The handbrake shoes are held in place with pins & springs that turn 90 degrees and lock into the back plate (which you're referring to as the dust shield).
It's because the back plate has rusted through that your shoe retaining pins wouldn't stay in place, so it has to be repaired or replaced. This is fairly comnmon on older L322's.
I replaced the back plates on my 2002 L322 a few years ago, but first cut through one half of the new back plate (at the shortest point) and welded them back together on the car and then painted the weld. This was far easier than removing the hubs for me.
Jon 1992 RR Classic 3.9 efi Vogue
2014 Disco 4 HSE
Both my fatties now gone...
Previous: 2011 L322 4.4 TDV8 Vogue SE /// 2002 L322 4.4 V8 HSE /// 2009 Discovery 3 2.7 TDV6 XS /// 2004 Defender 90 TD5 /// 1993 110 V8 Snatch Landrover /// 2005 Discovery 3 2.7 TDV6 SE (Aus) /// 1990 110 Isuzu 3.9 County (Aus) /// 1976 Series III Trayback (Aus)