Key Stuck in the ignition temporarily | |
Hey guys,
Got in the car((2007 model) today and I was travelling down south from manc to london. So unlocked it put all the luggage in took me 20 or so mins to-ing and fro-ing. Anyway then I went back to the car to start it up as normal put the key in turned it, it went to the state where the 'diesel coil lights' comes on and then would not move further. I tried this three times again and it would not move. I then paused for 10 seconds or so tried it again and it did the same only this time only allowing me to move the key to the starter position where the ignition comes on if I moved it whilst the 'diesel coil light' was still on. Then drove the car down south
Started it twice since then and its fine. No idea why it did this.
*my name for it.
**Dont know if its at all relevant but a couple of weeks back I disabled the bonnet alarm switch as it kept going off - btw this forum is awesome as I would not of solved that problem had it not been for this forum.
Last edited by supermario on 25th Dec 2011 8:44pm. Edited 1 time in total