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Member Since: 06 Dec 2023
Location: Gloucester
Posts: 649

Scotland 2012 Range Rover Westminster TDV8 Fuji White

Hi, by the same token they're probably up to their ti*s in debt, spending 75%+ of their income on rent, another 10% on Tofu bars and the rest saving up for the new iPhone.

Me, 3 bed detached, in the country (ish) all mine thanks, 2 cars, kids left home (1 music teacher, 1 scientist, 1 pharmacist, 1 in Uni to be a doctor). I worked damn hard for my slice and nothing ever given me, icluding doing a stint in the forces, but I am very happy. If I had more, I'd probably want more still and so on and so on.

If these self opinionated, by the grace of others, Hipsters or whatever you call them ever did a real days graft in thier lives rather than Daddies handouts then they'd understand the real value of money.

It's not what you have, it's how you got it and what you do with it that matters. Many a rich pampered mama's boy overdoped coz they couldn't face the real world or spend life on benefits because they can't be arsed to get out of bed or simply being Dady's girl/boy/we/them/us or whetever the f*** they identify as.

I guess when these people see a Range Rover they assume it's been acquired via entitlement rather than earning it because that's how they go theirs, even if it is 12 years or more old they still see it as a rich boys toy (I see loads of girls in them to be honest).

And of course we are the sol poisoners of the world, not like the GWR Cross Country to Edinburgh I was stood next to on platform 11 of Bristol station on Wednesday night whilst my ride home got cancelled again, that had all it's engines running for what must have been almost an hour, Take the train much more, cough, cough cough, healthy for the planet. Have you ever noticed in a busy train station just how many trains have their massive engines running all the time, and I mean all the time ?

Rant over, back in the box Yawn Fuji White / Jet 2012 4.4 TDV8 Westminster

Post #683968 26th Jan 2024 1:50pm
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Member Since: 17 Sep 2023
Location: Emmerich am Rhein
Posts: 178

Germany 2008 Range Rover Vogue TDV8 Stornoway Grey

In all honesty, I can't for the life of me, remember the last time I was in a train station Rolling Eyes

But I guess running the engine keeps the heaters working ? Laughing

But Like @Fla I also feel special/privileged when I'm floating the Fat one around and yes, I would call that feeling "rich".

Post #683995 26th Jan 2024 6:55pm
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