Hi, I'm buying an off road caravan style off road camper to tow behind myTDV8 2008 L322.
A couple of quick questions about this.
I have always been a manual Landcruiser owner but decided I needed more comfort with the L322. I have always towed in 4th gear and just dropped back in speed to around 95km/hr and therefore had plenty of revs up my sleeve and the car loved it towing about 1.6 Tonn with a boat on the back.
The camper I'm looking at is AGM of 1700kg and TARE of 1160kg. So for the sort of work I will be doing it will be pulling around 1.6 Tonn most of the time.
I worry that with driving in Automatic I won't be pulling enough revs at around 100km/hr (1600 revs max) so thinking that the transmission would rather be in Sports mode and locked in 5th gear for highway travel.
Any thoughts??