Car is going crazy on me ! | |
After my last issue was resoved by fitting a new alrernator and battery i now have another electrcle problem !
Every so often the headflight lamp flashes at me (the one that says the 2 arrows under it) even though the lights are functioning properly, then the airbag light will come on, than the diles will stay still, then compleatly drop off and stop working, then work again ! The other day the CD kept missing words out of songs, but the screen stayed on.
I have checked the alternator and the battery and its charging fine, ive even run the car with the battery disconected.
Now this seams to happen after i have been driving for 5-10 mins and not all the time, it does seam to happen when we have had a little rain, but like i say it does it after i have set off, not as soon as i start her up ! Could water be getting in somewhere and the wind while driving is forcing it somewhere ? Anyone else had this ?
Oh the car drives fine by the way ! 2007 TDV8 Vogue SE