Not really, there is a lot of stuff on the web about how problematic it can be, but it doesn't seem to be a problem now. Allegedly the Jaguar engine has soft heads which can suffer premature bore wear, so most people get a valve lubrication system fitted.
I've just had a system fitted to my second S/C, and believe me I wouldn't have done it twice if the horror stories on the web about converting S/C's were true! [/quote]
Did you go for a valve lubrication system if so which one and what was the install cost?[/quote]
Yes, a BRC valve lubrication system, total install cost was £2,500. I would estimate 100% payback within 15,000 miles (I'm currently getting around 13-15 mpg on gas at 69.7 pence per litre, so it works out at nearly 30 mpg equivalent). Average economy on the computer is 15 with mixed rural/ motorway driving and some local pottering, and I don't hang around on the motorway. Can get up to 22 if I take it a bit easier! Range Rover-less at the moment - Pining!