of the car. Having used camera's on Fords, Isuzu, Kia and Toyota, the Land Rover system is very poor at giving close up information. On my Shogun I had a camera fitted in the bumper just above the hitch, and this proved challenging, as you had no sense of where the car was in relation to the trailer. The best systems have the camera mounted just above the number plate. It gives you an accurate picture as to where the car is in relation to the pointy bit on the trailer. If you don't want to drill any holes and can find a way of getting the cable in to the car, then attach the camera to the middle of the number plate on the top edge. This is the optimum place to mount a camera to assist you when hitching up a trailer.

As mine is mounted in the lamp holder, I get a distorted point of view when hitching up, this requires some concentration to achieve a successful hitching. I had a camera mounted just above the number plate in an old Landcruiser, and it was the easiest thing in the world to hitch up a trailer with, it took the chaps that I was working with a couple of weeks to work out how I got it right every time, first time Laughing Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #317602 11th Mar 2015 10:48pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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Just had a thought, If you want to check the camera earth lead, plug the leads in to the car and just run that wire to earth, with the ignition on, it should cause the nav screen go go blank / fuzzy, no signal! Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #317603 11th Mar 2015 10:56pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks Miggit,
You've probably saved me drilling unnecessary holes in the car.
One question I did have was regarding the spare lead marked "camera switching". This lead isn't currently attached to anything at either end, i.e. its just a spare wire that was included with the patch lead. I have read in your post that it should go into no.17 socket but is this on the male socket of the patch lead or on the blue original male socket that was previously in the TV tuner box ?


Post #317630 12th Mar 2015 8:19am
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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It needs to go in to the TV tuner, via the blue socket pin 17! So it will need to go in to the new plug, if memory serves me correct, the plug is in 2 parts, you have to release the outer and slide the inner part out. Ie it doesn't feed in the way that the plug goes in to the socket, but from the side. Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #317733 12th Mar 2015 7:07pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
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United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks Miggit. I did all the other wiring today and just need to put the earth switched lead into one or other of the sockets.
Sorted the wiring out, having re-read the whole thread I realised that the pin 17 earth wire (through relay) goes into the male blue connector on the vehicle loom that is kept in the TV unit (but needs to be removed to fit the extra wire to pin 17)
The patch loom male connector goes in place of the white vehicle connector on the TV unit and that white connector goes into the female connector on the patch loom. I re-read the thread from the start and it made sense...
Having got the patch loom connected, and the camera lead connected to the "camera in" socket on the loom, the satnav head unit display all went screwy, lots of horizonal line and colours all wrong. When reverse is selected, the camera comes on but image keeps scrolling vertically.......
Tried the camera lead into the "video in" socket on the loom and the satnav display is now normal but when reverse is selected the image is still scrolling vertically......any idea what could be wrong ? I thought this would be a simpler plug and play job but not working out that way.....
Camera says its PAL and NTSC format but can't see anything in the (very sparse) instructions whether anything needs to be done to change between the two.....

Post #317740 12th Mar 2015 7:28pm
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Member Since: 12 Jul 2014
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That might be because it's getting 2 signals, which are fighting each other for the display. Run the earth lead into the blue plug pin 17 and earth it, and try again, hopefully it will be ok Thumbs Up

Are you using Video in or Camera in? Video in should work when channel 0 is selected in TV mode, Camera in goes to another set of pins in the white plug, 13 and 14 not 6 and 15.

Admin note: this post has had its images recovered from a money grabbing photo hosting site and reinstated Mr. Green  Yesterday I couldn't spell Engineer... Today I are one!
Inventor of the 'Guide-o-Matic automatic wheel alignment tool'
Former long term L322 owner, Up/Down graded to a Classic Tractor!

Post #317758 12th Mar 2015 10:11pm
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Member Since: 07 Feb 2015
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Posts: 67

United Kingdom 2003 Range Rover Vogue 4.4 V8 Zambezi Silver

Thanks Miggit.
Double checked, triple checked and rerouted earth to pin 17 so I know it's earthed correctly.
The image still scrolls on the screen when the camera is plugged into "camera" and "video in".
For some reason when I tried it today, the satnav screen is fine when reserve isn't engaged and pin 17 is not earthed, i.e. normal display of functions so that might be some progress but I don't know what's changed.......
It's almost like the "old fashioned" TVs where you had to twist the knobs to get a good picture and the image would sometimes scroll until the tuning knob was "tweaked" a bit.
Do I have to tune the TV into the camera....although can't see how to do that as I can't access the normal screen when the camera is connected and live......... Sad

Post #317830 13th Mar 2015 11:35am
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