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Member Since: 07 Aug 2018
Location: Milton keynes
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United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Santorini Black
2011 4.4 TDV8 front ball joints

Thought I would share my experience doing the front ball joints on my 2011 TDV8. She has done 135k and I’m pretty sure they are the originals. They were certainly well and truly rusted in. No pics I’m afraid but plenty of others in other threads and YouTube videos. Replace the upper and lower arms at the same time. Had a set of Britpart ones fitted 2 years ago by my indi and he has replaced them twice under warranty due to them failing! I’m fed up with them and they have gone a third time so I decided to put a set of lemforder ones on to avoid it happening again. So onto the ball joints.

My torx screws looked they had never been touched, so plenty of heat first and then a decent tight torx bit on a 1/2 ratchet and they came out pretty easy. Could have been used again but I had a new set with my bits bought from advanced factors so the old ones went in the bin. I had been soaking them in decent penetrating fluid for the past few nights to get some assistance but fully expected them
To be a pig. And they actually were not too bad. So how did I do it.

Wheel off, turned full Lock to get best access, didn’t take anything off, caliper and shield etc still in place. Moved the brake flexi out of the the strut mount to make sure I didn’t damage it.
Before starting I used my sds drill on hammer with a chisel bit around as much as I could on the lower side of the ball joint, specifically on the ear where the bolt was, I’m pretty sure this was a big help to break the rust seal, along with the prep work each night before.

Now onto the fun bit, I used a 250mm 1/2 extension with the open end on the ball joint as straight as I could get it, 4.5lb lump hammer and then a couple of minutes of heavy hits and eventually I could see it coming loose. Another spray of penetrating fluid to give it lube and a couple more big hits. And I mean really big hits and it popped out! Cleaned all around the inside of the mounting with a wire wheel on a drill and the mounting surface and then the new lemforder ball joints went in super easy. Wound them in the new torx bolts and plenty of wd40 on them to lube them up a bit.

Second side as juts as easy with the same process. Although as I’m typing this I realise that I forgot to clip the brake like back into the strut mount so I better go do that!

Thoughts I’d do a quick write up to give people confidence that they are doable with basic tools at home on the drive. Just prep for a couple of times and have your weetabix and you will be reet!

Post #710780 1st Feb 2025 7:06pm
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Member Since: 04 Nov 2011
Location: Derbyshire
Posts: 7885

United Kingdom 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE TDV8 Buckingham Blue

That’s good then. My Indy ended up burning a hole in my CV gaiter when he did the ones one mine. Can be a right pain.

Thumbs Up 2011 Range Rover Vogue SE 4.4 TDV8

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Post #710784 1st Feb 2025 7:17pm
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