New to forum -Battery problems and Air Suspension Inactive. | |
First of all I am new to this, so not sure what to do and how it works. So please be kind if I am doing something wrong.
I have a 2004 4.4v8 lpg vogue, have had it one month love it to bits but electronics starting to frustrate me. A week ago the centre console said 'Air Suspension Inactive'. I have noticed the front passenger side does go down slowly. Is this causing that message? It wont let me lower or raise the suspension. Will a weak battery cause suspension problems? when i put a meter across the battery with the engine off it's only reading 12.2 volts where it sould be 12.6V.
Any help or ideas? Thank you Oli
Ps. Also when ever starting the RR it bleeps really loud after about twenty seconds, is this the telephone/bluetooth or what??