I am a big fan of "open" systems and Android is probably one of the best examples. An open system is not as super user friendly as Apples very closed system although it has improved a lot over the years. That is because not all apps have gone through the super rigorous Apple review system.
This can also be an advantage, in my case it is, as you have access to more and more apps and they are becoming better and better.
I love the look and feel of Samsungs version of Android (I have the S3 at the moment and am hunting for a decently priced Note 10.1).
I can not judge whether the Android environment is better than iCloud, because I have always stayed away from the Apple systems (apart from one of the very first Apples a few decades ago). My wife is a long time Apple Macbook user (she does have a Galaxy S though) so we decided it is best to have a Windows system in the house for the stuff that Apples just can't do, so I am the Windows man.
The Google integration of everything is impressive (to me), how easily it all ties together is amazing and very pleasant. That integration is, I expect, similar to what you experience with Apple. Apps will usually share across your devices, based on your Google account and all that. One thing that does stand out is Google Maps of course but I don't think that will be for much longer, I can't see Apple not catching up. I can see them not overtaking though, but never say never.
At present I would say that Android will be the most dominant system for a long time, thanks to the broad user and supplier base, Samsungs success and the fact it is Google driving it. This will ensure that it will remain the market leader in all aspects and I am not sure if Apple will be as up to date, although I don't think they will lag behind by much.
At present I would say they are both still on the same level, just a bit different in user experience. And that is the crux of the matter, what user experience does one prefer. Openness that gives you more apps/toys or super slick integrated but less apps/toys. I would find it hard to believe that an average person (not saying that you are of course) would not find everything they need in both environments.
I think they are both very similar but different (if that makes any sense) and it comes down to personal preferences. Cost of changing over, is it worth it to you ? MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!