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Member Since: 02 Jun 2011
Location: Where men are men and sheep are nervous.
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Ireland 2008 Range Rover HSE TDV8 Java Black

Probably not to be honest banks in this country have more to be worrying them. I own three fifths of the car anyway and could clear the balance off in the morning if I needed to. My range rover is my hobby and most hobbies cost money and although not to everybody's taste what matters is that I like it Thumbs Up Present :2008 TDV8 HSE
Gone Audi A5 2.7TDI
Gone Discovery 3 HSE
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Post #218351 23rd Oct 2013 7:17pm
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Member Since: 11 Nov 2010
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Shallow and pretentious? Moi?

Where is it generally accepted that the 2010 onwards model year is the worse in terms of external appearance? I think all model years look great, time moves on, designs change, we would be having the opposite discussion if LR had not done the facelifts through the L322's life....

Post #218367 23rd Oct 2013 7:39pm
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
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England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Fashion... Simples Thumbs Up

You either like it, follow it and want to be enjoying it.... Or you don't understand it....

Think that covers it... You know who you are Whistle Rolling Eyes Cool

Post #218415 23rd Oct 2013 11:09pm
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Gazellio @ Prestige Cars

Member Since: 22 Jan 2010
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United Kingdom 2010 Range Rover SE Td6 Zermatt Silver

My business is L322 Range Rovers and in my experience a significant majority prefer the 2010+ look so not sure where the opposing view is coming from?

Also the 2005-2009 Supercharged Grille & Vents are just a "shiny" as the 2010+ items and about 90% of used Range Rovers I get offered have these replacement items fitted.

In my opinion the 2010+ car is no more Blingly than the majority of 2005-2009 cars it just looks a lot more up to date, nothing wrong with better front & rear lights either.

This thread could go on an on as opinion is obviously split on the matter and that's a good thing I guess.

Post #218423 24th Oct 2013 6:32am
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Member Since: 29 Jul 2013
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United Kingdom 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV8 Luxor

Here's my two penneth!

I had a 2005 L322 and when I searched for it I only wanted the touch screen sat nav and I must have found one of the first ones and I loved it (apart from the fuel as it was the 4.4)
I had it a couple of years and kept it standard except for the badge which some dick head had swapped for a superchsrged which it wasn't (the badge was too blingy for me but I didn't want to risk prising it off)
I then had a spell with a sport! Which was very blingy too. It had side steps and chrome bits and bigger wheels etc. it was a nice car but not a full fat. It was a sport that wanted to be a rangy so I ran it for a while (I did like the 3.0 litre jag engine) but it had to go. When I started looking for another full fat I just had to have the 2010 as I thought the modern look of the lights was a vast modern improvement on what was a classic look be coming dated.
I looked at a facelift (in fact I have a mate that has one) but once you have experienced the modern dash and the keyless start you won't go back - so I had to have the new dash - it's space age and so minimalistic - basically a winner worth all that extra!

Just my two penneth!!

Very Happy

Post #218433 24th Oct 2013 7:15am
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Member Since: 25 Mar 2013
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Scotland 2014 Range Rover Vogue SDV6 Santorini Black
It's your car, do what you want with it!

No doubt valid points about the improved interior on the 2010MY dash, the keyless start and many not wanting to go back after sampling those interior revisions... If... the person can afford it and is prepared to pay the premium for it.
And if the answer to either of those questions is no, that's when the circa £4k facelift to pre 2010MY debate seems to kick in.

When the front windows and guttering to a house start to look a little dated and in need of a refresh, most people don't go and buy a new house, they spend a fair amount upgrading the parts important to them. That might or might not sustain or add value to the house (it might even de-value in some situations). In many cases people do it not because they want to make more profit but because they like the house and will enjoy living there more if - in their eyes at least - it looks better.

The 2010MY headlights look and probably perform better than the pre facelift lights and better performance on lights is improved road safety.

Properly done exterior facelifts and revisions are a good thing if that's what the owner wants. Most people work hard for their things and they should spend their money as they see fit Thumbs Up

Post #218451 24th Oct 2013 9:15am
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
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England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Thumbs Up

Post #218557 24th Oct 2013 10:41pm
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Member Since: 05 Mar 2010
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Right.... just caught up! Wasn't expecting that Smile glad I asked! ha ha

so emotional bits aside.. what I take for myself is... and there is one remaining question from my original thread left unclear.. I think!?!

Its up to you... your car!
some like later ones some do not
Most would like a newer one but we are all in different stages of life and financial positions
The newer post 09 cars are more different than I thought to say my 2007

for me, its not status or image thing.. I like cars and I usually change them every year / 18 months or so.. I gave my RR to the mrs and bought a 911 C4s which I handed back after 5 months and took my RR back.. I had it detailed and I felt like I was getting a new car! I missed it that much! The reason for the potential facelift for me is more about personal interest in the car I have and how to keep it interesting to me. Mechanically its been brilliant and is the colour spec I would have again..... so.. yes of course a 4.4 TDV8 SE would be nice.. but for me that's my car plus another 20-30k. With the new L405 out, when will the L322 take a hit? and its it worth making 2 jumps instead of just the 1 over the next 2 years? and taking what will be a huge hit on depreciation twice!

so to my parting question from the original thread.. if "I choose" to facelift my car and spend 4-5k making it new to me again and keeping it for another 18 months / 2 years with then say 90k miles.. will it make the car more desirable for resale and will it be worth more than a standard L322?? i.e would the facelift pay for itself?

if that makes sense?
Thanks everyone for taking the time to debate this one..

Post #218595 25th Oct 2013 8:23am
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Member Since: 03 Aug 2011
Location: Gloucestershire
Posts: 16315

England 2015 Range Rover SVAutobiography SDV8 Loire Blue

Please have a read here...

Around 60% of our work is for motor traders who make the conversion costs back + at point of sale...

Post #218608 25th Oct 2013 8:49am
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Member Since: 06 Jan 2013
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Canada 2008 Range Rover HSE 4.4 V8 Java Black


Given your situation, it sounds like you're itching for a new car. If a thorough detail and a conversion meet your needs, it's certainly a LOT less than a new FFRR. I'd say, 'Go for it!'

A converted car WILL be worth more, and be easier to sell. You may not realize the entire cost when selling, but do the conversion for you and anything you make when you sell it will be a bonus.

Post #218786 26th Oct 2013 1:01am
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Member Since: 05 Mar 2010
Location: Surrey
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United Kingdom 

Thanks again all..

Deffo thinking another 18 months with this car unless lottery comes in Smile

Just a thought.. and Craig, I will be in touch to get an idea of options/costs... Will I lose the adaptive headlights?

Is the overfinch style body kit worth a thought or is that mega money compared to just a facelift?

Also, if I do this... should I really update the wheels in line with the facelift? if so, what works best in your opinions. Don't want to go larger than 20" as will affect ride too much from what I have read!


Post #219234 28th Oct 2013 6:18am
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