For what it is worth : Based on the limited internet research that I have done sofar, I would run a FFRR diesel (TD6, TDV8, TDV6, SDV8) on 100% bio (I would be looking at keeping the car for a long time anyway). I found very little problems that could actually be linked to the use of bio and the cost and benefit to the environment are substantial. I actually read a few benefits of running bio, such as smoother/better running, cleaning effect on the fuel system (hence less wear and longer life ??)
If I were you, try to find as much "reliable" information on bio the pros and cons related to the engine as you can and then decide. Look specifically for the type of problems you can expect and whether the risk can be perceived as high, medium, low. Look at the estimated cost of repair if any etc. etc. etc.
Being in a high risk / high cost industry has taught me a few things about risk management. The thing is to go for ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practical) and look at the consequences, not just worst case but also mild case and their cost. As long as it does not jeopardize your or others safety in any way and it is only cost, then it becomes just a simple calculation of cost versus benefits.
By the way if you add 2so, try to use the environmentally friendly stuff used for chainsaws MY 2010 5.0 SC Galway green and sand interior!!
Have the Faultmate MSV2 Extreme to be tinkering with the settings etc. !!