I finally got my pride and joy with 4 wheels back last Saturday. It took over 3 weeks to get it sorted, mainly because the airbags/struts took a long time to get here.
While I was waiting I used one of the company Prado's and in all honesty, they are not bad cars, just dull and woefully underpowered. The only plus over my car is that it runs perfect in D, which mine still doesn't.
While the car was sitting there, I also had the horrible full nudgebar removed. I hated it from the beginning but thought it would help me with the traffic here. Well after 2 years I don't think it saved me one single time so it was time to go. The scars still need to be addressed but that will come in time. Even with the scars it looks heaps better !!!
It was good to have a comparison with another well rated car and it gave me new appreciation for the FFRR. It is definitely a lot more sophisticated (I also drove a new full size Landcruiser recently and that is also still not as good as an FFRR).
So I am happily driving around again, hope to get my full automatic gear changes back soon but still a hell of a lot better than any Landcruiser MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!